(no subject)

Aug 24, 2012 22:21

TITLE: Love of Legend
PERPETRATOR: Aileen Dickinson I'm hoping that a twenty-two year old Suethor is smart enough not to use her real name on her fanfiction account.
COVER/BANNER ART: Her avatar, some Anime character.

FULL NAME: Harry “Emerald” or “Aries Lorien Riddle” and Leo, Kieran (who? Actually, I think this is Leo, but I can't be sure)
SPECIES: not the real Harry Potter, that is for sure
HAIR: like canon
EYES: like canon
MARKINGS: like canon
POSSESSIONS: an inheritance
CONNECTION TO CANON: He escapes, finds Leo and Leo takes him to get his money out of the bank. The second chapter is an inheritance chapter where he finds out that he was actually adopted into the potter family but they don't know who adopted him because he was blood adopted. There is a lot of character derailment and bashing of Dumbledore, Hermione and Ron.
ORIGIN: Harry is abused by the Dursley family and he ends up in Leo's hands, who calls him Emerald. Harry is only fourteen.Sirisu gets excited to kick out the entire Order of Pheonix. (Why?) He was adopted by the potters and is really the Son of someone named SelenaMorgana Dragonov and Tom Riddle.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Potter house is “ classified as Noble House if they reach a certain amount of monetary assets, they need to be quite rich in simple words”. By claiming the title Harry is no longer a restricted minor. (That isn't what emancipation means!) He's also an heir to the houses of Potter, Dragonov, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Le Fa. As for his powers... I'm posting a second sample from chapter five.



A pecking on the window roused him from his deep sleep. Thinking if what he could be he realized that it was Hedwig, getting up he opened the window letting her in. She rubbed her beak against his cheek and then perched on the bedpost. Not knowing what times it was, Harry decided to take a shower, and then get something to eat. He stripped of his clothes, leaving them on top of the bed, and headed in the bathroom. While waiting for the water to warm he examined his condition on the mirror. He was full of nasty bruises, 'How in the hell Leo didn't react to this state? Maybe it's not unusual there' he thought. Stepping under the spray he let the warm water to shoot his sore muscles, after a while he started to wash away the blood, followed by his hair. It was a good 40 minutes later that he stepped out of the bathroom, when someone knocked on his door.

He went to see without thinking. At the other side there was a smirking Leo. Leo who was eyeing him, strangely? With a start Harry realized he had only a towel wrapped around his hips. He already could feel a major blush spreading on his skin.

"Um.." he was so embarrassed!

" 'Lo there! You skipped lunch and I thought you could use with something to eat" true to his words there was a tray full of food hovering behind him "and I also wanted to check on your injuries. That's not part of my job, but .. do you mind if I enter?" asked Leo.

"I.. um.. there's no need. Really.. I don't want to bother you…" he said in a small voice.

"Nonsense." sighing Harry stepped aside for Leo to enter.

The young man put the tray on the little desk by the window and then turned to face Harry with a pensive expression.

"They did a really nasty job on you.. Let me see, you must be hurting something fierce" Harry couldn't move while Leo got in front of him. Mere inches separating them. He took a sharp breath when he felt the man big hands on his sides. "There seem to be a couple of ribs broken, I've got a potion for that don't worry and also a salve for the bruises and that swollen lip of yours" added caressing the boy's mouth with his thumb.

'Is he trying to kill me?' "Does anything else hurt?" he asked.

second sample...

Father: Thomas Marvolo Riddle
Mother: Selena Morgana Riddle nee Dragonov (deceased)
Adoptive Father: James Charles Potter (deceased)
Adoptive Mother: Lily Marie Potter nee Evans (deceased)
Titles: Lord of the Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter
Heir of the Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Dragonov
Heir of the Most Noble, Most Ancient and Most Honorable House of Gryffindor
Heir of the Most Noble, Most Ancient and Most Honorable House of Slytherin
Heir of the Most Noble, Most Ancient and Most Venerable House of Le Fay
Abilities: Natural Occlumens, Legilimens
Natural Animagus, multi forms
Eidetic Memory
Fire Elemental
Wind Elemental
Power: Mage level - 160 points
Bonds: Sirius Black, godfather
Lucius Malfoy, godfather
Narcissa Malfoy, godmother
Remus Lupin, werewolf kin
Kieran Black, soul mate
Magical creatures, number three, familiars
NOTE: Horcrux vessel, belonging to Thomas Marvolo Riddle.

related to voldemort, stu - voldemort, rating - toxic, stu - harry potter

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