0026: About a Keeper and a Beeter - Laylana Fairyweather

Apr 30, 2003 21:23

This one is one chapter, two thousand, two hundred words... and three bloody paragraphs.

TITLE: About a Keeper and a Beeter (her spelling)
PERPETRATOR: Laylana-Fairyweather (*gag*)

SUE-O-METER: (how bad is it?)




FULL NAME: Laylana Fairyweather. Duh.
SPECIES: Human/Witch
HAIR: "She was more into the punk seen and as such loved her cool hair. It was Ebony black with 2white streaks she usually pulled back. Her hair was long so the put it up in a ponytail and clip for quidditch."
EYES: not described
MARKINGS: None mentioned
POSESSIONS: None mentioned

ORIGIN: From Bulgaria (is 'Fairyweather' a Bulgarian name?) but refused to go to Durmstrang because they don't let girls play Quidditch there.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Replaces one of the Weasley twins as Gryffindor Beater. Falls in love with Oliver Wood.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: The best Beater Gryffindor ever had. *sob*

NOTES: This fic makes my eyes water, and the lack of paragraphs is only half the reason. The whole thing is just... you know, I can't even describe it. Just read the sample, and remember to take frequent breaks to give your eyes a rest.


Laylana was a small girl but was tougher than she looked. She played beater for griffindor and was the best they had so far. Her and George Weasley were the team that made up the two beaters. They worked together and were great at it. Fred, George's twin was mad she beat him for the position but when he saw her play he knew why. She could hit the bludger like nothing he had ever seen. Besides that she had better aim than him. Her dream was to play beater for Bulgaria her home land. People laughed at her for this because girls weren't usually beaters and the main quidditch teams never had girls but she was going to change that. Not many people knew about her till now. She was 1year older than harry potter and refused to got to durmstang. She complained they were sexist and knew she would have a better chance here than there. She was more determined than anyone to win the quidditch cup. She thought it would prove more girls wouldn't bring a team down. She was more into the punk seen and as such loved her cool hair. It was Ebony black with 2white streaks she usually pulled back. Her hair was long so the put it up in a ponytail and clip for quidditch. It came time for the first quidditch practice and a new captain had been appointed because the old one had graduated. She was one of the first down and the first in the girls locker room. Then all of the sudden 3 girls rushed in giggling about the new captain. They saw her there looking at a photo and a tear drop on it. She quickly wiped her eyes and put away the photo in a bag. She stood up and the girls were looking at her fishnet armings and her hair. "I'm sorry this is griffindor practice I believe slytherin is in 4hours." The one with the bag that said Katie on it said with a preppy sneer. "Oh no I am in the right place I am the new beater Laylana fairyweather and you Katie should know me. I turned your hair blonde for a day because of your tongue." I added evilly. "Oh a girl a beater this should be fun, by the way I liked it better that way anyway my mom wouldn't let me keep it." She said snobbishly. "Oh scared of mommy. Well lets see what you and your mom think of this." And with that she put her hand on Katie's head and turned it purple. As she walked out of the locker room she could hear shrieks coming from the girls. She walked out on to the field and took off on her nimbus 2001. It was the latest model and was very fast. She felt the wind whooshing past her face. It was the only time when she was free, no stereotypes and free of her past. Flying was all that kept her sane and helped her not to do what she was driven to all the time. She remembered the blood. The way it felt trickling from her fingers. How she had to wear gloves all the time so no one would notice. She took up flying to be different at first, then she did it for the way she felt. That freedom she only got on a pitch.

"Hey you get down here!" Cried a man from down on the pitch. I flew down and landed like a feather. "Yeah what do you want?" I asked, mad that he made me get down. "I am Oliver Wood. Quidditch captain and you I assume are the new beater." He said looking her over with a weird look. "Yeah and listen 'Oliver' do you expect me to play with those?" She said pointing at the 3 girls from the locker room. "Oh that's Alicia Spinet, Angelina Johnson, and that is.." He said pointing at each one until she cut him off. "Katie Bell. We 'meet' do you like what I did with her hair?" I said with a smirk. "Woah you did that!" Said a red head that was firmiliar to me by the name of George. "Sure did!" I said as I gave him one of those gangster style hand hug things. "Supp George! Like my work on the snob?" I said proud. "Masterful!" He said almost laughing. "But why did you?" "Can you imagine, she was dissing the armings and the hair." I said shaking my hands and head. "Imagine the nerve!" He exclaimed. "Hey Wood do you think we can toss a beater around a bit while we wait for potter! He's late again. Probably snogging with either Hermione, Cho, or I heard a rumor about him and Draco." He said with a shiver. "Eeww 2 guys snogging?" I said scrunching my nose and the shivering. "Yea but Draco is kinda cute, he reminds me of this guy I meet in a mosh pit..." I said daydreaming and then smirking. "Gross Draco no promise me." "Well you know I cant promise you a damn thing." " Still don't tell me about it." "Who else am I gonna tell, those preps. It'd probably make them sick you know how I am. Give me blood!!!!" "Yeah true, hey tell wood here. It'd be fun to see the quidditch captain puke!!!" We both laughed. "Just go you two sicklings, go practice!" He said waving his hands away. Me and George took off laughing until wood let a bludger out and we began smacking it around. "Hey George go long!!" I yelled as he went all the way to the other goal post. I smacked it to him and he had to lean back to catch it. "Good one Laylana" he screamed to me. "Try getting this one!" He said as he tossed one a good 15 feet away. I zoomed over and tossed it back at him. He caught it and we kept passing it on to eachother till potter got here, then wood called us in. "So Harry spill who were you snogging with?" George said elbowing him in the side. But harry wasn't listening he was starring at Laylana. "Umm my face is here!" She said pointing at her head. Everyone laughed and harry blushed. "Who is she?" He said pointing at her. "I am Laylana Fairyweather. Your new beater!" I said bending down to look at his face. He was still starring at her boobs. "There are D cups ok! Does that answer your question?" She said pointing at her boobs. Then bending down to look at him again. "Oh sorry, never seen them that big before." He said blushing and looking at the floor, obviously embarrassed. "Harry I don't think you want to get involved with her she is well hard core!" George said about to burst out laughing. "What's that?" he said shyly. "Umm that means I like to use knifes, whips, hand cuffs, leather, and torture devises, k Hun?" She said like he was 5. "Oh!" He said his eyes getting big at the thought of it. "So who were you snogging?" She asked wondering who could like him. "Umm *caugh*" he said lightly "Sorry who was that?" She asked with a smirk. "Ginny?" he said shyly looking at George. "WHAT?!" George said stopping laughing and sounding angry. "YOU DID WHAT?!" He yelled. George all of the sudden pounced and started punching harry in the nose till he bleed. "I will leave the rest to Ron, OH IS HE GONNA KILL YOU!!!!!!" George said happily but still angry. "Okay lets start you all know your positions." Wood said clapping his hands. They all grabbed their brooms and took off. 'God she looks beautiful and what's more Is she is as determined as I am to win and she's good. But everyone says she's hard core? Do I really want to get into that?" Wood thought watching Laylana as she sped through the air trying to knock Katie off her broom. When practice ended the slytherins walked on the pitch. It was obviously their turn. Just then wood came up to Laylana. "Listen nothing against you but you're what most of the guys on that team desire, so could you flirt with them, please." He said Laylana smirked. "This will be fun. Of course anything for the team." She said as she knocked the bludger forcefully down to the ground and straight into the whole for it in the box, where George was waiting to lock it in. She saw everyone on slytherin had there mouths open. She smirked and landed. Her and George slapped hands and George went off the field, this left only Laylana who pretended to look over the slytherin team with interest. She sat down in the stands and took off her robe revealing her tight leather pants and a low cut red halter. She took off her armings, took off the clip in her hair, then pulled out the ponytail. She flipped her hair around ruffled it with her fingers. She looked over to see all of them staring at her with open mouths. She pulled out a lollipop from her pack. She stuck it in her mouth with the wrapper then took the wrapper off with her tongue spitting it on the ground. She sucked on it and licked it until after 5 minutes it was gone they all marveled at her. She threw it all the way to the top of the stands. Only the seeker seemed un interested as if he knew he could get a million girls like that. She noticed the seeker as Draco Malfoy. She reached a stereo out of her bag and she turned it on. She plopped in her kittie C.D. and pushed play. What I always wanted came on. She took out red nail polish and a black crackle nail polish. She put this on and the took out safety pins and stuck them through her ear and tongue where she had piercings. At this Draco looked like he was in love. She looked at them and got up with the stereo at her side. She went up to them and touched the captains face looking at him seductively. She did the looks at every one and when she got to Draco she ran her hand across his chest. "And who are you?" Draco said as she was about to leave. "Someone to be named if anyone has the courage to pursue me." She said mistfully. "Hey Malfoy back off it's obvious she wants a real man." Came Flint's Voice from the front. "It doesn't matter to me I can wait till the end of the year. I'll just ask wood to go to the dance with me in the mean time." She said in an oh well kind of voice. "We'll see about that." Draco piped up. "So wee shall." I replied. Then I walked off. When I was out of sight I ran to the griffindor tower to tell him the plan worked.

"So how did it go?" He said anxiously. "Don't get your underwear in a wad! Wait a moment while I get these out, there dead uncomfortable." I said taking out the safety pins. "Yes it worked, and besides that I have Flint and Malfoy fighting over who will take me to the dance." She said with a smirk to end all smirks. "Are you sure you're hard core?" He said shyly. "I dunno really. I guess the way I dressed the music I listened to got me a stereotype that lasted." She said thinking hard. "Do you maybe wanna go out some time?" He asked nervously. "Sure, just don't let it interfere in quidditch. I do get hit every once in a while, so don't make a scene, ok?" I said worried about quidditch of all things. "Yeah same to you. I was just thinking of that my self." He said in that wonderful British accent. "I love that accent!" I said putting my thumb on his chin. "Really?" He said suprised "I guess it's me, Growing up in France, never heard that till now." I said lightly. "That's were it's from! I was thinking maybe it was the piercing." He said smiling. "No piercings don't change the way you talk. It's just the bit I caught from living there. Do you think it sounds ok?" I said in a bit of an accent myself. "I like it a lot, it's perfect for you." He said stroking my hair. "I wonder could it be?" I said sarcastically. "What?" He said almost laughing. "Real love, I've never seen it before." I said looking deep into his eyes. "Neither have I. It might be. Between the most unlikely of people." He said looking in mine. "That's the first time someone has said that to me without looking at my boobs." I said in a bit of a laugh. "That settles it I have found my one." He said picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder, and carrying me towards his room. "Oliver! Let me down. We don't know anything about one another yet." I yelled banging his back. "I am obsessed with quidditch, and I am non-aggressive. Need to know anything else?" He said jokingly. "I don't want you to be like the others, I want to know you well first." I said as he looked at me. "Hmm.. Agreed." He said putting me down.

y - hogwarts years (non-specific), ntt - sporting title, ship - oliver/oc, ap - athletic pursuit, e - turkish, bh - white hair, sw-o - sparklypoos, rom - oliver wood, rating - awful, ph - durmstrang, e - bulgarian, sw-o - quanonreip, ntm - mystical animal names, pc - punk, ph - gryffindor house, pc - parasite sue, sw-o - tootsitramp, pw - girl power - not!, rom - oc, pa - au - alternate backstory mangled, bh - black hair, pc - relationship sue, pw - text-block-of-doom, b - unknown eye color

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