(no subject)

Aug 23, 2012 20:05

Well, today's entry is different from what we normally see, but still all to similar.

Edit: There is a possibility that the writer of Wands and Winx has found out that her fanfic was featured here and has sicked some of her friends on the journal thread. While I don't mind you guys replying please keep in mind that I also don't want to lock down comments on a thread or be forced to delete anything.

TITLE: A Different Reality
COVER/BANNER ART: It is their Avatar, and not the blue kind.

FULL NAME: Lord Helles, Ariana Dumbledore, Aberforth, Harry, the Weasley family, the Malfoy family
SPECIES: half blood
HAIR: white hair
EYES: blue eyes
POSSESSIONS: an entire list of classes
CONNECTION TO CANON: The first chapter is copies the scene between Dumbledore and Snape when he begs for Dumbledore's help and when Dumbledore tells him the boy lives, but instead it Ariana Dumbledore instead of Albus. The second chapter is the scene between McGonagal and Dumbledore... (this is real easy as I just need to replace Dumbledore with Ariana) The third chapter is original material where Sirius Black is facing trial and he is under the veritaserum and says that Peter is an animangus and he gets released and gets to take care of Harry instead of the Dursley family. She tells them that Harry is not to receive special attention at school but he gets special lessons the following summer. Chapter four skips a ton of stuff and some how he is able to make friends with the Weasley family who happens to have a big manor and Draco was poor so he makes friends with him too. He is really good friends with Fred and George, not Ron.
ORIGIN: See the summary posted in the notes.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: I bet you guys can guess who Lord Helles is. Apparently Aberforth adopting Voldemort is enough to teach a child who was born because of a love potion the concept of love. Apparently Ariana recovered from her TBI and is a sane person too. The list of teachers is rather amusing... see the second part of the sample. Also, “Every few years, the illegimate Board of Governors would try to grab power back at Hogwarts. Everytime, Ariana shunted them out the door and charmed the door to have the Founders' Charter on it, stating that Hogwarts was independent and they were always fuming and cursing. Especially Lucius Malfoy. He nearly killed the Headmistress once out of anger but stopped himself before he could break the law.” (What the Suethor doesn't realize is that ALL schools have some sort of overseeing body in order to protect the students from the teachers.)

NOTES: I read the summary “In another world, in another reality, things are highly different. Tom Riddle was adopted by Aberforth. Voldemort never existed - the Dark Lord is Lord Helles. Hogwarts has a Headmistress. Harry has his father's messy hair but his mother's hair color and eyes. And Lily's intelligence and wit. It is not the world we know... it is a different one altogether.” and it just... jumped out to me. On the positive side of things, the writer says in an author's note for chapter five. “I, the author, have decided to completely rewrite A Different Reality as well as change the title. This was merely a plot bunny I had, unfortunately not a lasting one. I apologize to all loyal readers, but you will like the new story, I guarentee it.”


Snape was bowing on a cliff overlooking Hogwarts. Snape was panting and waiting for someone. With a silent pop, an elderly lady appeared in dark blue robes.

"Don't kill me!" Snape pleaded.

"That is not my intention." The elderly lady said, now turned from Snape, standing on the edge of the cliff. Her dark blue robes were rippling behind her, making her an impressive figure.

"Well, Mr. Snape?" The lady used the same title from when Snape was in his school days. "What message does Lord Helles have for me?"

"No - no! I'm here on my own account!" Snape was wringing his hands and looked a little mad, with his robes rippling, his hair straggling, and his face contorted in sadness and anger.

"I come with a warning - no, a request - please!"

At last the lady turned and faced Snape. Even in her elderly years she was still the figure Grindelwald and Lord Helles feared. She radiated power, and she hid a deep pain within her.

"What request could a Dark Denizon make of me?" She asked.

"The prophecy - the prediction - Trelawney -"

And here is the list of teachers for the school

Ariana Dumbledore - Headmistress
Minerva McGonagall - Transfiguration, Head of Gryffindor - Deputy Headmistress
Filius Flitwick - Charms, Head of Ravenclaw
Severus Snape - Potions, Head of Slytherin
Pomona Sprout - Herbology, Head of Hufflepuff
Aurora Sinistra - Astronomy
George Andrensen - History
Silvanus Kettleburn - Creatures
Remus Lupin - Magical Defense
Tom Riddle - Physical Education
Wallace Stone - Dueling (third-year elective)
Augusta Longbottom - Politics & Finance
Arabella Figg - Muggle Studies (compulsory for those raised in a Magical environment, removed at third-year)
Jerome Resort - Wizard Studies (compuslory for those raised in a Muggle environment, removed at third-year)
Sybill Trelawney - Divination (third-year elective)
Poppy Pomfrey - Healing (third-year elective)
Micheal Twan - Ancient Runes (third-year elective)
Enid Hooch - Quidditch (first-years only)
Septima Vector - Arithmancy (third-year elective)
Denzel Lenovon - Warding (fifth-year elective)
Nicholas Flamel - Alchemy (fifth-year elective)
Perenelle Flamel - Art (fifth-year elective), Music (fifth-year elective)

Electives are offered in third-year (Divination, Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, Healing, Dueling) and fifth-year (Warding, Alchemy, Art, Music). Quidditch lessons from Madam Hooch are compulsory for all new students. All teachers are, with the exception of Madam Hooch, are to be referred to as Professor. Studying Muggles are compulsory for all persons raised in a Magical environment. Studying Wizards is compulsory for all persons raised in a Muggle environment.

stu - albus dumbledore, rating - toxic, stu - aberforth dumbledore, stu - harry potter, sue - ariana dumbledore

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