(no subject)

Jul 25, 2010 21:05

Thanks to the anonymous minion who sent in this Sue!

TITLE: The snake and the Dragon

FULL NAME: Hermione Jane Granger aka Katherine Margret Snape
HAIR: "Dark long curly hair down to my but"
EYES: "Dark purple eyes"
MARKINGS: "I was slimmer and much curvier than before, I was two inches taller." Typically "Slimmer" and "Curvier" are mutually exclusive. I'm sure there will be countless minions who will proclaim their exception to that rule. ;)
POSSESSIONS: a purse and a "Black Kitten named Heckatae".

ORIGIN: Hermione finds out she is adopted. Her father is Severus Snape and her mother is the "best Witch in England", Iliana Mary Smith. She learns of her real name, birthday, and what she really looks like.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Snape's daughter. Detaches herself from the Grangers almost immediately, and is packed without a good-bye, thank you, or why, dear parents, did you ditch me? Go with her new and improved parents to "Snape Mansion". She is going to be paired with Draco now that her bloodline isn't all dirty with muggleness.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Despite being Snape's daughter, Katherine's actual looks are more stunning than "Hermione Granger's". She is perfectly capable of disregarding her adoptive parents without a second glance.

NOTES: Why does she have to be Snape's daughter for Draco to find her acceptable? Why can't she be just plain ol' Hermione Granger, daughter of Mr & Mrs. Granger who are two muggle dentists? I would find that more appealing as a story line. Make them face their issues and work past them.


I had Dark long curly hair down to my but and Dark purple eyes. I was slimmer and much curvier than before, I was two inches taller. " So, my mother is the best witch in England. That's obvious that I got my intellect from her." Everyone laughed at that. I heard a laugh that was not mine or Mrs. Granger's I turned around and saw my mum standing there. She had on a Green dress and black pumps. Her Golden hair was curled up into a bun. " Hey Mum!" I said as I hugged her. She patted me on the back. " Lets go get all your stuff." I led her up the staircase to my room. " Can I use magic to pack everything? And do you want your desk?" I nodded to both questions. I grabbed my purse and my Black Kitten named Heckatae. With a wave of her wand everything I own was packed. " There. Sev, we are ready to go back home!" My mum called for my father. He appeared. " Kat, you and Ili will do side along apparation and I will take your stuff." I nodded and held on to my mum. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

b - speshul eyes, rating - bad, related to snape, sue - hermione granger

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