5080: The Luna Witch and Her Major - Camila Ivy Potter, Andromeda Tonks

Dec 22, 2020 01:43

I’d not expected a Twilight fanfic today, but here you go.

Title: The Luna Witch and Her Major
Perpetrator: Padfootette
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: The cover is a picture of Jasper and the girl I’m guessing is supposed to be female Harry, but female Harry has none of guy Harry’s hair problems.
Summary: “Camilla Ivy Potter was sick of people targeting her ever since her third year when Remus bit her during the whole Pettigrew scene. So, after the war with everyone targeting her for being a 'Dark Creature' and witch, she decides to move to Forks Washington with her Godson, his grandmother and her best friends Fred and George for a better life. Will Jasper accept her? Or not?”
Full Name: Camilla Ivy Potter, Andromeda Tonks
Sueworts House(s): Camilla is in Bitchiwitch for being a Sympathy Sue. Quanonreip for not paying attention to the rules regarding vampires and werewolves for either canon material, Tootsietramp for existing to be the romantic partner of Jasper which as of chapter one leaves just Sparklypoo. Andromeda I’m still deciding upon because that’s a whole new kind of Sue we’ve not quite seen before. I’m actually at the end of chapter three and I’ve decided Andromeda falls into Bitchiwitch for being a creep whose effectively replaced her dead daughter with Camilla who is incapable of taking care of herself because her life is *sob* so painful and traumatic that she has B. Swanitus worse than the name sake of the disease.
Species: We’re supposed to believe this is a female version of Harry.
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: n/a
Poessessions: Camilla’s kidnapped Teddy, Teddy’s grandmother and Harry’s two best friends to bring with her to America. Which, I admit is different, but there is still the question of why the Harry Potter characters have to even leave the UK in the first place. Of course, by best friends the writer doesn’t mean Hermione - who would fight for her friends rights, or Ron, but Fred and George, one of whom is supposed to be dead, not to mention the fact they’re not in the same year as Camilla so her making friends with them doesn’t make sense. Funny how their actual best friend in canon gets forgotten. What was his name? Oh yeah. Lee Jordon. Also, would Camilla have actually been named Teddy’s godmother? Typically godparents are of the same sex as the godchild.
Connection to Canon: Screw the prophesy which clearly uses male pronouns and screw the fact we’re talking about a canon character who wouldn’t run away from their problems. (Actually, now I’m wishing this was Ron due to the fact it just occurred to me despite the number of stories we’ve had with this issue that he is the one character that running away to another place would make sense for, but nobody, absolutely nobody bothers using him for this particular plot. Alice knows Camilla is coming while Andromeda is determined not to let Teddy be taken away from Camilla and how she’d fight to keep Camilla from being thrown into Azkaban yet we’re not given any reason why Camilla would be thrown into Azkaban as she’s not done anything wrong. They’re idiots though, because the day they arrive is the full moon so I’m thinking maybe, just maybe making Camilla the godmother of Teddy wasn’t the soundest decision when quite a few canon characters would have known better than this. There’s also talk about blood adopting Teddy. It’s just adoption people, but I think the writer is talking about special blood magic where the adoption is extra special. Just, no and more no. It’s not needed, but then, Andromeda is actually having Camilla’s parents, Teddy’s parents and her husband moved from where they are to America which is majorly creepy. (I think there’s a reason we’ve not seen that in any stories before, or at least that we can remember.) The second chapter starts off with them taking a flight from the United Kingdom to America and then settling into their new amazing home which includes a lab for the twins, six-bedrooms of which everyone except Teddy has an en-suite. We get lengthy descriptions of each room which I’m not going to quote except for the following line. “Fred’s room like the girls also had a closet and en-suite attached to his room.” On top of repeating information already known, neither Camilla or Andromeda are “girls”. They’re grown women. In the meantime, Jasper is being congratulated about entering matehood without Camilla actually having had any say in the matter. I know they’re teasing him about getting stuck with a werewolf, which isn’t the same thing as a shapeshifter, but it’s still another level of creepy. Chapter three is the brothers texting each other while Teddy calls Camilla mama and Andromeda acts like her mother while George and Fred are honestly kind of just there. At the end, she meets Jasper, because apparently it’s okay for Camilla to go to a Muggle school despite the fact she would be eighteen for crying out loud and have graduated from school.
Origin: We’ve yet another story where the Harry Potter canon characters run away all the way to America just so that they can be involved with the Twilight canon. According to the writer, we’re supposed to believe that Camilla, “was now being hailed as a Dark Witch and a Dark Creature all because she’s a werewolf”. No on the first, yes on the second. It’s also because of “the amount of power she held and because she was made to fight in the war that shouldn’t been left to someone older.” Yeah, no. Those aren’t reasons to consider someone a Dark Witch either.  At the end of the chapter the writer is asking, “What should the names of Camilla’s werewolf for be? And Fred and George’s coyote forms be?”
Special Abilities: Let’s start off with the fact the prophesy actually wouldn’t involve Harry any longer if he were female, which in turn would mean that his parents were alive and so many other things, yet the exact same plot is expected to have happened as before despite the fact Remus did manage to harm Harry, I mean, this Camilla Ivy Potter pretending to be a female version of Harry. I do have to admit that she does fit right into the Twilight universe with all the angst we have going on already. Vampires aren’t allowed to drain witches and wizards which is a direct contradiction of both canon materials.

Notes: Anything worth noting? Twilight fanfics tend to just get the bad rating for being so dull, but this is far from dull. There is a note in the second chapter which reads, “Bella Swan 13th September 1980. (Not an important character).” which I found amusing.


"No. Jasper's mate is moving here next week." Alice said with a large grin.

"Who is it Alice?" Jasper asked eagerly.

"Camilla Ivy Potter-Black." Alice told them. They all knew about the Wizards and Witches that were hidden all over the world, it was actually a requirement for newborns to be told as soon as they wake up so they don't start a war. It was one of the laws the Volturi had passed was to never drain a witch or wizard and to keep track of all goings on in the Wizarding World so they didn't accidentally drain a witch or wizard. This is how they knew all about Camilla Potter-Black.

And how she was now being hailed as a Dark Witch and a Dark Creature all because she's a werewolf, the amount of power she held and because she was made to fight in the war that should've been left to someone older. But they couldn't help but feel proud of her, even though they didn't know her personally. They knew she had won the war in Britain only a few short months ago at only seventeen, and they could understand why she was paired with Jasper, and why she was moving here. There was no one more suited then helping her recover from the war than Jasper. Maybe just maybe they would be each other's salvation.

"When can we meet her?" Evelyn and Esme asked excitedly.

"Not for a while yet, roughly a month." Alice said sadly. "The day she moves here with her Godson who she's adopted, his grandmother and two of her best friends, it's a Full Moon and she'll be left feeling rather ill and weak afterwards. Their moving into the house that's being built ten miles away."

"Is she alright?" Jasper asked, knowing how hard a war was. He didn't care that she was a witch or that she's a werewolf or that she had a son. All he cared about was his mate and he would love her son like he was his own, and he would love Camilla regardless.

"No, but she will be eventually." Alice said sadly.

pw - woobie/cry for me, ct - werewolf (full), rating - toxic, sue - andromeda tonks, of - blood adoption, pc - b swanitis, pw - runs from trouble like a child, p - hino (harry/hermione in name only), pb - taco-show, stu - harry potter, ct - wereanimal/shapeshifter (full)

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