5082: Resurface - Hermione Granger and Evangeline "Angie" Delphinius Granger

Dec 26, 2020 20:50

We’ve not had one of the following in a long time.

Title: Resurface
Perpetrator: Readerlover17
Sue-O-Meter: Awful (Could easily go in the direction of Toxic, but it is unlikely to get better.
Cover/Banner Art: None
Summary: “A fling in the Leaky Cauldron, a night of passion and an unthinkable consequence. Hemione raises a child that the father knows nothing about. When long forgotten emotions for the father resurfaces how will Hermione handle them? Was it all a coincidence or is faith as sick and twisted as they believe it to be? What happens if a psycho kidnapper is on the loose? AU. Dramione.”
Full Name: Hermione Granger, Evangeline “Angie” Delphinius Granger
Sueworts House(s): Hermione goes into Quanonreip because she acts like an idiot and her daughter is in Sparklypoo.
Species: She’s the angel spawn of Hermione and Draco who is of course extra special.
Hair: Her hair is platinum blond.
Eyes: Here eyes are a light grey.”
Markings: The baby is pale when it is born which the writer tries to use to indicate that the baby is sickly, but pale skin doesn’t necessarily indicate such.
Poessessions: When Hermione has asked if they’ve checked with the Malfoy family regarding the kidnappings. “Malfoys? Hermione, they have an orphanage for all blood types. Yes, we investigated and informed them the reassure us that the manor had ancient wards to protect their those children. And if they were the kidnappers, Mrs. Malfoy must be a really good actress” More specifically, they bought a smaller place for themselves and turned Malfoy manor into an orphanage.
Connection to Canon: For some reason Hermione is having her baby at a Muggle hospital. Something is wrong with the baby when she is born in that she isn’t crying. (Actually, some babies actually don’t cry when they’re born, nor does it indicate that the baby is unhealthy.) She screams at the doctors and nurses, then realizes everything will be okay. (Sounds like a scene from Call of the Midwife.) We then get a scene where Angie is the perfect angel, already academically and athletically inclined by age three, while we learn Ginny is pregnant. Then we skip to her being four and still a perfect angel before getting a flash back where the nurse tells her that Angie had a little problems breathing when she was little. Gag. Then we get her thinking about the questions she’ll ask new employees. We learn Lavender Brown is her assistant while Molly is pondering whether Angie knows wandless magic where she saved Fred when he started falling from the tree. (Rolls eyes.) Hermione finds out that the only name not crossed out by Lavender is Draco Malfoy’s who nobodies seen or heard from since the war. (Now, that isn’t entirely true.) He’s thankful for the opportunity for a job. Harry later on shows up announcing that there has been a string of kidnappings, but “Our leads have shown us that the kidnapped could be a pure blood unless some half-blood has gone mental.” Say what?” That’s what Harry said. Harry doesn’t believe Narcissa is behind it - that she would have to be a very good actress. “She lied to Voldemort and survived Harry.” I get the fact the writer is trying to make it seem she’s not completely okay with the Malfoy family despite her one-night stand with Draco, with her noting that Draco grown up is preferable to Draco from her childhood, but it really doesn’t work. Lavender is pregnant with Ron’s child because their relationship began again “after the battle of Hogwarts.” In chapter five we learn that Snape is alive because Madam Pomfrey healed him. Lucius gets ten years while Draco is forced to go to America for three to live as a Muggle, while Narcissa is under house arrest for a year. He learns of the kidnapper from his mother, but they realize that their orphans might be in trouble. Hermione learns that Angie’s accidental magic is amazing because she kept it up for a minute and a half. She’s not sure if she can tell Draco about his daughter. Chapter seven is Hermione worrying about the kidnapped children and her own special snowflake.
Origin: We’re supposed to believe Hermione had a one-night stand with Draco, but that she had some kind of romantic feelings for him yet also believe she wouldn’t tell him he had a kid.
Special Abilities: The first scene waxes prose about how the baby is Hermione’s sweet little angel and how anything that went wrong with her is in fact her fault. Well, I guess that makes sense since Hermione was uncharacteristically an idiot and gave birth to her possibly magical child in a Muggle hospital. We then learn of three-year-old “Angie” that despite looking like her father, personality wise “she was identical toher mother. Polite and stubborn but can be determined when she pleases. She loves to read although she only being 3 years old, she loved playing quidditch with Uncle Harry, Auntie Ginny, Uncle Ron and Children. She loved playing jokes on Uncle Fred and George and baking with nama Mol (Molly Weasley.)” After all, she is Hermione’s perfect little angel.

Notes: It’s been awhile since Hermione’s had a one-night stand with Draco featured. It’s not so much the one-night stand that is the issue, but almost always the children who always end up a special snowflake and the whole hiding the children from Draco for either unknown reasons or reasons which feel off. The writer tried by having the Malfoy family disappear - sort of, but you’d think the owls would be able to find him. Yes, I get the fact Hermione would want to raise the children on her own, or child in this particular case, but you’d think if she was willing enough to have a one-night stand with Draco she’d respect him enough to let him know there was a child or children born from that. Then again, this one had her child at a Muggle hospital.

At a muggle hospital.

Hermione pushed as hard as she could. The unbearable pain seeped deep into her bones, forcing a heart wrenching scream from her mouth. She could do it, she had to. For her sake and the child's.

''One more big bush Ms. Granger'' the nurse encouraged her.

With her heart ringing in her ears she let in one deep breath and began to push harder. Sweat ran down her temple as she grasped the hospital sheets until her knuckles went white. She was on her own, this was all on her, she had to do it for her sweet little girl.

With a final cry of exhaustion Hermione threw her head back, everything was silent. Her heart dropped, why wasn't there any crying? she thought. Her brain gave a million reasons to the situation and her breathing increased. Everything was in slow motion. She sat there motionless as doctors and nurses rushed in and out of her room, ordering each other around. A pale frame caught her attention on the other side of the room.

Forcing herself to sit up, the corners of her eyes began to sting. Her vision began to blur as a nurse forced her down by the shoulders.

'What's wrong' Hermione whispered.

When the nurse gave no answer, she spoke again

'what's wrong with my daughter? What's happening?' she demanded on the edge of breaking down.

She can't die, she's too innocent, too young. This is my fault. Every breath Hermione took burned her lungs, leaving her more breathless then before, she screamed demanding the doctors to save her angel, to do whatever it takes.

In a moment of agony, Hermione felt herself slip into exhaustion, she fought and fought until one wail came soaring from the room. Everything stilled, everyone stopped. Hermione felt her vison darken but she let it be, she knew her angel was safe, she was alright, they were both going to be okay...

rating - awful, related to the malfoys, related to hermione, af - wandless magic (child mastery), pc - child genius, pp - orphanage, sue - hermione granger

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