5085: In this world and the next - Hermione Granger

Dec 29, 2020 22:50

I’m still using certain words to find stories. That said, I think this is important to say before people go into today’s entry. Yes, individuals with mental illness have bad days. Yes, they have issues they have to deal with. I’m probably not the only one who is fed up with writers treating the character they attach the given mental illness onto as weak and incapable because of their mental illness twenty-four-seven.

Title: In this world and the next
Perpetrator: dying
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: Their avatar is a collage of a bunch of the Harry Potter movie posters.
Summary: “In a lone actf self-preservation, Hermione Granger leaves. AU- Snape survives. TW for implied eating disorders.”
Full Name: Hermione Granger
Sueworts House(s): This fake Hermione goes into Bitchiwitch. I’d like to have sorted her into Tootsietramp, but - despite the fact I could use the shipping tags, I really can’t use the Relationship Sue tag on this one. Since Snape is conveniently alive for the sake of the plot though, she goes into Quanonreip as well.
Species: We’re supposed to believe this girl who runs from her problems is Hermione because eating disorders and mental illness make for a convenient plot device.
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: n/a
Poessessions: She’s got a handsome shag named Eric.
Connection to Canon: Part one involves letting the reader know that Hermione suffers from a mental disorder - eating disorder as indicated in the summary - which the readers knew absolutely nothing about, but it claims she survived by avoiding her problems. In this case, she helps reconstructing the library. In part two she is failing spells because - it doesn’t really explain beyond the fact the writer wants her to be that pitiful. Why she is using the cleaning spell naked in the bathroom, I honestly do not know, but she basically ends up passing out on the toilet before waking up in the third part, “plastered to the floor of the bathroom.” There is then whining on her part about how, “no more goose cases. No more saving others. For once, Hermione Granger is going to save only herself.” Which, if she’s had this eating disorder before, there’s the major question of how she survived so long. Well, Hermione is such a pale imitation of her canon self for some reason “ten years later and she’s an accountant for a firm in Gloucester, a somewhat shitting town on the outskirts of everything else.” She’s also got a handsome shag named Eric. Well, so much for the eating disorder occurring in the past, but we’re supposed to believe that “It’s a trick she’s picked up recently. Maybe when she still had some memory of Hogwarts she had enough of something inside of her to warrant nourishment. Now though, there’s nothing. Just a whole lot of fogginess and an emptiness that encompasses, truly, every aspect of her life.” Randomly, Snape shows up because McGonagall sent him. She’s then remembering everything. He tries getting her to come back, but she decides to stay with her shag Eric because she is not Hermione. As such she doesn’t get a happy ending with Snape.
Origin: Snape is alive so that he can be paired with Hermione and she has an eating disorder so that she needs to be rescued by him because this Hermione runs from her problems. Hermione having issues is a major plot prop that I’m not at all buying.
Special Abilities: “Fact: Hermione has always been able to know she's about to crack before it even happens, hence her survivability. So after she (truly not Harry, her) saves the Wizarding World from the Dark Lord, she decides it's over. Not her life-at least, not yet-but certainly everything else.”

Notes: When I read the line about Hermione surviving because she knows when she’s about to crack, I kept thinking to myself something felt off regarding that line. Thinking about it carefully, I realized knowing one is about to crack mentally actually does one no good if one doesn’t have proper coping mechanisms to deal with them and according to the summary Hermione’s coping mechanism is an eating disorder. That would have possibly only gotten the story the Awful rating, but then I got into the story and Hermione is a shadow of her former self, running from her problems by running away from everybody. The mental disorder in turn ends up being an end result of her suddenly becoming an incapable person despite having always been quite capable. Some of the wording in this one bothered me as well.

Going back to what I said at the beginning, mental illness isn’t all downs nor should it be used as a plot device to turn the character into a woobie version of themselves.



When she wakes up plastered to the floor of the bathroom, the first thing she does is reach for her wand. She immediately tries a spell, and absolutely nothing happens. Only a faint wisp of gray smoke rises from the tip of the piece of wood between her fingers.

Fact: this is the first time Hermione Granger has ever failed at a spell, and the last.

Fact: she's not exactly happy about it. If anything, it's quite the opposite. Of course the first spell on the parchment was the one that worked. Of course she was successful with the first attempt of the first spell. Of course it's her exceptional capabilities that caused her lonesome, solemn demise.

The thing about Hermione is she has always been rather good at saving other people's asses. And it's one thing in the muggle world, where saving requires real science and real bravery-it's another thing in the Wizarding World, where, despite all of her best efforts, nothing ever really made any sense, her plans never really worked, everyone was a whole lot more stupid, and everything always ended up falling upon her knowing, yes, and capable, yes, but still rather fragile shoulders.

So she decided that would be the end of that. No more goose chases. No more saving others. For once, Hermione Granger is going to save only herself.

ps - ptsd, pw - woobie/cry for me, rating - toxic, ps - mental illness, p - hino (harry/hermione in name only), ps - spechul needs, sue - hermione granger, ps - eating disorder

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