5104: Call for Help - Hadrian James Dumbledore, Albus Dumbledore, Grindelwald and Voldemort

Mar 05, 2021 21:11

Please check out the Scavenger Hunt - Master Post. Here is day seven of the fourteen days of Blood Adoption fanfics.

Title: Call for Help
Perpetrator: Isys Luna Skeeter
Sue-O-Meter: This is getting the Troll rating because the craziness on the writer’s profile makes me think this level of craziness was purposeful on their part. However, if I were to give it a rating I could only give it the bad rating because it’s majorly plot-what-plot, but the element which makes the characters Gary Stu aren’t really covered well. (Mind you, that may be because the writer isn’t a native speaker.) I mean, this was tagged mpreg and I thought this was the story.
Cover/Banner Art: So, this is A03, but there is an actual cover page for a chapter which has the title and then a bunch of pictures from the movies tossed about.
Summary: “In an effort to stop Tom from becoming the worst Dark Wizard in the world, Albus Dumbledore decides to call upon his old lover to help him stop Tom from becoming a sociopath. Enters Harry, an easily manipulated child who is eager for affection… if only life was that easy.”
Full Name: Hadrian James Dumbledore, Dumbledore, Grindelwald and Voldemort
Sueworts House(s): Quaononreip and Tootsietramp for everybody
Species: We’re supposed to believe his parents are Dumbledore and Grindelwald.
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: n/a
Poessessions: n/a
Connection to Canon: We’re supposed to believe Harry still ends up with his Aunt and Uncle despite the fact Voldemort has been removed from the picture because of whatever crazy thing they’re doing, which includes blood adopting Tom Riddle. Or is it Harry? There’s also this thing about not only blood adopting individuals without concent, but also finding mates for the characters. Whatever it is results in Harry and Tom suddenly being similar in age and a bunch of plot-what-plot going on.
Origin: The writer is using magic to make mental health issues go away.
Special Abilities: A dark ritual is used to make it so someone is no longer a sociopath.

Notes: Mostly crazy.

Fawkes landed Albus before a black Manor and he looked around uncertain. Just as Albus was about to knock a blond Wizard opened the door and raised an eyebrow back.



It was like forty years hadn’t passed since the last time they spoke.

“What brings you here to my home? Alone.”

Albus picked a flask with a single hair.

“Dark Magic.” He replied honestly. “The owner of this hair is unsocial and capable of atrocities worse than you.”

Gellert took the flask impressed.

“You got yourself a sociopath?”

“I’m afraid so. This ritual is the only thing that will be able to get into his emotions.”

Gellert turned and left the door open as he returned inside. Albus followed.

“Durmstrang did the ritual on me and you didn’t help.”

“You were too old. I may be a year older, but we both know that you were always the one in control.”

Gellert grinned back, before he disappeared behind a door. Albus followed and stayed by the door as Gellert readied everything for the Dark ritual.

“You know…” Gellert started amused. “It can call someone who will be just as helpless as you were.”

“Hopefully not.”

Gellert smirked before he started. The ritual had a side-effect. Gellert couldn’t do anything against his will, like stopping the war, yet if Albus made some kind of request he had to listen to. Albus had been 18-year-old, had just graduated and believed himself capable of withholding the manipulative that was Gellert. He ended up making an order that doomed the entire world. He ordered Gellert away. He had literally told the Dark Lord to turn into the Dark Lord and had been too hurt from his sister’s death right after his mother’s to even ponder what he was ordering the other. It had been decades later that he realized his mistake, by then it was too late for them. Hopefully, whoever this would’ve be wouldn’t commit the same mistakes.

stu - gellert grindelwald, of - blood adoption, stu - aberforth dumbledore, rating - troll, stu - voldemort, p - sue what plot? swp, pb - temporary uters, stu - harry potter

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