5103: Please Say Youll Love Me - Voldemort and company

Feb 28, 2021 19:32

Please check out the Scavenger Hunt - Master Post. Today is day six of fourteen days of Blood Adoption fanfics.

Title: Please Say You'll Love Me
Perpetrator: Lisbeth2070701
Sue-O-Meter: Awful
Cover/Banner Art: None. It’s A03
Summary: “After Voldemort's resurrection he discovers that he had been lied to by Dumbledore. Before he has a chance to accept his new classification, he is attacked and chaos ensues. While trying to adjust to constantly depending on someone else, he is terrified of being left behind again, especially in this vulnerable state.”
Full Name: Tom Marvolo Riddle/Voldemort, Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy, Walden MacNair
Sueworts House(s):
Species: Tom is a child stuck in an adult’s body simply because there are certain adults who at age seventeen never become adults, but because of his reincarnation he ends up being - well, a “little”.
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: n/a
Poessessions: Pacifiers are involved.
Connection to Canon: Tom is freaking out because he’s feeling he needs to be taken care of because of this thing called “presenting”. Lucius and Snape know something is off, but Lucius calls Snape “little brother”. Walden MacNair is hiding in a room and plans on figuring out what his secret is, but because Tom is reduced to being a child again, sucking on his thumb, that “He was a little. And any and all possessions or titles belonging to a little automatically reverted to their guardian when the little was claimed. If he could claim the Dark Lord then he would automatically be in charge of the Death Eaters, he would recieve a position of power, plus he would get all of the Dark Lords properties and money, which, being the heir of slytherin, was quite a bit. Having made up his mind, MacNair started towards the little.” We’re also supposed to believe that he’s not “bad” like canon says, but it fails majorly as we see the ultra scary Voldemort reduced to acting like a child in an adult’s body as Walden tries to become his “daddy”. It’s also Sue What Plot going on. Harry’s also drug into this mess while Severus and Lucius try taking care of Voldemort without anybody finding out.
Origin: There is this thing called “presenting” in this universe, but this is how it is described in the story from Riddle’s POV. “He had been feeling a bit...well, the only word to describe it was needy, ever since his resurrection. He had read plenty of books and he knew what this weird feeling usually meant but he just couldn't accept it. For one thing he had already presented as a dominant when he was seventeen. There was a multitude of other reasons such as, everyone presented at seventeen and nobody had ever presented at a different age. Also, he didn't think he needed to be taken care of and the only people that feel this way when they present are in desperate need of care and affection. In general, he just flat out refused to think about the fact that he kept having these urges to act like a little. He would need to do more research about this subject before making any decisions.”
Special Abilities: We’re supposed to believe that someone is suddenly okay with the name he was given at birth. Then again, we’re supposed to believe this “presenting” thing the writer introduces despite the fact this feels like a way of ignoring the dynamics of adulthood and childhood, but that’s me.

Notes: So, from the title and summary I am definitely left with the impression that the writer is attempting to explore the whole Tom Riddle can’t love and turn it on it’s head in a serious manner, but turning this on its head is difficult. The way the writer tried turning it on its head really doesn’t work.

   Severus and Lucius apparated to Malfoy Manor together. Talking quietly they headed toward Lucius's study. After they both sat down with a drink, Severus voiced what they were both thinking.

"Did it seem to you like the Dark Lord was different tonight? He seemed distacted and much quieter than he was before his return."

Lucius nodded. "It didn't look like he was paying attention to the reports at all. I can't believe I'm saying this but if I didn't know that he was the Dark Lord I would have said he looked like he was about to have a panic attack. He doesn't strike me as that type of person but he was definitely freaking out about something."

Severus thought about that for a few minutes before replying. "You're right that he's definitely not the type to freak out easily. I wonder whats happened that has him so tense? We haven't gone on any raids or anything and he only got back three hours ago. What could possibly have happened to make him act like that? Do you think he knows something we don't? I wonder if we should check on him? Maybe something went wrong with the resurrection ritual. You know he would never tell us if something was wrong no matter how much pain he was in. We'll probably get screamed at and maybe crucioed but maybe we should check on him anyway? Just in case somethings wrong? What if...!"

"Severus!! Calm down, little brother. Your inner caretaker is coming out. Our Lord will most likely not be happy to be on the recieving end of those types of thoughts. I doubt his reaction will be kind. But I know you and I know that you won't stop worrying that something is wrong until you see for yourself that all is well. Therefore, I will go with you to see Our Lord but first you must calm yourself. I don't particularly wish to be crucioed tonight so while you're calming down we should think of a good reason for why we came back after Our Lord clearly dismissed us."

pc - gary stu, of - blood adoption, pa - au - unintentional bizarro universe, stu - severus snape, rating - awful, stu - voldemort, pw - subject matter not kawaii, stu - lucius malfoy, stu - harry potter

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