0014: The Memoirs of Starr Athena LiEngle, Year One - Starr Athena LiEngle

Apr 18, 2003 22:42

In an effort to combat my internet's refusal to get up in the morning, I'm going to start posting Sues late at night.

While I'm here, I would just like to make a note to the world in general of one of my fanfic pet peeves: body-switching. Gah. People, it's old. It's been done. And usually it's not even done well. Stop writing it already, please. Please?

Now with that taken care of... on with the Sue!

TITLE: The Memoirs of Starr Athena LiEngle, Year One
PERPETRATOR: Starr Athena LiEngle

SUE-O-METER: (how bad is it?)




FULL NAME: Starr Athena LiEngle
SPECIES: Human/Witch
HAIR: not described
EYES: not described
MARKINGS: none so far
POSESSIONS: none so far

ORIGIN: Random daughter of a witch and a wizard. Her father died when she was little. So far, this has been completely un-important.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Hermione's arch-rival.. and just possibly might be falling for Draco (these kids are eleven years old, for chrissakes!)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Better at flying than Harry. Better at everything than Hermione.

NOTES: Another boring one - this author wishes she went to Hogwarts (so do I, for that matter, but I'm in better touch with reality), so she merrily sues herself in, without any semblance of an actual story to tell. In fact, she's so entirely devoid of anything resembling creativity that she quotes from Harry Potter and the Philosoper's Stone at some length - including the entire Sorting Hat Song.

The other amazingly annoying thing is how our Sueoine manages to upstage Hermione at every possible opportunity. Not because she's bookish of course, since Sues are never nerdy, but because she's just that damn talented. I think this author has a serious case of Hermione-jealousy.

Once again, only the first chapter need begin with summaries, disclaimers, author's notes, etcetera. We heard you the first time.


Title: Memoirs of Starr Athena LiEngle, Year One

Summary: Starr comes to Hogwarts and is a Ravenclaw in Harry's year. She makes friends, romance, and even an archrival (just take one guess.)

Disclaimer: I own nothing of the talented J.K. Rowling. Starr LiEngle, Amy Boen, Hatchett Tell, and the storyline are mine.

Note: If anyone could help me with making text bolded, italicized, and underlined, I would fully appreciate it! Thank you!

~ Story Begins Here ~

Chapter Three: Needles and Broomsticks

I woke up the next morning to the sun shining through the curtains on my bed. I glanced at my watch which read 6:59, and breakfast was at 7:30. I got dressed into my Ravenclaw robes, grabbed my eight and a half inch wand off of my nightstand, and with Amy, went down to the Great Hall for breakfast. There Professor Flitwick, head of Ravenclaw house, was handing out class schedules.

"Class schedules!" Amy shouted.

"Double Herbology with Slytherin, then Defense Against the Dark Arts, and after lunch Transfiguration."

"I guess we better get going, since Herbology starts in fifteen minutes."

"Sure," I said, as we stood up to leave. As we got into the Entrance Hall, we heard scattered whispering.



"Next to the tall kid with red hair."

"The one with the glasses?"

"What are they talking about?" I asked Amy. It was hard for me to see over everyone else.

"Starr, it's Harry Potter."

"No it's not."

"Yes it is! From the Sorting Ceremony, remember?"

"Whatever. Come on, we're going to be late."


That afternoon after lunch we had Transfiguration. Amy had forgotten her Transfiguration text, so we were almost late to class after she had to go get it.

Quickly we took seats in the middle row in the classroom. Just then, Professor McGonagall walked in.

"Good afternoon, class. Welcome to Beginning Transfiguration. Transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn over your time spent at Hogwarts. Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back. You have been warned." Then McGonagall turned her desk into a pig and back again.

"Here are these matches," she continued as she began to hand out none other than - matches. "You will try spells from your text to turn them in to needles." So, I started to play with mine. The first few spells I tried, it did nothing, but -

"Professor McGonagall! Starr's turned her match into a needle! See, it's all silver and pointy!" Amy shouted. Professor McGonagall got up from her deak and came over to see the needle. She held it up to show the class, and gave me what looked like a smile. Then she gave us a load of homework.


A/N: Remember, Hermione did this in her first Transfiguration class also.


I smiled when I saw the notice in the common room that flying lessons started on Thursday. Even though it would be with Hufflepuff, I knew it would be fun anyway. I always remember watching the famous Quidditch players, and from the age of three knew I wanted to be one of them. (Alright, back to the story.)

That Thursday, Amy and I, along with Mandy, Lisa, and Padma, walked out to the field. We got there as some of the earliest, and saw some Hufflepuffs standing around.

"Flying. This should be fun," Amy said to me.

"I've always wanted to do this," I replied.

"We'll humiliate the Hufflers while we're at it."

"Let's see what we -" I was interrupted as Madam Hooch walked over.

"Welcome to your first flying lesson," she said. "Step up beside a broom. Now, raise your right hand over your broom, and say 'Up!'"

"Up!" I shouted, and the broom flew into my hand.

"First try!" Amy exclaimed.

After everyone had their brooms, Madam Hooch continued. "Now mount your brooms, kick off from the ground, and slowly come back down. On my whistle."

At the sound of her whistle, everyone mounted, kicked off, and returned.

"Excellent, Miss LiEngle," she said to me. "You have a real knack for flying."

"Snob," I heard one of the Hufflepuff girls mutter.


A/N: Short chapter, but I had little time to type this, so please be grateful. Now, see that little button down there? The one that says review? Please push it and review! Tell me what you like and don't like so that I can make the story better for my readers.

Next chapter: "Levitation Makes Great Rivals."

Another Note: I would have updated this last night, but fanfiction.net has been slow with me lately, and so has my computer. If I don't update within a week on my other stories, this is why.

ntn - star and sky names, pw - woobie/cry for me, ap - athletic pursuit, sw-o - sparklypoos, 0 - wank, rom - draco malfoy, rating - awful, ntb - diary/journal titles, nts - speshul name, ap - academic pursuit, b - unknown hair color, rom - none, pc - parasite sue, y - hogwarts years (1 - ps/ss), rom - oc, ntm - god and goddess names, ntm - god and goddess titles, ntn - star and sky titles, ship - draco/oc, pc - rival, b - unknown eye color, p - first person narrative

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