0015: More Than You Think You Are - Harriet Potter

Apr 19, 2003 22:35

Why, why, why, WHY?!

TITLE: More Than You Think You Are

SUE-O-METER: (how bad is it?)




FULL NAME: Harriet Potter *bursts into tears*
SPECIES: Human/Witch
HAIR: not described - I'm guessing black
EYES: not described - probably green
MARKINGS: lighting bolt scar *sob*
POSESSIONS: none so far

ORIGIN: Somewhere in the stinking depths of the Dungeon Dimensions.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: In the words of the author: This is an answer to Severitus' challenge. There is a twist I have yet to see anyone write. What if Harry Potter was born a girl, and discovered Severus Snape was her biological father? What if her name wasn't Harry Potter in the first place? Will she accept the truth, or deny her heritage?
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Making me burst into tears just seeing the fic's god-damn summary.

NOTES: There is no justice. No justice whatsoever.


There was no noise on the street of Privet Drive, and Harry stared up at the ceiling, thinking silently to herself. She put her glasses on, and ran a finger agaisnt her scar absently. It was times like these in which she could ponder the wonders of the world in her room, away from the Dursleys, and forget her problems that she genuinely cherished. Her hair was long,and strewn about wildly against her pillows. She liked to imagine her mother had the same hair.

Often, her aunt would say that her hair was so illmanageable because of her parents, but she doubted it. She thought it was nice enough, there were just a few wispy locks of hair that covered her scar, and parts of her eyes. When she wnated to, she could make her hair look beautiful. She wished she could spend every morning liek this, thinking baout her parents in bliss. That was not to be however.

It was a quiet morning when Harriet "Harry" Potter was awakened prematurely by her Aunt Petunia's wail. Today was her cousin Dudley Dursley's birthday. He was one year older than her, and they didn't get along at all. Today, he would be turning twelve years old. Before Harry could say "blimey", her aunt swung open the door to her tiny room, which she had been living in since she grew to big to fit in the cupboard.

Petunia grabbed Harry by the hair, yanking her to her feet. Harry winced in pain, but said nothing. If she spoke out of turn, her aunt would likely slap her. Harry didn't relish being slapped. Harry dresssed quickly as quickly. When she was done, she waited for her orders.

"Downstairs with you. Cook the morning's meal while I go wake my Dudleykins up this wonderful morning!" Petunia demanded, heading up the stairs, but not before turning around, glaring at her neice cruelly.

"We are going to the zoo today. Since your Uncle Vernon says that you are not to be left alone in this house, you are coming with us. I'll have no funny business, do I make myself clear?" Petunia asked, her voice dangerously low.

"Yes Aunt Petunia." Harry said meekly. Petunia sneered, and headed upstairs.

Harry made the morning's meal, being sure to swipe enough of the bacon, grits, and eggs for herself. She had never been starved by the Dursley's but that didn't mean she ate enough. After finishing the cooking, and serving the family, she sat down to enjoy her meal. She ate quickly, because Dudley was in his normal, mean mood. He liked to sneak hits at her when the Dursley's weren't looking. Every time Harry complained about it, they never believed her. Especially, her Aunt petunia.

Petunia would always say 'Dudley would never hit girls, even a freak like you,' or some other nonsensical rubbish. Harry was silent, trying not to spill anything on her good dress her aunt had bought her. There were very few occasions when she was allowed soemthing other than a hand-me-down of her aunt's. Each occasion was revolved around Dudley.

Silently, Harry fumed at having to wear such clothing. Since they were going to the zoo, this no doubt menat that Dudley's best friend, and partner in crime Piers was comming. Harry hated Piers because he was so much like her cousin, and he teased her constantly. Sometimes, he would pinch her on the bum, and run away laughing. Dudley thought it was hilarious. The family ate their breaksfast, and went outside.

Dudley, and Petunia were already in the car, and just when Harry was about to get in, her Uncle Vernon pulled her back. He bent down so that they were eye level. He wore a horrible frown, and gripped her shoulders painfully.

"Now listen here girl. There will be no funny business while we are at the zoo. If you step one toe out of line, then you will have no meals for a week, and you will stay in the cupboard again whether you can fit or not." He threatened. "Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes sir." Harry said, and hopped into the back seat. As her Uncle drove, Harry remembered the dream she had last night. She looked up into the clear blue sky, thinking strange thoughts about many things. Harry cleared ehr throat, and spoke, breaking the silent plateau.

"Last night, I had a dream about flying motorcycles." She said, twiddling her thumbs, with her bowed. Vernon almost lost control of the car at the announcement she just made.

"Motorcycles do not fly, girl!" He said with rage, and regained his composure after the loud wails of Dudley and his mother. After that, Harry said nothing, and avoided sitting next to Piers when they had picked him up. He and Dudley were merely content to talk badly about her.


They bought Dudley and Piers as much ice cream as they could eat, and Vernon begrudgingly purchased a lemon ice pop for her. Now, the group of five sat down, with many complaints coming from Dudley. Harry went over tot he snake section, and looked down at the snake. It lay there lazily, doing nothing. Dudley decied to get upa nd see what was going on. Harry rolled his eyes when Dudley demanded it begin to do something. He walked away angrily, leaving Harry alone again.

"You'll have to excuse my cousin. he's a bit of git." Harry said, watching interest as the snake began to perk up. "Can you understand me then?" The snake nodded, and slithered closer. "Cool." Harry said, and was about to ask the snake questions when Dudley cam eback, pushing Harry out of the way, and untot he flor. Harry glared, and felt an odd sense of anger envelope her.

She stood up slowly, watching as Dudley bagned on the glass. The glass suddenly disappeared, and she had to stifle a giggle as she saw Dudley fall into the compartment. The snake slithered away, and Harry watched with rapt attention, hearing the frightening squeals of children and their parents.

Harry recieved the severe punishment Vernon had promised, and was confined to the cupboard for a week. vernon knew he couldn't starve her because that was illegal, and she died, he'd be responsible. He gave her what she could survive on to eat, and left her alone.

When the punishment was over and Harry was allowed to sleep in her room again, she rejoiced. Harry checked the mail, and noticed she had a letter. She wanted to open it, but Dudley, being the porker he was tattled, and Vernon opened the letter, then grumbling about freaks or something of that nature, he burned it. The letters kept coming, despite Vernon's dismay. They had finally left Privet Drive, running like criminals from the law. Even still, the letters came.

They were now at sea, in a raggedy, rundown shack of a house. It was just a few minutes before her birthday. Suddenly, there came a great knock against the door. It sounded like Death catching up with an old man. The beating became louder, until finally, the door came down, and in walked the largest man Harry had even seen in her life. The door fell down, and he picked it right back up, and into it's place.

"Hey there Harry. You're looking a bit stout there aren't you?" The man asked Dudley who cowered behind hid mother. Uncle Vernon growled, and pulled out his rifle, aiming it at the gigantic man.

"I'm Harry.. Harriet, actually, but I prefer Harry. And you are?" She asked, lookin g intot he eyes of the man that towered over her. he held out a large hand, and Harry took it, feeling her entire arm being shaken.

"Rubeus Hagrid. Here to deliver you your Hogwarts letter." Hagrid said, taking an enevelope out of his many pockets. Harry took it, read it, and was shocked. She was a witch?!

"You're a witch, Harry!" He said with a smile. Harry was completely shocked. Before they oculd talk further, Vernon became enraged,a nd tried to shoot Hagrid, Dudley began eating her birthday cake, and Petunia was going on about she and her parents were freaks.

After a few secrets were revealed, and anger quelched, Harry left with Hagrid, on to her new school.

rating - toxic, pc - parasite sue, y - hogwarts years (1 - ps/ss), related to snape, pb - taco-show, pf - severitus' challenge, sw-o - quanonreip, rom - severus snape, pa - au doesnt excuse the impossible, stu - harry potter, rom - lily potter, ship - severus/lily, rom - none, pa - au - what if logic fail

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