0031: Madeline Nicola Snape - Madeline Nicola Snape

May 05, 2003 21:57

'Nother one from the backlog.

TITLE: Madeline Nicola Snape
PERPETRATOR: Angel Lily Lupin

SUE-O-METER: (how bad is it?)




FULL NAME: Madeline Nicola Snape. Didn't you read the title?
SPECIES: Human/Witch
HAIR: unknown
EYES: unknown

ORIGIN: Snape's daughter. Her mother was killed by Death Eaters, and Snape doesn't want her to go to Hogwarts, despite the fact that Maddy really wants to go.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: 'Snape's Daughter' seems to be about it.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Wandless Magic. She goes to a special school for it.

NOTES: Ow. Just... ow. Worst part is, according to the author's notes, there's at least one more Sue coming... probably two.


I don't own J.K Rowling Characters, but I do own Madeline Snape, and Monica Madden, Alexis Black.


Madeline Snape was born on December 24, 1986 in Surrey, England. Madeline had the best parents Severus Snape and Nicola Snape. A year after Maddy was born; a death eater killed Nicola one night when Severus was at Hogwarts. Severus was devastated that his wife was died, but relieved that his baby girl wasn't hurt.

* 10 year later Madeline P.O.V*

I was in my bedroom drawing a picture of a boi I saw in my dream when someone started to call me.

" Maddy, please come here," I heard my name being called, "we need to talk." It was my daddy.

" Yea daddy, what do you want?" I ask walking into the living room were my dad sat looking at a letter.

"Maddy your don't going to Hogwarts." My daddy said looking at me.

" What?" I yelled looking at my dad see if he was joking.

" Your going to a school where you can do wandless magic" My dad said looking at me " you learn you rest of the stuff you need to, I will take you out when you are in your sixth year." My dad said looking at the floor crying.

" Why are you crying daddy?" I asked sitting in his lap now.

" Your mummy went to the school, then, in my sixth year, her parents forced her come the Hogwarts" I started to cry " we fell in love at first sited." By this time we're crying together " you know you look just like your mum." My daddy said after he stops crying.

"I know, everyone says that." I knew my mum died when I was a baby, but I've seen picture. "I wish I could see what she was like in person." I said, drying my tears on my daddy's robes.


I hope you like.

Review and tell me what you thing.

I generally only quote one chatper, but this one had a second little author's note that just begs to be mocked.

I got this review from someone named Brigit that am about to delete. After reading what he/she said I don't know if am going to keep on writing, please tell me what I should do.

This is he/she review

*cringe* honestly, I don't know how you got so many uber-nice reviews. "drawing a picture of a boi" you should not use slang like that in writing. it's just... *shudder*

Snape's dialouge is like that of a third grader. he is a very smart and articulate man, what is wrong with him? he's so out of character. Madeline is supposed to be ten, but she also talks like she's about five.

For the love of god, proof read.

And why did you write a fic if you didn't even know where you were going with it or have a plot? you shouldn't have to ask readers for some ideas.
Dear Brigit,

F**k you, when I wrote this story I had the plot. Everything on my computer the next day got deleted. As For Snape being out of character, I know he's not nice but this is my story not your. And guess what I don't give a flying f**k, now how Madeline talks. I did proof read the story, I have a problem with reading and writing. If you don't have anything nice to say in a review that don't.

Oh and one more thing Brigit learn to spell right B***H

y - hogwarts years (non-specific), pw - woobie/cry for me, af - wandless magic (child mastery), rating - toxic, related to snape, pa - au - canon mangled, pa - au - alternate backstory mangled, sw-o - bitchiwitch, pt - death of parent(s), p - thirty sue pile up, b - unknown eye color, nts - name is in the title (oc), b - unknown hair color

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