(no subject)

Jul 31, 2010 22:42

A couple of super-fun announcements tomorrow! :D

Thanks to the anonymous minion who sent in this Sue!

TITLE: Marauders and McGonagalls
PERPETRATOR: MinervaEvenstar

FULL NAME: Jessie McGonagall and Sapphire "Saphy" McGonagall
SPECIES: Witches
HAIR: Jessie: "raven" and "to her knees" but it's "almost always in a ponytail". Sapphire: "golden"
EYES: Jessie: emerald. Sapphire: "sapphire blue eyes".
MARKINGS: Sapphire has a "curvy figure"
POSSESSIONS: Sapphire has a "psychic Persian cat," named Lupine. That is the best possession in a long time! But she also has a best friend named "Stella Lation". Sapphire also has Remus' baby.

ORIGIN: McGonagall's nieces. They get to go to Hogwarts with the Marauders. Jessie is in fourth year, and Sapphire is in fifth year.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Sapphire has a huge crush on Lupin. They will be paired together and will call each other "Gemmy and Remmy". They are engaged before they finish their education at Hogwarts. They have a child, Amara, and Sapphire dies in childbirth. This is a true Sue arc, where the Sue actually dies in the end! Sirius and Jessie are paired together, and end up getting engaged, as well. Her parents get upset as, they don't want Jessie to die young as well. They blame Remus and their young marriage for Sapphire's death. They get over it.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Jessie's long hair is her "trademark", Sapphire's is her "golden hair and her curvy body". Great. I love it when physical attributes are a person's most valued quality.

NOTES: To make up for the last Marauder Sue that didn't have Peter hate, this one has it before the first chapter is out!


Remus held Sapphire's hand tightly throughout her entire labour. Amara came out silent, and since most infants cry as pure oxygen fills their lungs for the first time it gave the healers concern. They ran several tests on Amara and Sapphire before one of them would talk to Remus alone.

"Well, I have good news and bad news."

"What is it?" asked Remus nervously.

"The good news is that the baby is perfectly healthy. She's unusually quiet, but we've found no trace of any physical or mental disability. The bad news is..." The healer cleared her throat to keep it from cracking with dismay. "Your wife is dying as we speak. We can't figure out why, but her insides took a lot of damage during her pregnancy, so the actual birth ripped apart her fragile organs and caused internal bleeding that's too fast for us to stop with a surgery or potion. I'm sorry. Women dying in childbirth is common and-"

Remus stopped listening and went back to Sapphire's spotlessly white delivery room. Sapphire lay on a bed, her back propped up with pillows, holding their daughter in her arms. She was clearly unwell; her skin was as pale as milk. He gently lay down beside Sapphire and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"You must be okay. Gemmy, I can't live without you."

"You have to," she said simply. Sapphire looked at Remus with all of the innocence finally drained from her breath-taking eyes. "Amara needs you, Remmy. Please, make sure to instill out love of music and poetry in her while she's young, so she'll like it all of her life. When she gets older and falls in love support her, unlike my father did. Most importantly, my love, I want you to be happy. It's okay to be upset for a little while, though don't stay upset forever. Perhaps you'll even remarry someday."

"What? Don't talk nonsense. I could never love another woman after one as perfect as you."

Sapphire smiled a bit sadly. "You could never worship the ground another woman walks on, like you do with me, yet in time I think you could love again. If you passed on I eventually could love another man, yet I'd never be wrapped around his finger, like I'm wrapped around yours. I just have one request about that. Supposing you do remarry, don't let Amara call her 'mum.' Make sure she knows who her mother is, though she won't remember me." A single tear rolled down Sapphire's deathly white cheek. "My biggest regret besides leaving you is that our child won't remember me."

Remus' arms around her body tightened slightly. "I'll tell her so much about you and give her everything that you own, so she'll feel as if she knows you." He kissed the tear off of her beautiful, but now growing cold with death, face. "Should I send everyone else in to say good-bye?"

She thought of Peter, James, Lily, Sirius, Jessie, and everyone who must have been notified, such as Romulous, Anne and John Lupin, Auntie Minerva, Blaise, Dumbledore, and perhaps her own parents. All the people I love are in the waiting room... "I don't have the energy to give them all the good-byes that they deserve, but send them all, especially Jessie, my best wishes. There is one thing I have enough energy for." Sapphire sang to Amara with her lovely voice. "Down every road you roam
May sunshine surround you when you're far from home.
I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance,
Never settle for the path of least resistance;
Be courageous and be brave,
And in my heart you'll always stay.

May you never take one single breath for granted;
God forbid love ever leave you empty handed.
May you never love in vain,
And in my heart you will remain.
Don't let some Hell bent heart leave you bitter;
If you come close to sellin' out reconsider.

May your guiding light be strong when you finally fly away.
I will think of you each day,
And be hoping that I served you well,
For all the wisdom of a lifetime no one can ever tell,
But whatever road you choose,
I'm right behind you, win or lose.

May you grow to be proud, dignified and true,
And do unto others as you'd have done to you.
I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean,
Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens,
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance." Once she was finished her body shook from lack of strength. "I think you should take Amara before I drop her."

As Sapphire was passing Amara to Remus' arms she kissed him full on the lips. Remus would always recall that his final kiss with Sapphire tasted of her familiar delicious lips and his own salty tears, and the soft, warm child that was the symbol of their passionate love was held between both of their beating hearts.

"Remmy, I love you and Amara more than anything, but you must go," she whispered, her voice fading, her eyelids closing.

Remus understood that Sapphire didn't want their baby to watch her die. "I love you too, and I always will," Remus answered honestly, and saw an exhausted, but content smile turn up Sapphire's mouth before he wiped away his tears and carried Amara out of the room.

rating - toxic, related to mcgonagall

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