(no subject)

Mar 06, 2021 16:55

Please check out the Scavenger Hunt - Master Post. Here is day eight of Blood Adoption stories.

Title: Always and Once More
Perpetrator: Elykrai
Sue-O-Meter: Awful (Though, depending on how they handled the gender identity issue of the character it could easily get into the Toxic rating later on, but I am hoping this isn’t the case.)
Cover/Banner Art: None. It’s AO3.
Summary: “Jasmine Potter has known violence for her entire short life. The Durselys have always let her know just what a waste of space she was. Harry, her twin, was not much better. He learned early on that he could blame her for his stuff and she would be punished. When she learned she was a witch, she thought things would change. She thought she could get out. She was wrong.
She had begged and pleaded, but the Headmaster sent her back to the Dursleys, saying she was over-exaggerating. Harry got a room. She did not.
She vowed that they would not get away with anything they have ever done to her. No matter what, she would prove that she belonged. Harry practically disowned her when she was sorted into Slytherin, and no Slytherin would accept her: a half-blood. But she was strong, she knew she was.
And she knew this year was going to be the start of being different from the rest. She would change everything.”
Full Name: Jasmine Potter
Sueworts House(s): Bitchiwitch for having a sob story which is far worse than her brothers, but the writer wanting us to believe that Harry was never a brother to them without actually proving it as such.
Species: Harry’s sister/brother who eventually comes out as non-binary despite the fact I don't feel that label fits.
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: “Even as she now walked with a barely concealed limp through the train station, she could feel the various injuries all over her person. Harry had disappeared in the night nearly a whole month before school was scheduled to start and Vernon had taken out his anger on her frail body.”
Poessessions: n/a
Connection to Canon: The story starts off expecting the reader to believe that Jasmine wasn’t included in the rescue plans, but then her still being in the cupboard means that they can’t rescue her either, yet I’m sure Fred and George would have thought of something, right? Well, she conveniently flees the house much in the same manner Harry does in the third book because she’s just special, completely ignoring the fact the Dursley’s put bars on Harry’s bedroom window, so why wouldn’t they have also taken precautions with Jasmine. Severus Snape of course notices that she must be abused despite the fact we all know this is OoC for Vernon because Snape is just such an amazing character and realized that Jasmine thought he was going to hit her. So, she gets taken to the hospital wing. She also hates Lockhart because apparently she’s better than the other girls. (Of course, this is supposed to be a non-binary character, so…). It follows the book canon and - well, she’s a parselmouth too! Like, no. Of course, Draco’s like, cool, you’re the heir. There’s lines in the second chapter about “to think about herself and recognize herself and not just see a stranger.” The next dueling club she volonteers to go up against Lockhart. (Wasn’t dueling club, like nixed because of the snake incident?) In the third chapter “she even got her first ever Christmas present, from an anonymous person as she sat in her empty bedroom, it was wrapped in silver paper at the foot of her bed. It was a warn dueling book, with notes in the margins and she loved it.” Harry asks her to care about the fact his friend got petrified and she’s like, “you have no right to ask me to be your sister when you’ve never been my brother. You’ve never done a thing for me. Why would I pretend to care about your friend?” Given the fact the writer’s done absolutely nothing to prove this true, I’m going to have to say Jasmine is a brat. She has an Outstanding in Severus class of course. Suddenly she’s attacked and the students four years older than her claim she was the one who attacked her and the headmaster doesn’t believe her because adults are dumb, right? He of course doesn’t believe her about the Dursley family. Well, I’m going to stop here beyond the fact Jasmine eventually starts using he/him pronouns and goes by the name Altair, but I never got to the point of the story where I’d be labeling this as a Stu because of the angst.
Origin: The reader is supposed to believe that our poor Sue is treated worse than Harry ever was simply because there is something special about her that makes everyone in her family including Harry hate her. We’re also supposed to believe Vernon who wasn’t physically abusive in canon is physically abusive to Harry’s sister. Perhaps Harry’s hate has something to do with her being sorted into Slytherin, yet you’d think having grown up with her this would actually make him question the idea that all Slytherin’s were evil, right?
Special Abilities: She’s super abused. She’s a parselmouth like her brother despite the fact she shouldn’t be. She’s good at dueling because the club mysteriously gets continued despite the snake incident. Skipping to the later chapter, it is likely Jasmine who is blood adopted, not Harry, given the fact they mention something about not really being a Potter.

Notes: So, wouldn’t Altair be trans and not non-binary given the fact he uses he/him pronouns after having used the exact opposite pronouns prior to coming out? Given the fact Harry Potter takes place in the 90s, would Altair actually use the term non-binary for himself? I mean, I’m not even sure he would have used the term gender queer to describe themselves given the fact these terms developed in Muggle society.

I’m not sure how well the writer went about presenting Altair as whatever they’re supposed to be trans or non-binary either, given the fact I couldn’t get past the whole sob story about being so horribly abused simply because the writer wanted them to angst about and I can’t help but wonder if the whole being non-binary is being used as yet another thing for the Stu to angst about and win sympathy points.

I think they tried with the line of seeing a stranger in the mirror, but that can hint at other things as well. Personally, I’m hoping the way they handled the abuse in the story isn’t indicative of how they handed the character’s gender identity. Looks at tags and wonders given the order of the tags if they meant non-binary while Altair is figuring themselves out and trans later on.

   The first few days were nothing exciting, Jasmine got the usual looks of absolute disdain from her pureblooded roommates, and she just wanted to keep her head down.

Gilderoy Lockhart, however, had other ideas.

Jasmine hated him the moment she stepped foot in the defense class. He was not at all qualified to be teaching, it was obvious. And the fact that all the girls were fawning over him was grating on her nerves.

And Gilderoy Lockhart had the audacity to bring her to the front of the class, arm wrapped around her shoulders in a way that made her want to hex him right then, to announce her as a fellow celebrity.

She had put on her best scornful face and stayed silent even as he prodded her to talk. When she got back to her desk, her head was swarming with different curses that she could attempt on him.

When the bell rang, she couldn’t get out fast enough. She was in such a hurry that she didn’t slow down. Not until she walked into her next class and immediately slammed into something.

“Potter.” She flinched, bracing for the inevitable blow that was going to follow that tone. When it didn’t come, she looked up hesitantly, and instantly realizing her mistake, coming out of her memories as she stared at the face of her Head of House.

He didn’t say anything, just moving to the front of the class. She let out a breath a moved to hear seat, Draco joining her soon after. They had an understanding: one that came only after she beat him in a duel the previous March. He would stop insulting her, and she would stop picking on him. The mutual respect was earned after both upheld their end.

pw - woobie/cry for me, related to the potters, rating - awful, of - blood adoption, pc - lesbians and more

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