0024: Kat's Kiss - Kat Renzu

Apr 28, 2003 21:56

This one is... short. Short, but enthusiastic.

TITLE: Kat's Kiss

SUE-O-METER: (how bad is it?)




FULL NAME: Kat Renzu
SPECIES: Human/Witch
HAIR: "Sandy Brown"
EYES: "Jewell green"
MARKINGS: None mentioned (yet)
POSESSIONS: None mentioned (yet)

ORIGIN: Who knows? A Slytherin
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Best friends with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Kisses Draco, which is apparently the whole point of the fic.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Being friends with the main characters despite being in Slytherin. Apparently a laundry spell, since she says she wears the same clothes every day.

NOTES: I think this one can speak for itself.


Allright.I thought you'd need some info about MY characters before the story begins.

Name:Kat Renzu
Weight:102 lb.
Hair:Sandy Brown
Eyes:Jewell green
Other:Kat is a very playful person.She can also be serious too.She loves to eat and never gains a pound.She is a student at Hogwarts and is in Slytherin.Her friends are all 16 like her and they are Draco,Hermoine,Harry and Ron.(Yes HHandR ARE her friends) Kat always wears the same clothes almost everyday which include a white halter top with white capris and a belly button ring with a green jewell.Her hair is strait and she normally wears it down.She only wears glitter lip gloss,light blush and white/pink eyeshadow.She is kinda tan.
(Ya know,not white but not dark)She also wears a silver chain anklet and white sandals.Also Sparki's best bud.

Name:Sparki Kit
Weight:105 lb.
Hair:Light blonde
Eyes:Crystal Blue
Other:Kat's best buddy.She's almost always playful.Can be (but not much) serious.She eats only what is served to her.She's also in Slytherin.Her friends are Draco and practically everyone Kat likes.She wears a Deep blue normal shirt with Queen writtin on it.She wears denim jeans and has a toe ring and usually wears burkinstocks.She wears a light brown lipstick with dark blush and light blue eyeshadow.She is fairly tan.She also has strait hair and wears it in a pony tail.

Now that thats over with,lets begin!

-Kat's Kiss-

Kat's sandy brown hair gently blew back as she opened the window in her dorm room.She sucked in all the fresh air.'Ah,finally!Fresh air!' Kat walked over and sat on her bed.She stared blankly out the window and smiled.She finally snaped out of it and glanced at her watch."Wah!!" Kat clumsily fell off the bed.Sparki marched out of the bathroom.She flung a tube of toothpaste at Kat."Since you used all the toothpaste last night we need some pronto!" She strode over to Kat and helped her up."Let's just go ahead and eat." Kat nodded.

They raced each other down the stairs like they usually did every day and once again Sparki won.Kat sighed. "Not again!" Sparki grinned.

They pushed open the door to the Great Hall and walked in.Kat was chewing on some gum and blew a bubble.After it had popped she flicked it at someone at the Ravenclaw table.Kat yawned and looked for a empty spot to sit.She saw a empty spot next to Draco.With her hands behind her head she and Sparki walked over to him.He looked up at Kat.Kat patted his head playfully.Draco knew that she was trying to get something."Can we sit next to you?" She asked.Draco groaned."You ask me that everyday!And I've always said yes so just go ahead and sit down." Kat grinned and sat down along with Sparki.Draco blushed when Kat put her arm around his shoulder.

After breakfast Kat and Sparki ran down to the potions class with Prof. Snape.He ordered them to make a simple healing potion and told them to get in groups of 6.Luckly that was enough to fit Kat,Sparki,Draco,
Harry,Hermoine and Ron into a group.Draco muttered something about not wanting to be around stupid mudbloods but anyway...They started chatting while making the healing potion.Kat started singing a song just to be annoying because she loved to be annoying."I'm so dizzy,my head is spinning." Only she and Sparki knew the song so Sparki joined her."Like a whirlpool that never ends." Prof. Snape adored Kat and Sparki just like he did Draco,so he didn't care when they started singing the annoying song.They practically sang it everyday.

Kat turned around when a huge boom was heard.Of course,it was Nevelle's cauldrin.The whole place was covered with smoke and coughs were heard almost everywhere around the room.Prof. Snape grumbled under his breath."Class!" He yelled over the screaming and coughing."Out in the hall!Go back to your dorms!"
Everyone piled up in the hall.Snape saw Nevelle about to leave and grabbed him by the collar."Oh no Mister Longbottom.Your helping me clean this up." Nevelle gulped.

While everyone walked back to their dorms Kat bumped into someone.She flew back on the ground hard.She got to her feet and was about to cuss the person out when he grabbed her arms.She looked up and realized it was Draco.He looked into her eyes,rufusing to let her go.His almost white hair falling in his face which made him seem real hot.Sparki saw them kiss.Just a light brush against the lips.She saw them blush and begin to walk in different directions.Kat walked up to Sparki.Sparki smiled the evil/crazy smile.Kat looked at her like she needed mental help."Uh Sparki?Hello?!Did you eat a Twinki?I heard that they make you insane but that's besides the point...Hullo!Girl!Do-you-come-in-peace?" Kat begin asking Sparki,who never moved from the way she was."Nice kiss." Sparki said like she was talking to a little baby.

Kat couldn't beleive it."You saw us?!?!" Sparki nodded."Yep." Kat grabbed her friend by the shoulder."You sware that you won't tell?!" Sparki giggled."Yea.Whatever." She suddenly burst out laughing and Kat smaked her upside the head.


Sooooo how'da like it?I'm currently writing the next chapter to this story.Guess what!My mom let me off restriction (a.k.a grounding) after begging her about 15,001 times...^-^'' Well anyway please REVIEW!!!

or - clothing, ar - friend to all, rating - bad, ph - slytherin house, sw-o - sparklypoos, ntr - sounds lovely titles, rom - draco malfoy, or - jewlery, be - green eyes, sw-o - tootsitramp, rom - oc, p - sue what plot? swp, ship - draco/oc, bh - brown hair, pc - relationship sue, b - gem like eyes

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