5084: Secret's Out - Blaire, Chuck, Draco, Pansy

Dec 28, 2020 19:51

It took me a bit to figure out what was bothering me about this one beyond the fact the characters were the characters in name only.

Title: Secret's Out
Perpetrator: starrnobella
Sue-O-Meter: Awful
Cover/Banner Art: It has Draco’s actor on the cover and others who I’m guessing are the Gossip Girl characters and a girl I doubt is Pansy Parkinson’s character.
Summary: “Sick of the deceit and catching her in compromising positions with Chuck, Draco finally had to say goodbye to Blair.”
Full Name: Blaire, Chuck, Draco, Pansy
Sueworts House(s): Tootsietramp
Species: Could honestly be any character from any fandom if you changed the name.
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: n/a
Poessessions: n/a
Connection to Canon: Chuck is sexually harassing Blaire. She gives in and kisses him and poor Draco walks in on him, but he also says to Blaire, “Have you met Chuck’s newest playmate?” Draco breaks up with her because it’s all about the fact Chuck is fucking his ex-girlfriend rather than the fact she effectively is cheating on him.
Origin: Here is the author’s note for this one. “This is the third of my hopefully next 31 stories as I work my way through Draco's Den, Excelsior Fanfiction, Hermione's Haven, Marvelously Magical Fanfiction, Melting Pot Fanfiction, NaNo's Misfits, and Wizarding Crossover Connection's 31 Days of Writing Fanfiction event. Each day is a brand new prompt and hopefully, each day will be a different fandom coming from me.
The challenge: An Argument. I also used this story for my Cast The Dice challenge for the Chance score with the trope of It's Not You, It's Me. If you are familiar with my piece Face Value, then you will understand the Pansy/Chuck dynamic in this piece.
This story was written for xxDustNight88 because she has dropped hints at this pairing a few times!”
Special Abilities: No. If you read Face Value you won’t understand the story as the writer does the bare minimum for the prompts. That one has Pansy and Blaire meet in a bub, but it could be just about any two characters meeting in a pub. They’re also hanging with the Muggles, no explanation.

Notes: Am I the only one who thinks combining multiple writing challenges and trying to write the story for someone specifically is a good idea if you’re only going to dedicate somewhere over 1k in word count. I keep seeing Draco and Pansy as both OCs for Gossip Girl that look like the canon characters rather than their canon selves. There’s no mention of magic, let alone pureblood prejudices, and why are they hanging out with Muggles.

With his opposite hand, he reached up and gently stroked the ends of her hair and smiled. "You would look so much better on the arms of a man with darker hair, who knows exactly what makes you tick. Kiss me, Blair."

"I can-" she started, but cut herself off. Blair's eyes met his for only a brief moment before they fluttered shut as she tilted her head to the side and leaned into him. The warmth of his lips pressing against hers ignited something deep within that she hadn't felt in a long time.

"Blair?" a voice called from behind her.

Blair quickly pulled away from Chuck's embrace and shoved him away from her. "Draco," she blurted, walking over to him and reaching out for his hand. She frowned as she watched him pull away from her and cross his arms over his chest. Taking a deep breath, Blair reached up and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "How long have you been standing there?"

stu - draco malfoy, sue - pansy parkinson, stu - (other canon), p - not fanfic and/or crossover, p - hino (harry/hermione in name only), p - crossover, rating - awful, pc - relationship sue, sue - (other canon)

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