5081: Alone - Harry Potter/Mike Taylor

Dec 23, 2020 12:42

So, in my hunt for Covid related stories I’ve turned to using keywords which indicate illness so they’re not directly linked to the whole thing.

Title: Alone
Perpetrator: Crossoverfan56138
Sue-O-Meter: Awful
Cover/Banner Art: None
Summary: “On their trip to visit Mr. Weasley in the hospital after the snake's attack, it is discovered that Harry has cancer. Instead of keeping the boy-who-lived close and safe, Dumbledore has the genius idea to send a disguised Harry to Ocean Parks Hospital in LA for treatment. Harry never expected to find friendship, family and least of all love there. (HarryxJordi)”
Full Name: Harry Potter/Mike Taylor
Sueworts House(s): He’s in Bitchiwitch for getting woobie sick on us.
Species: Harry the Cancerous Horocruc
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: “The boy looked to be around 12 to 13, only reaching up to Leo’s shoulders.”
Poessessions: “He wore a blue beanie, but you could see some black strands of hair peaking out from beneath it. He had big dark brown eyes with circles - prominent against his otherwise pale skin - surrounding them and hollow cheeks. Despite the many baggy layers of clothing he wore, judging by the state of his body, he belonged in a wheelchair being carted to Emma's station.”
Connection to Canon: Dumbledore thinks it is a great idea to send Harry all the way to LA rather than having him treated in a pediatrics center in the UK. Second chapter is him being transferred and it really loses all semblance of this being the HP universe.  Harry ends up losing all confidence and acting like the twelve to thirteen years he is described being rather than a fifteen plus child whose faced down a Basalisk by running away from the other kids. “Well, as much as it was possible to hurry with a broken left.”
Origin: The writer really loves crossovers, but so far this is their only one.
Special Abilities: Being a Horocrux now means one gets cancer. “His friends and magic had given him the confidence that he had never had before as Dudley’s punching bag. That confidence had been stripped away.” The writer really doesn’t know Harry, do they, given the fact there are other reasons for him to feel confident.

Notes: I found myself questioning the idea of Harry getting cancer from having a piece of Voldemort’s soul lodged into him, but find myself wishing that wasn’t considered the reason for his cancer and the writer simply made it so wizards and witches can get cancer just like Muggles can. Then there’s the whole bit about taking him from the UK into LA. Honestly, it would have been better to make the hospital a UK hospital than an LA hospital than this.


He nodded at Ron's question while gritting his teeth, willing the pain go away. Harry knew that it would take a while until it lessened though. "Just broken." He gritted out.

"Harry, what happened?" Mrs Weasley's panicked voice asked, making him look up at her. Ginny was leading the way back to where he was sprawled on the ground. She must have left a while ago. He was relying on his underarms to hold his upper body up in order to not look completely pathetic and weak.

As he looked towards his leg, he saw that it was bent at an unnatural angle.

For a moment, he had thought about moving it to see if it was truly broken, but the pain and the angle convinced him that it was indeed.

"H-he j-just fell." Fred answered, his voice conveying panic and desperation. Was he afraid it had something to do with Voldemort possessing him?

Ron was just patting Harry's back awkwardly as if that would help. Mrs. Weasley was squeezing his right hand. George and Fred had comforting hands on his shoulders.

"I called for a healer, I'm sure someone will arrive soon dear." Mrs. Weasley said comfortingly.

As if on cue, a bossy voice could be heard as she pushed away the Weasleys,

"Out of the way, out of the way!"

The elderly woman the voice belonged to, took one look at his leg and cast a spell on it. She seemed surprised that the spell didn't do anything but glow. Harry felt absolutely nothing but a bit of warmth. "How...? But why...?"

No, she wasn't just surprised, she was completely baffled.

She tried the spell again.

Same effect.

The warmth did make it feel better momentarily, but that feeling vanished as fast as it had come. She did it one last time, but still didn't achieve anything other than the previous reaction.

Then she did a different spell. One that felt cold rather than warm and didn't make Harry feel better at all... It felt like something was seeping into his already broken bone, going deeper and deeper until every part of it was searched. Then the woman had a parchment in her hand and a frown on her face.

She then levitated Harry onto a conjured stretcher, starting to walk swiftly off to who-knew-where, floating Harry along. This movement only made his leg hurt more and he groaned.

"Hey!" Mrs Weasley said in alarm. "Where are you taking him?"

"Spell damage." She said briskly. "Visitations aren't allowed until after the examination."

"Spell damage...?" Ron asked, finally somewhat recovered from the shock of seeing his best friend just suddenly crumble to the floor.

"But Harry wasn't exposed to any spells at all. He just... fell over." He frowned, as if he realised just now how unusual it was.

It was unusual, wasn't it? But when had Harry ever had the pleasure to be normal?

pw - woobie/cry for me, rating - awful, e - american, stu - harry potter, pa - au - strange crossover setting

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