0047: A Future Slytherin - Anna

May 21, 2003 22:20

Yesterday's was pretty bad, wasn't it? This one hopefully won't hurt as much.

TITLE: A Future Slytherin

SUE-O-METER: (how bad is it?)




FULL NAME: Anna (last name probably Snape)
SPECIES: Human/probably a witch
HAIR: not described
EYES: not described
POSESSIONS: a cat named Mirabelle

ORIGIN: Her parents are dead and she's probably Snape's niece. Where have I heard this before?
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Snape's niece. Staying at Hogwarts although she's only ten. Voldemort is after her 'cause she's the last one of something.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Being all cute and charming. *gag*

NOTES: I pity the muse of originality. Life must be hell for her, with all these Sue authors pushing her head into Moaning Myrtle's toilet and flushing over and over and over and over...


A/N: Thank you to all those who reviewed the last chapter.

Digi_rain -thanks. I was trying to do something old, with a twist. So..this happened.

Snape_coolgirl Glad you like it

Glittery*Gumdrop -yes Anna *is* mysterious, it's part of the fun.

As the meal started, and the thrum of chatter rose in the Great Hall, Hermione picked at her food, playing with it. Harry sighed.

"Look, Hermione, you probably just missed it. D'you even *know* her surname?" he demanded. She shook her head.

"No, she never told us," she admitted. Ron looked complacent.

"Exactly, 'Mione. She's probably stuffing herself full at one of the tables right now. Now can we *please* eat without you looking like a wet weekend?" he pleaded. Harry stared.

"Your mum and those weird sayings," he shook his head. "You should really think before you open your mouth, Ron." Ron shoved him.

"Shuddup, Harry," he said uncomfortably. Harry flicked a nearby pea at him.

"Hey!" Ron complained, flicking it back.

"Boys!" Hermione scolded, drawing herself up. The two exchanged looks, then grinned. She rolled her eyes.
Anna looked around nervously, as the sound of water dripping from her jeans onto the leather armchair with small 'plop's was very loud in the empty room. She squirmed a second, looking around. The huge desk in front of her was covered with parchment, and the walls were hung with richly embroidered tapestries glowing with old silks. As she gazed about her, the rats' tails of wet hair brushing her thin shoulders, she noticed a large glass case in the corner. She slid off the chair with a loud squeaking sound, and walked towards it, her trainers squelching on the thick red carpet.

A huge sword hung in the space inside, long and sleek, with large rubies set into the handle. There appeared to be some sort of inscription in the handle, script, in a sort of gold.she turned her head, attempting to read it better..A slamming sound made her jump, and she scuttled back to her seat.

After a few minutes, she moved cautiously. No one had come yet. She looked around again. A battered black object sat on a shelf, and her curiosity mounted.

A small white hand grabbed it, and shook it out. It was a hat? Anna put it on.

"Hello there," a gravelly voice said in her ear, and she dropped the hat with shock. It was talking? She stared down at it, sitting on the carpet. She picked it up, and slid it over her ears again.

"Not that I'm complaining, but don't do that again," it ordered. She shook her head nervously. "Nor that either!" it complained. She shook her head again, more slowly.

"So, where do *you* fit in?" it whispered in her ear. She shrugged. It chuckled.

"That would be my job," it told her. "Now, which house, which house. Well, there's always Slytherin. You'd be perfect there. Fit in, and a lot of admiration would fall your way. But there's this little nugget of innocence, and *that* would go. Snap of my.." it chuckled again. "Well, not fingers. But the thought holds true. Strange.there's courage here. That would go amply well somewhere else. And a nice little sense of curiosity. Where to put you, where to put you? Hmmm, what about, Gryffindor? Cause a few upsets, particularly with that uncle of yours. But yes, I do think that is."

Anna let out a little squeak, and pulled the hat from her head as Dumbledore swept into the room. He gave her a kindly smile.

"Anna, isn't it? Now, why don't we put this admirable hat back on the shelf, and we'll have a little talk, hmm?" he sat down opposite her.

"Yes, sir," she answered meekly, her head bowed.

"Come come, Anna! No one is unhappy at Hogwarts!" he twinkled. "You are ten, yes?" She nodded.

"Yes. But Severus said.." she looked up at Dumbledore honestly, her grey eyes wide. "Is he really trying to find me, Dumbledore?" The old man's face was grave, and he nestled his chin on his white beard.

"I'm afraid he is, Anna. What's worse is that you, my dear, are the only one left. If your father were around, well, you'd still be at that Catholic school. I'm sorry to hear about your mother. When crossed, he is very terrible."

Anna sniffed, and wiped at her eyes. Her mother had been gone for three months, and Anna still remembered the greyish morning she had woken up to find the nurse bending over her, a serious, sad expression on her face.

"I'm sorry. That was tactless," Dumbledore said. She shook her head.

"No. I..I should be through it," she whispered, hating herself for the weakness. Dumbledore looked shocked.

"No no no! Anna, dear, you have no need, no want.. The powers of darkness are very strong, and those lost in the battle, will always be sorely missed. Sadly, the school lost a very brave boy last term, who was as innocent of wrong doing as your mother. But there you have it. The innocent are often the ones lost." He sighed, and stood up, his hands behind his back.

"However, my dear, you are safe within the grounds. No one will touch you. Now, where to put you? You are of course, a year young for classes," he mused, stroking his beard.

"I could cope. I know I could," Anna piped up fiercely, then looked shocked at her daring. Dumbledore smiled gently.

"Of course you could. I was considering, which house? It seems fairly obvious the Sorting would put you firmly in Slytherin, with blood like that, I don't know how else, and that's not where we want you..Hmm, this is a bit of a dilemma. Do you have any preference?" he said, rounding on her. Anna gulped, and remembered the hat's chatter.

"Perhaps, Gryffindor?" she ventured. Dumbledore smiled slowly.

"Interesting. Harry Potter is of course. I see no reason why not, and Minerva can keep an eye out. And Hermione is looking after the first years this year," he rambled. Anna sat still; her hands folded in her lap. She had not the faintest idea who these people were, but Gryffindor sounded alright.

nts - no last name, rating - bad, related to snape, ph - slytherin house, pf - magnet for evil, pa - world building mangled, or - pet, rom - none

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