0030: HIDDEN TRUTHS, HIDDEN LIES - Megan Dumbledore

May 04, 2003 21:36

I get to work the nine-hour uber-shift at work for the next three days in a row. Time to dig into that backlog.

PERPETRATOR: luvs2party

SUE-O-METER: (how bad is it?)




FULL NAME: Megan Dumbledore
SPECIES: Human/Witch
HAIR: "Her long brown hair flashed with gold in the sunlight, wisping around her face in the gentle wind."
EYES: "sparkling green eyes"
MARKINGS: None I've seen so far, but I started feeling ill after about the fifth chapter.
POSESSIONS: A whole heap of Muggle stuff, including a discman, makeup, and blue jeans.

ORIGIN: Dumbledore's niece - her father was Dumbledore's brother. (Wasn't it mentioned somewhere that Dumbledore's brother got in trouble for using 'inappropriate charms' on a goat? Did that give anybody else unpleasant flashbacks to those previews for The Animal? Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?) She was raised in Canada, for no better reason than the author is probably Canadian.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Dumbledore's niece. Harry and Draco think she's hot... especially Draco. Becomes Ginny Weasley's New Bestest Friend.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Making Harry and Draco fall in lust with her at first sight.

NOTES: My last few Sues have mostly been of the 'grammatically incorrect' variety - no spell-check, no grammar, no talent. So I figured today I'd post one that at least had some half-decent writing.

Unfortunately, as I have discovered, half-decent writing only makes the Sue hurt that much more.


An Unexpected Arrival

*A/N: I'm soooooo sorry that it's taking me so long to find the time to type! But now that it's March break hopefully I can type more chapters! PLZ REVIEW! (Thanks!)

"Uncle Albus!" Megan leapt of the train's steps and smothered her face in her uncle's fluffy beard. "You've grown," he said as his eyes twinkles with sadness and relief behind his half-moon spectacles. Megan smiled. A tall thin porter came to their side and politely chimed, "Miss Dumbledore," and they followed him to a coach waiting to take them to the gates of Hogwarts.

Once they arrived Megan stepped out of the coach and looked up at the many towers of Hogwarts. "Uncle, where will I be sleeping?" she asked, imagining how many rooms there were. "In the Gryffindor dormitory," he replied. "There is already a bed there for you. Gryffindor was where your father and I were," he added. "I know", Megan said softly. Her tone was bittersweet. But right at that moment, breaking the silence, an older girl with short strawberry-blonde hair trotted towards them and greeted Megan, and then her uncle as "Professor Dumbledore". That'll take some getting used to, Megan thought to herself. She followed the two around the grounds and then into the castle. It was magnificent. Megan had seen nothing like it. They continued on their brief tour of the castle, giving little pointers here and there. It ended in front of a grand painting of a rather robust woman. "Hello Prof. Dumbledore. Is this the new student?" she asked. "Yes," he replied, "and I believe that password is turkey stew." And with that the fat lady bowed her head and the whole portrait sung open revealing a large circular room. The Head Girl then said goodbye to go for dinner and Dumbledore and his niece walked into Gryffindor tower.

He led Megan up to the girl's dorms and into a room with a number 5 written on the door. At the foot of a bed at the end of the room were Megan's trunk and a backpack containing all of her belongings. "Are you going to come down for dinner?" Dumbledore asked her sweetly. "No", she said not looking at him. "I don't feel like eating, plus I'm not hungry. I had lots of snacks on the train" Megan said, and gave the same expression she had been giving everyone lately, saying I'm ok, but it was beginning to drain her, because she really wasn't. With a face full of concern, Dumbledore turned to leave. Not wanting her uncle to be worrying about her she quickly added, "I've had to deal with brand new situations before. I adapt well, and fast," she said hoping this would reassure him. "Alright" he sighed, "and if you need anything, you know where to find me." And with that he left.

Megan changed into what she called her "shmucky clothes", and unzipped her backpack. She took out a little photo album and got under the heavy covers. She opened it up to a picture of her best friends. They had their arms wrapped around each other and were laughing. Page after page, the sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach grew. When she reached the end, she slowly closed the album and held it to her chest. "I miss them," she whispered to her self as a single tear streaked down her cheek.


As the students poured into the great hall, Draco searched the mass of black for the girl. You would think she'd be easy to spot? He thought. But he couldn't find her. Once dinner had started he peered over all the students in the hall. Disappointed at realizing she wasn't there, he pouted over his food the rest of the meal.

Harry had also realized she wasn't at dinner but still decided not to tell Ron about her until tonight.

The Great Hall started to empty and Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny headed off to the Gryffindor tower. Since it was Friday night, almost everyone was in the common room chatting, playing games, and just relaxing after a long week of classes. At around 11:30 Ginny, Hermione, and two other girls in fifth year dragged their heavy bodies up the stairs. They said goodnight to Hermione and continued up to their dorm room. Ginny opened the door but stopped immediately when she saw a fourth bed with someone in it. The other girls realized this too and froze on the spot. "Hang on," one of the girls said as she knelt to the floor to pick up a small piece of parchment. It was a note, which read:

Dear Amy, Barb, and Ginny, As you are now aware, there is a fourth person in your dorm. She will be attending Hogwarts from now on. Please make her feel welcome. She has been through a lot of heartache and has had massive changes occur recently in her life. I trust you will understand. Sincerely, Professor Dumbledore

The three stared at the paper blankly. "It must be pretty bad then," Barb said quietly. Not quite knowing what to do, they got ready for bed in silence. Too hesitant to even whisper, they mouthed goodnight to each other before pulling the curtains on their four-posters shut. Ginny lay awake for a while. Her anxiety to meet this new girl grew as she thought of inviting her to go to Hogsmede with her the next day. Yes. That's exactly what I'll do! She said to herself. Ginny lowered herself under the sheets and closed her eyes to a sound sleep.

A/N: Hope your enjoying it! Please remember to review! I still have 47 pages to type up (plus what I'm continually adding!) so keep checking for updates! HAVE A GREAT MARCH BREAK!

y - hogwarts years (non-specific), or - makeup, or - clothing, ar - friend to all, rating - bad, rom - harry potter, sw-o - sparklypoos, om - muggle technollogy (ipod like), rom - draco malfoy, b - speshul eyes, be - green eyes, rom - none, bh - golden hair, related to dumbledore, pt - love triangle, sw-o - tootsitramp, ship - harry potter/oc, pa - au - alternate backstory mangled, ship - draco/oc, bh - brown hair, e - canadian, pc - relationship sue, b - speshul hair

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