(no subject)

Jul 22, 2010 23:21

TITLE: Lingerie
PERPETRATOR: Avadakadavra

FULL NAME: Chloe Hadrin
HAIR: She "magically charmed it to be wavy and gently rest around her shoulders"
EYES: not described
MARKINGS: a perfect complexion for the colour blue. Some bruises.
POSSESSIONS: jeans and a "navy polo", a "navy blue silk dress": "thin straps that ran down very close to the end of her shoulders. The back was quite low but a silk ribbon ran around under the bust with a small silver brooch set at the front. The folds of the silk fabric lay elegantly together and the end of the dress fell to her knees", with a "navy chiffon shawl" and a "silver clutch" and " a necklace of three diamonds hanging from a simple silver chain, along with a set of simple diamond earrings". A giant list of clothes

ORIGIN: She has to go live with her millionaire father when her mother has to care for her ailing grandfather. Through this Chloe is immersed into a world full of "parties, money, alcohol, jewellery, clothes and of course that dashing, young, rich bachelor, Draco Malfoy".
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: A Ravenclaw. Within one day of arriving she gets to go to a party with her dad. At the party Draco introduces himself to her, and then attempts to make-out with her in the bathroom and unzip her dress. She gently resists, and he obeys, thus intriguing her. Then he takes her to a party, where she gets insanely drunk. Someone tries to have their way with her. She wakes up the next day at home and learns that Draco brought her home and had her put to bed. She accuses him of attempted rape when he visits the next day, but he convinces her that he didn't do that. The next day they start kissing, but stop when she remembers what happened to her the day before. It was probably an OC created for that plot-point. She and Draco will be paired together.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Makes a valiant attempt to resist the life of the rich-and-famous. This is eroded with a shopping trip with a fashion designer and her picture in Witch Weekly.

NOTES: This one is a lot of Suey fun! It earned an "awful" when the "attempted rape" happened, and all that followed.


Today Lauren had bought Chloe four cocktail dresses, one ball gown, two evening dresses, seven pairs of high heels, one pair of black boots, three pairs of flip flops, one pair of trainers, one pair of converse, six pairs of pumps, eight hand bags, one beach bag, three pairs of jeans, five pairs of trousers, four denim skirts, five skirts, three blouses, two cardigans, nine jumpers, seventeen t-shirts, eleven camis, two coats, three scarves, three light jackets, one beach dress, one pair of diamond earrings, two silver necklaces, as well as new sports gear, socks, underwear, tights, stockings, hair ties, toiletries, and finally they had gone to the Hadrin vault at Gringotts and got out the silver bracelet with three rubies that Chloe’s grandmother had worn at her wedding.

“Simon told me to get this out especially,” Lauren had told her.

The elf left her room again and she got off the bed and went to inspect her shopping. She was just trying on a pair of black Engarvo stilettos and fiddling with the straps on a turquoise Gega handbag made from real dragon skin when the house elf reappeared.


“Hmmmm?” Chloe murmured as she admired the shoes.

“Miss, would you like Dilly to put your shopping away?”

“Aren’t these shoes lovely?”

“Miss?” the elf squeaked a lot louder.

“Sorry,” Chloe said as she looked at the elf. “Yes?”

“Would miss like me to put her shopping away?” it said, blinking.

“Err, yeah, sure. But um, I think I’m just going to change.” The elf had started to unpack clothes and fold them neatly and stack them in piles. “Err, Dilly, that’s your name right?” No response. “Ok. Well, were those tennis courts I saw to the left of the house?” She was hoping to pop a game in before the sun went down.

“Yes, miss. Master loves tennis,” it said politely. Then added rather quietly, “though it is a muggle sport.”

“Well at least that’s one thing we have in common,” Chloe muttered, ignoring the last comment, as she took a tennis skirt and a white t shirt from the pile of sports gear Dilly had stacked.

She quickly changed; making sure the house elf wasn’t looking. She didn’t need to worry; Dilly was arranging her new socks in the order of the colours of the rainbow.

Chloe slipped on her new trainers, took her tennis racket from under the bed and tied her hair up in a messy ponytail before running out the room and doing a cartwheel in the hall way. This was her second full day here and she was starting to feel that maybe she would be able to get through this. It wasn’t forever and perhaps she should just have fun before going back to normal land at the end of the summer.

She was just going down the grand front stairs, which faced the front door, when it swung open and a woman dressed in a smart jacket and skirt with glasses perched on her nose walked in. Chloe recognized her; it was the woman who had greeted her when she had first arrived. She saw Chloe immediately and stopped.

“Oh, hello. We meet again. Are you having a nice time?”

“Yeah, I am,” said Chloe smiling.

“I’m Aimee. Mr Hadrin’s assistant.”

“Oh, you’re Aimee. He mentioned you yesterday. I thought Dad left this morning for work.”

“Yes, but he forgot some papers and asked me to come home and get them for him as he is in a meeting with some Mexican businessmen.”


“They own some forests which your father wants to buy so that he can start up a new range of broomstick.”

“Oh,” Chloe said, a bit shocked that her dad was buying forests in Mexico. “Well, bye.” Aimee hurried off to her father’s study and Chloe shrugged before going into the kitchen, then exiting by the back door to find the tennis courts.

“Damn it!” Chloe said as another serve went out. To a muggle it would seem weird playing tennis on your own, but Chloe had set up a repellent barrier the other side of the court which would make the ball bounce back over the net.

“Accio,” Chloe said, pointing her wand at a ball in the corner of the court. The ball zoomed into her hand and Chloe put her wand back into her skirt pocket.

She bounced the ball several times, concentrating on it hard. She had always had a weird connection with tennis. She loved quidditch but back at her house in London there were no local quidditch pitches, so she and her mother had often gone to play tennis at the local club on Sundays.

She threw the ball up and her racket came round to whack it. It soared over the net and landed inside the line. The repellent barrier propelled it back to her and she was ready for it with a strong backhand. This time it flew at the barrier at a nasty angle but when it came back Chloe gave it a good swing and the racket hit the ball with a lovely ‘thwack’ sound. Again, it went over the net and bounced but as it went back up into the air a hand clasped around it.

Chloe looked at the figure. The sun was in her eyes so the face was not properly visible.

“So, this is what a Ravenclaw does in her spare time,” the figure walked forwards towards the net. It threw the ball into the air and caught it swiftly. “Seems you didn’t drink too much last night? Or is this your version of a hangover cure?”

“Malfoy,” Chloe muttered under her breath, rolling her eyes.

“The Ravenclaw remembers me,” he said chucking the ball at her.

She hit it back at him and it narrowly missed his head. “How could I forget you?”

He gave her his typical smirk.

“How did you get in here?” Chloe asked.

“Lauren is a friend of my mother’s. Your guard buzzed me straight through.”

“So, why have you come bothering me?”

“Oh, I came to say hello.”

“So there is a point to this interruption?” Chloe asked him.

“Oh, there’s always a point when I’m involved.”

“So, your introduction last night had a point?”

“Got you flustered, didn’t it?” He winked and Chloe realized she’d fallen into his trap.

Chloe breathed deeply and turned away to do another serve. The ball landed perfectly inside the line and came flying back over the net towards her. Backwards and forwards it went.

Malfoy watched her while she hit it. Smirking to himself all the time. The August evening sunlight lit up her face perfectly.

“You’re not that bad for a Ravenclaw,” Malfoy said.

“For a Ravenclaw? Does that mean you’re supposed to be better than me, Malfoy?”

“Oh, you are a feisty one,” he said, mockingly.

“If you’re going to mock me, I’d rather you left. Your presence is messing up my forehand.”

“Hey, I just came over to see if you wanted a drive?”

“A drive?” Chloe said as she executed a perfect volley.

“In my car?”

“What is it with rich wizards and cars? What’s wrong with apparition or flu powder?” Another forehand sent the ball back over the net.

“There slightly more sophisticated, cars, that is, hard to impress a girl with a dusty chimney. So, are you coming for a drive?”

“Does it look like I am?” Chloe caught the next ball, turned to face him and chucked the ball at him, aiming for his head.

He caught the ball with ease without moving his gaze from her face. “Look, I can wait for you to change. Carmen’s having a little get together at her house, her parents are in South Africa, and I think you need to be introduced to hard liquor.”

Chloe gaped.

“Oh come on, admit it,” he bounced the ball and caught it; “you’ve never been properly pissed in your life. A few white wines at a dinner don’t count. If you’re going to be one of our crowd, you need to learn how to party like one of our crowd.”

“I’m only here for the summer…and anyway, my dad and I were going to have dinner and see the house…” Chloe trailed off, she knew her lies weren’t working, and Draco rolled his eyes.

“Alcohol is a way of life up here, Hardin. Just like sex,” he looked at her expression but ignored it, smirking. “And as your father is famous for his parties where everyone leaves so drunk they can’t remember their own names I think you should learn how to handle a bit of the stuff.”

Chloe’s eyes were wide.

“Ummm…what should I wear?” she said finally, Draco’s eyes bearing into her.

Half an hour later Chloe was sitting in the passenger seat of Malfoy’s black Porsche, roof down, wind blowing through her hair and Monty Pegasus sunglasses perched on her head. The scene could have come out of a movie with the sun slowly going down behind the hills and leaving an orange and yellow tinge in the sky. She felt like she had been bullied into going but what could she do?

Draco was in a shirt and jeans whilst Chloe was wearing a simple white sundress that sat low at the back and came down to just above her knees. Her hair was roughly brushed through and loose and her feet were clad with white canvas wedges.

Draco had explained to Chloe that Carmen’s family were very old school and that her party was going to be a small ‘barbecue’, a few select friends and a large amount of alcohol.

Draco eased the Porsche through the gates and parked it at the front of the house beside a highly polished red Lotus with the number plate ‘3LL 10T’.

“No guessing who that belongs to,” Chloe said.

Draco just smirked and slid his car keys into his pocket.

rating - awful, o - pepper jack cheese

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