0023: Remember - Cassandra "Kessy" West

Apr 27, 2003 21:17

Yesterday's Sue was pretty horrible, so I've got a nice mild one for you today.

TITLE: Remember
PERPETRATOR: DevilsAngel18999

SUE-O-METER: (how bad is it?)




FULL NAME: Cassandra 'Kessy' West
SPECIES: Human/Witch
HAIR: Not described (yet)
EYES: Not described (yet)
MARKINGS: None mentioned (yet)
POSESSIONS: None mentioned (yet)

ORIGIN: Daughter of a witch and wizard who for some weird reason spent 11 years in America pretending to be Muggles so that their own daughter wouldn't know what they really were until she got her Hogwarts letter.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Lives next door to the Dursleys.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: None mentioned (yet)

NOTES: This really isn't horribly Sue yet, but it could easily go downhill... and I seriously doubt whether the Author has read more than the first book, if she has read any of the books at all.

Our Sueoine had to leave her school and all her friends in America (*sniffle sniffle sob* oh, the POOR LONELY little girl!) and move to England so that she could go to Hogwarts. What, don't they have wizard schools in America? Her mother and father are a witch and wizard, but never told her, and have been pretending to be Muggles all this time. Well, like, who wants to read some great long book and find out how the wizarding world really works? If they didn't put it in the movies, it's obviously not worth knowing, right?

I might note also that while the so-called 'story' is not in script format, it might as well be - over half of it is conversation, with only the barest effort made to show who's doing the talking.


This is first story in forever. Ever since my other ones where deleted I stopped writing but I'm writing again. This is my first Harry Potter story and I'm not sure how well it will go. But tell please review and tell me. Thanks a lot.

Chapter One

It was a sunny afternoon at a little town in the USA. Three friends were in the front yard of one of their houses doing nothing. The two girls were 11 years old and the one boy was 12. They lay in the grass together saying what the clouds looked like to them.

"It's a bunny!" one of the girls said.

"It's a flower!" said the other.

"It's a dragon." Said the boy.

They lay there and continued to fight over what the clouds were until they heard some ones mother yell.

"Cassandra! Time for dinner! Leslie, Brad you two better get home." She mother yelled.

"Okay mom!" Kessy yelled back.

"Well Kes see ya later." Leslie said and ran across the street.

"Bye Kessy. Talk to you later, okay?" Brad said hugging her.

"Yeah. Bye Brad." And he ran next door.

Kessy ran inside the house and had dinner. She was up in her room reading when her mom and dad can to her room.

"Hunny there is something we have to tell you." He dad started.

"Okay and that is what?" Kessy said.

"We are going to be moving at the end of the school year."

"WHAT!?!?!?! I can't move! I can't leave Leslie and Brad! NO WAY!" Kessy said yelling.

"Kes there is a reason why we are moving." He mother said.


"You'll find out once we move."

Next day she told Leslie and Brad that she was moving.

"What? NO! I'm locking you in my basement! You can't move!" Leslie yelled.

"Where are you going?" Brad asked.

"I don't know. I just know end of the school year."

"That is in two weeks." Leslie said.

"I know and I don't want to go."

"You know what."

"What Les?" Kessy and Brad both said.

"This weekend you are staying at my house for the night. Well have fun. Brad you can come to just not stay the night." Leslie said. The three of them laughed.

Finally the day came. Kessy, her younger brother Alex, her mom and dad were leaving. They finally knew where to. England. The Wests along with Leslie her mom and Brad were at the airport.

"Kessy I'm going to miss you soooooooo much!" Leslie said hugging her tears rolling down her face.

"I know I will too." Kessy said crying.

They let go and Kessy went over to Brad.

"Thank you for being my best friend and being there for me." Kessy said hugging him.

"You're welcome. I'm going to miss you Kes." He said beginning to cry.

"So will I." She said still crying but harder now.

"Kessy it's time to get on the plane." He mother called out.

"Okay mom"

"Bye Leslie I'll call you some time. Brad I'll write you and Mrs. Parks thank you for driving us here."

"No problem dear. Now go you'll miss your flight" Mrs. Parks (Leslie's mom) said.

Once on the plane she looked out the window and saw the three of them waving. She cried even harder then before. Once the plane took off she pulled out the picture of her Leslie and Brad a few weeks ago. Before she knew it the ride was over. Once the Wests got to Number Five Privite Drive her home in the little town of East Field seemed so far away. With in a week her room was set up just like she wanted it. She had the picture of the three of them blown up and she taped it to her wall. One month after being gone she called Leslie to see how things were going.

"Hello?" she said while picking up the phone.

"Hello. Is Leslie around?"

"No she's not. She's over at Brad's house and wont be home for a while."

"Oh okay."

"I can tell her you called."

"No that's okay. Thanks anyway goodbye" and she hung up.

She picked up the phone again and called Brad's house.

*ring ring* "Hello?"

"Hello is Brad there?"

"Um.. yes he is hold on."

While waiting for Brad to get on the phone she heard yelling next door.

"Stupid boy! Learn to do things right!" A man yelled at a boy with black hair and glasses.

"It wasn't my fault"

"Everything is your fault! Now weed the lawn!" The man yelled and went back inside.

"Hello?" someone on the phone said.

"Oh hey Brad."

"Who is it?" someone in the background said.

"How are you?"

"I've been better. I hate my neighbors. It's so different here then in East Field" Kes said.

"HOLY! KESSY!" Brad yelled.

"WHAT THE HECK?" the person in the background yelled.

"How is it in England?" Brad asked.

Someone else picked up the phone.



"What have you been up to?"

"Nothing I don't know anyone here and the only I do know is I hear the neighbors yelling all the time." Kessy said.

"Wow! I wish you were here."

"Yeah so do I. Well guys I hate to say it but I have to get going. Long LONG distance you know."

"Yeah I know" Leslie said.

"What Kes what is your phone number?" Brad asked.

"um. 1-783-379-8221. Well I have to go. Nice to talk to you again."

"Yeah Bye Kes"

"Bye Kessy"

"Bye Leslie, Bye Brad"

They hung up the phone. *God I miss them so much. Why is it we had to move?*

"KESSY! MAIL!" Mrs. West called.

"Coming!" she ran downstairs to get it. She opened the letter and nearly died.

"Is this a joke or something?"

"No why do you say that?"

"Dear Miss Cassandra West, You have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Kessy said.

"That is why we moved. We are witches and wizards."

"Why did I know?"

"Because you have to wait to get this."

"Can I tell Leslie and Brad?"

"Beware if you do. Muggles aren't really accustomed to magic folk."

"Muggles?" Kessy asked

"No magic people" he mother told her.

That happened four year ago. Kessy is now 15 years old and going into her fifth year at Hogwarts. And so is her friend next door.

y - hogwarts years (1 - ps/ss), je - student (new to school), rating - bad, e - american, pf - raised among muggles, pc - neighbor, sw-o - bitchiwitch, sw-o - quanonreip, b - unknown eye color, b - unknown hair color, rom - none

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