5083: Star Granger - season 1 - Hermione Granger

Dec 27, 2020 19:20

How long has it been since we’ve had a Stargate crossover? Actually, there was a story featured back in December of last year which was supposed to be a Stargate crossover eventually which ironically was one I also marked as good.

Title: Star Granger - season 1
Perpetrator: SFD
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: None
Summary: “In the middle of the chaos of the fight at the DOM, Hermione wonders off to find an interesting Jar, of Isis. Goddess of the moon, of life and magic; protector of women and children; healer of the sick, wife of Osiris, mother of the Pharaoh, path finder of the afterlife. Than, Hermione is startled, and the jar breaks. The stars will never be the same.”
Full Name: Hermione Granger
Sueworts House(s): She’s a Sparklypoo for being temporarily possessed by Isis. (How convenient.) She’s Quanonreip for poorly melding two fandoms together.
Species: She was a goddess (in terms of Stargate) for about an hour or less.
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: n/a
Poessessions: For some reason Hermione has two wands. (I also realized I don’t have a wand for double wand wielding despite that showing up a lot!)
Connection to Canon: There is no explanation regarding why Hermione is where she is so she can find the jar Isis is in, but she’s cursing up a shit storm which is so unlike the Hermione we all know. For not wanting things to happen “just to move the story onwards”, the plot is not off to a good start. After all, she is able to do Lumos without magic, or what seems like wadnless magic as there is no wand mentioned, but Hermione knows the jar belongs to Isis. Yup. It does seem to be that she was doing wandless magic as, “I fall as well, and feel a slight satisfaction feeling the wands, in my back pocket - those I have total forgotten about - crush under my weight.” She’s then threatening to kill people because she got possessed by Isis. Apparently Hermione can be in control. (Slams forehead against the table.) She tosses Dumbledore into the fountain while rings form around Voldemort and Harry so Harry can do his thing because Harry should be able to do something against Voldemort. (Sure. He’s only in his fifth year.) Things end up resulting in Isis’ getting killed off and Voldemort very, very mad. (This is just the first chapter.) Taking a quick glance at the reviews second chapter, there are a ton of BtVS references despite Harry not having seen the show and a recap which pretty much summarizes the second chapter. A review from chapter four describes what I feel about the writing up to said point. “The writing is somewhat manic”. Another way to describe it is “plot, what plot” as it is all over the place. Telling rather than showing is yet another problem because we’re basically told boring plot point after plot point, if you can call jumping through multiple days in one chapter.
Origin: I’m reading the writer’s author note on this one. They spend time fusing over the fact, “Most Sci-Fi crossovers are Harry cantered, and he turns out to be either some super-human, almost god-like ruler of the universe, without too much of an effort. Or he turns out to be too passive for my liking, and too willing to follow others. In all cases, he turns out to be too out of character.
And please - he only has elementary school math, and he plans spaceships?” As such, “This one is Hermione cantered - She’s much more qualified,” but they picked Stargate because they feel it “is much more interesting than star wars, since There are crossover characters existing (Merlin, Morgana), and the whole “Are mags decendents of Alterans?” They go on to say, “So, just a small change - Isis prison jar isn't broken on the shipment to the US, but is found by some curious mage, and brought for research to the DOM, where it is founds by unsspecting Hermione, running away from death eaters, at the end of her 5th year.”.
Special Abilities: The writer says, “no one here will gain amazingly new powers, or knowledge, just to move the story onwards,” right before going into the small change for the purposes of the story. We’re supposed to believe that Hermione would forget about her wand. Scratch that. Wands. She also gets possessed by Isis. Lovely. So much for that promise.

Notes: One of the things I keyed into with the author’s note was that the writer thinks the only way to turn a canon character into a Mary Sue or Gary Stu is by giving them “new powers, or knowledge, just to move the story onwards” let alone the only way to make them out of character. However, considering the fact the writer ended up failing, in regards, to the not gaining any new powers or knowledge just to move the plot part.


Shit, now I'm bossing myself

I'm running through those corridors ever since we crushed all the prophecies, and escaped out of that hall. There's a movement, at the end of the side corridor. Honestly, this place is built like an ant nest, and why is it so dark? A small figure ran across and disappeared. Luna? Ginny? I throw a stunning hex, through the corridor, and amazingly enough it hits the bigger shadow who just appeared, running after the first one. "Accio wand" I cry, and a small stick comes flying towards me. Immediately I stuffed it into my back pocket.

Sod moody I think and smile a bit.

There's a shout in the corridor behind me. "Accio wand" I cry again, and there's another wand stuffed into my back pocket. The shouts are distinctively curses now, and there are some running sounds too, so I bolt and run away from the noise.

Why is it so dark?

"lights" I cry, just as it worked at the Weasleys, and the Blacks - nothing happens. The running and cursing sounds behind me are getting closer, and I'm starting to despair.

"This is a trap" I told him, didn't I? And did he listen? "Sod it - I need so save him" he said, and the hell with logic and caution. Well, it worked with the Basilisk, and the Dementors, and I was nearly killed back then too. This time I'm SO going to tell him "I told you so" - if I'll get the opportunity, obviously. Did I ever tell him so? God knows I had reasons…

Still running and cursing behind me. I let go a "Bombarda" over my shoulder, without even looking, and get some debris falling sounds, and even more cursing.

Language! I think.

rating - awful, p - sue what plot? swp, o - pepper jack cheese, ct - god/goddess (part), sue - hermione granger, ct - alien (part)

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