(no subject)

Nov 09, 2013 11:54

There was a very hyper reviewer on yesterday's entry which led me to finding this entry.

TITLE: Lindsey Nichole Starchy
PERPETRATOR: AwesomeDolphin
COVER/BANNER ART: Their avatar, which is of some Anime like character with a heart lolipop.

FULL NAME: Lindsey Nichole Starchy
SPECIES: She is an annoying brat.
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
POSSESSIONS: She has a sister named Arianna. She also has a best friend named Grace.
CONNECTION TO CANON:Lindsey is running an errand for her mother and while out it starts raining. She starts running and trips in a mud puddle and gets supper muddy. Her sister asks “did you get a shower already” and Lindsey instantly loses her tempter. This in turn leads to her getting a lecture about threatening people and also says, “What a disgrace! I thought that having one girly girl was bad enough, but if I had to choose between a girly girl and a tomboy, I would prefer, girly girl.” Lindsey then wines about how her mother is playing favorites and how “Arianna herself had heard the entire conversation and [she had the] that she would be spreading it around the entire world tomorrow at school.” At the bus stop someone named Ben says, “Is it true that your mother hates you and is planning to get rid of you?” and then “well, I don't blame her, who would want a Miss Goody Goody Two Shoes in their family anyways?” and “My mom says that good children are bad children, that's why she's so proud of me.” And then “[She] couldn't stand it, [she] reached over and punched his ugly, round, and teeny face.” *sigh* When Ben tries to get his friends to beat her up when Ms. Pearly the bus monitor stops the fight. He throws banana peels at her. Grace gets in trouble because they're both talking during class and the entire class roots for her when she talks about how she is excited for middle school. They lose a supposed battle. She then gets depressed because the old man who helped her up from the mud ignores her and then she whines about how she and her sister want to move but her parents won't let them. (This is just the first chapter. See notes at the end of the sample for the rest.)
ORIGIN: Jessie Slaughter anyone? That is what comes to mind with this character.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: “Harry Potter was always alone, no parents or siblings. But his life is about to change when Lindsey Nichole Starchy comes to Hogwarts.” Didn't meeting Ron and Hermione do this? The writer wants us to believe that her character is a “Miss Goody Goody Two Shoes” only to have said character fly off the handle and beat people up. S

NOTES: The writer has quite the imagination.


It was a foggy afternoon; I had just finished running an errand for my mother. Starting up the slippery hill, I felt my way through the fog; I saw something shiny in the ground, I walked right past it, it could have just been a fake gem or emerald some silly girl just dropped. Through the fog, I saw the outline of a man at the top of the hill; he seemed to be waiting for someone. When I got to the top of the hill, he was just sitting there, squinting at me through the fog, he looked about 70 years old, wearing a big black coat, he looked so sad, I turned my back on him and continued walking.

As I was walking, it started raining. I ran, but slipped in a mud puddle, I got mud all over my clothes and face, and I felt dirty and frivolous. Swearing and feeling embarrassed, I got up, and then I saw him, the man in the big black coat just standing there holding an umbrella over his head, simply staring at me. He came over, helped me up and gave me his umbrella.

"Now run home quickly," he said in a hoarse and croaky voice. I nodded and set off. On the walk home, I regretted turning my back on him when I first saw him, could I have helped him? I slowly made my way home.

"Did you get a shower already?" that was my sister, Arianna; she smirked, knowing that I definitely was not in the mood for jokes and if I didn't hold my temper, I would be in trouble with my mom for sure.

"Stop it!" I hollered as I grabbed her shirt, "stop it, or else" I gasped for breath, "you will pay for it" I threatened, feeling satisfied.

"Lindsey, you come right down here!" my mother screamed, I glared at Arianna, this was all her fault, I blame her one hundred percent. I had to force my feet to move down the stairs, they felt as if they were stuck to the stairs. I grunted and lifted my foot with great effort and pain as I stumbled down the stairs. My mother was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. The look on her face was not pleasant. "Lindsey, what do you think you are doing?!" she screeched the minute I slumped on the couch. She continued, "Just who do you think you are, going around threatening people?!" she paused for breath, and stared at my filthy clothes.

"Lindsey Nichole Starchy!" she bellowed, I gulped, she only uses my full name when she is super mad, that means I am in big trouble. "First you go around threatening people, and now you sit on my grand couch in your filthy clothes acting like you don't have a care in the world!" Ooops! I had completely forgotten that I was still covered in mud. "What a disgrace! I thought that having one girly girl was bad enough, but if I had to choose between a girly girl and a tomboy, I would prefer, girly girl," wait, does that mean she chooses Arianna over me?! How could she?! A mother being a mother should not have favorites! Then, Arianna came striding in; I bet she had been eaves dropping the whole time. She seemed pleased with herself, proud, I would say. I, meanwhile am feeling extremely down, not just because my mother chose Arianna over me, it was because, Arianna herself had heard the entire conversation and I have a feeling that she would be spreading it around to the entire world tomorrow at school.

This is how I imagined the hill when I read the first paragraph. The hill is slippery because it is steep and it has been raining lately. The reason she is going up the hill is because the road she is following happens to go over the hill. There are various houses on either side. The space between the houses isn't far apart as the place is similar to where Harry lives with his Aunt and Uncle. Lindsey was of course running an errand for her mother so I don't think this would be in the country side with a dirt road.

We then jump to the character saying she sees something shiny but said character can't be bothered to see what this item is. She for some reason assumes that it is “a fake gem or emerald some silly girl just dropped”. If I saw something shiny out of the corner of my eye I wouldn't assume it is some fake gem but some kind of coin or a candy wrapper.

It starts raining so she decides to run. That to me is logical. She then slips in a mud puddle. This to me has some problems. Why are there puddles already? If it had been raining within the last few hours there should be a lack of puddles. If the rain is coming down fast then said puddles shouldn't be muddy and puddles on the street or sidewalk have a low chance of being muddy. There is no way she would get muddy to the point Lindsey indicates.

Now, for the rest of the connections to canon.

In chapter two she is stuck going to Grace's house and she doesn't like the fact this girl named Martha because she also wants Grace to be her BFF and Lindsey is being self centered. “[Lindsey] was really mad at [Grace]; she was just showing off that she and Martha are BFFs and that they would be hosting her summer party as a sleepover for only girls! I glowered; Grace had told us that her sleepover would be all gossip and all makeup; we would be dressing up and playing fashion show. It sounded boring; I wanted a party like we had every single year. This sounded so babyish. I fired back, how could she? She knew that I had been waiting to put on my new party outfit; she knew that I had spent ages planning exactly what I would do to attract the new boy, Ben. She knew and she had been jealous of me, because she had a crush on Ben also, but Ben did not like her, he liked me.” Yes... the name of the boy she punched was Ben. If they're not yet in middle school they're honestly not old enough to be having the kind of parties that Lindsey wants and claims that they've had ever year.

When Grace points out “So, it is my part, I get to do whatever I want” Lindsey calls it a Grace tantrum and when she throws a tantrum and says “You are just doing this to make my life miserable” she finds herself no longer invited to any of Grace's parties or sleepovers. She then gets mad because she sees them decorating for a party like she wanted and she came up with the idea in the first place. She tries to punch Grace only to get kicked in the eye and she “[tries] not to drip blood on Grace's family's neatly trimmed grass.” To her pleasure the part was a disaster and she's excited to be going to Yollywando Apricho. “Hooray! I can't wait; it is hard to believe that I will be a middle school student at Yollywando Apricho! It is said that Yollywando Apricho was the top school for middle school students. If you got into it, you were counted lucky and clever. No one thought I had the nerve to even sign up for Yollywando Apricho. In Pillworks Primary, I was known as a shy, clumsy, neat, and organized little know-it-all. I was a teacher's pet, and typically, to the other kids, I was known as a nobody.”

She then proceeds to whine about how she is now unlucky because, “If Grace were your friend, you would be considered lucky. So, I guess I was lucky for three years, but now, I am just about the unluckiest girl in the world. If Grace hates someone, then everyone hates that person. So Grace basically has control over everyone, anyone who argues or disobeys her rules will become an outcast, no one will talk to that person, sit with that person, look at that person, or even think about that person. I am now officially an outcast.” The man in the coat is sad that she rushes by her and she then gets a lecture about being late and has to scrub and clean the dirty cafeteria and Grace calls her Cinderella and that night she dreams of the old man in the coat and she gets called down stairs and she bemoans the fact “Then she stopped when Arianna came bounding down the stairs, humming a strange tune. She was all dressed and made up. She was the most popular girl in school, all the girls admired her, and the boys practically fell on their knees whenever she came near, that's right, she is what you call Ms. Popularity.” She then finds a box with pictures... which happens to be very confusing.

The third chapter is more of Lindsey being bullied and her parents calling her a disgrace. Well... she is getting into fights and punching Grace for no good reason.

Chapter four has the man in the coat show up and rescue her and tell her that she will get to start at Hogwarts the next term. She gets to meet the Weasley family.

rating - toxic, je - student (new to school), pc - bloodwrath hufflepuff

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