5079: Legacy of Darkness, Bane of Light - Harry Potter

Dec 21, 2020 13:33

Today’s entry was very hard to resist because of the summary.

Title: Legacy of Darkness, Bane of Light
Perpetrator: The Emerald Blight
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: We’ve a delightful picture of a planet, possible Earth of something similar which is one fire.
Summary: “My kind never belonged on that toxic planet. Its poisonous air and that cancerous tumor they called Magic. It should have killed me. Would have, had I not proved to be stronger. Found by one that had mastered forces beyond the scope of one tiny world and trained to be more. I have come to know my destiny. I am no mere Dark Jedi. I am the Darth of Darths.I. Am Sith'ari. SithHarry!”
Full Name: Harry Potter
Sueworts House(s): Just going into the story I already know that this Harry gets sorted into Bitchiwitch. I thought it would be because he is Sith, but it turns out because he is a major woobie Stu who is super annoying due to the fact he’s basically purposefully exposing himself to a deathly allergy - magic, just so he can attend Hogwarts despite not being able to perform magic.
Species: You heard the writer in the summary. He’s Sith. Then I learned he is a woobie Stu whose also a Squib, or at least according to the writer.
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: n/a
Poessessions: Harry has “a simple cylindrical wooden block” which he bites down on to block out the cries of pain because he is beaten up so badly by the Dursley family. Also, Harry doesn’t need a wand, but “had I not seen that intriguing display of Wandless magic before, why I would have almost believed you to be a Squib Mr. Potter. He has an amulet he made to protect him from the effects of magic which makes one wonder why he is even attending Hogwarts.
Connection to Canon: We’ve yet another story where extreme physical violence, making Harry do chores at night for some strange reason and abandoning him towards the end of the story is considered far more believable than what happened in canon when in reality it is not. They randomly lock him in his closet to die one day and a random Ghost shows up and asks him if he wants to die or not. The ghost is actually Sith Bane, but how he got there is not explained beyond the fact Earth is supposedly a cancerous planet. Bane then saves him from the Dursley family. Yup, it’s one of those where the writer makes Harry’s abuse worse just so he can be rescued, not actually because it is more realistic like they think. We then proceed into the typical plot-what-plot we see of stories where Harry is Harry in name only, plus your typical info dumps that this type of story has, but then for supposedly not having anything to do with Earth Harry gets his Hogwarts letter, but Bane says “Magic is a form of energy waste. A tumour if you will that has grown as a result of what this world’s toxic existence has done to The Force that once filled this planet. Magicals; wizards and witches as they call themselves each carry a growth within them that allows them to tap into this tumour. Very similar to how a Sith or Jedi do so with The Force.” Good job managing to insult both fandoms there. I’d thought it was only the HP one. Well, Harry now has to figure out how not to be expelled for being a Squib, yet the writer also misses out on the fact in order to even have a letter, Harry must be able to use magic. He’s also talking to Quirrel and we learn that Harry is getting along with Quirrell for no real good reason for a “friendship/whatever” to form in Harry’s first year. Magic makes him ill (see third sample of the writing), yet he’s still attending Hogwarts
Origin: The world of Harry Potter and it’s powers are now cancerous. However, we are treated to the following author’s note. “We are changing Harry Potter Canon so as far as the HP-verse is concerned this is severely AU. Fair warning, do not grow attached to anyone on this planet that is not Harry Potter.” There’s apparently no such thing as the Boy-Who-Lived anymore which means there is no justification for him still living with the Dursley’s let alone the fact he’s not living with Sirius as Sirius would also no longer have a reason to go after Petigrew. Actually, why is he not living with his parents!
Special Abilities: Harry doesn’t belong on Earth. We then learn that “magic” is cancerous to children born with the force thus killing them which is yet another convenient plot device for making Bane rescue Harry from a planet he shouldn’t actually be on, but also an excuse not to use the other canon characters because the writer is only focused on making Harry a super uber Sith Lord. Around chapter six even the reviewers become confused because well, says one, “How the hell do you justify sending harry to Hogwarts if he doesn’t have a scrap of magic? Or make magic a form of Force-cancer?” As another one pointed out, “If harry does not have a magical core, a wand, or any sort of magic how the hell is he going to so anything at Hogwarts but waste his time?” and the added “I feel like you are forcing the characters to ignore the obvious, glaring issue. The hell is harry meant to do when he can’t cast a single spell, or use any magic whatsoever.” A third says, “There is literally no point in Harry going to Hogwarts, it’s even more annoying if he’s going to act weak.”

Notes: Here on Pottersues we hold that a story is either AU or it is not, but if the writer ever finds themselves thinking of their story in levels of AUness which don’t actually exist then they should really think about whether their AU actually logically works. Am I saying that there aren’t AUs out there with a lot of changes to the canon material? No, Pottersues is not. What Pottersues is saying is that a well written AU with a lot of changes to the canon material isn’t thought of by anybody who loves a good AU as “severely” AU because the writer took the time to think out how every single change they made would actually effect what they were writing.

We got none of that here. Harry is no longer the Boy-Who-Lived which means there is no explanation for why he’s not living with his parents which in turn means there is no reason for him to have gone through what he did with the Dursley family. Then there is the abuse he suffered at the hands of the Dursley family which wouldn’t have gone unnoticed by child protective services and thus getting six-year-old Harry removed from their custody. Bane says that magic is a cancerous tumor, but why should I believe this at all when we only have Bane’s word regarding the matter not to mention the fact he described magic in the same manner as the Force.

And… all the writer is doing is following the original plot with an element added here and there about how magic has the potential to kill Harry, such as in one case when he nearly throws up.

It was here in the darkness of his cupboard, in the haze of his pain and suffering that against all odds Harry found some measure of tranquillity in his life. In this state the harsh and tormented life of one Harry Potter didn't exist. Vernon and Dudley didn't exist. The cruelty of the world and his body didn't exist. There was only the throb and ache of his own existence.

'It hurts….doesn't it.'

Harry's eyes snapped open as the door to his cupboard shook violently from a pounding fist.

"FREAK!" Vernon bellowed. "Get outside! you've chores to finish!"

The boy in question breathed out a silent sigh of frustration; the world in all its pitilessness flooding back to him.

Reaching to the side, he grabbed one of his most valued possessions. A simple cylindrical wooden block; formerly belonging to Dudley from when he had been a toddler, and shoved it into his mouth, biting down to smother his moans of pain as he forced his battered body back up.

Surprisingly, the list of chores to be completed outside in the darkness of night was Harry's favorite. The best part of his day. The chores themselves, not so much. They were more examples of work sadistically imposed upon him with the full knowledge that his body was not suited or built for the tasks in question. He hadn't the body strength to push the old, rusted manual push lawn lower Vernon had bought specifically for him to use under the claim 'so it wouldn't disturb the neighbors.' nor could he easily pull the weeds from Petunia's garden, or the height to dust, organise and clean Vernon's gardening shed.

Second sample from chapter three.

"Power is an incredible and overwhelming sensation to feel. The sensation and heady feeling of such power incorporated with a steady, increasing flow of anger or hatred is a dangerously corruptible influence. I have witness lesser Sith lose themselves to that feeling and become nothing more than mindless animals; slaves to their own darkness and believing themselves gods with the power they believe they possess. They all fell to the Dark Side of The Force."

"But that doesn't make sense." Harry spoke up, confusion evident in his face. "If the Sith put their bad feelings into The Force and it was given back to them with more, then how is that the Dark Side? Shouldn't it be that they fell to their own weakness?"

Bane smiled, pleased with the thoughts of the child. It was a simple line of thought, most would call it naive in fact. But there was no denying the fact that the Earth child had hit the issue squarely. The emotional feedback loop of The Force did not invoke or summon the 'Dark Side'. Those that 'fell' to the 'Dark Side' and were lost within it had simply failed to master and maintain control over the emotions they had fed into The Force.

"An enlightened view not many are able to reach." Bane replied in approval. "It is the mistake of many to avoid blame regarding their own weakness and madness and simply lean upon the crutch of blaming the Dark Side of The Force. It makes for an epic tale of ultimate victory when a Force user who has fallen to the 'Dark Side' returns to the 'Light'."

"And I am able to use The Force?" Harry pointed out. "When you helped me use its power to get here, you said that I had the ability."

"That I did. While you are currently unable to call upon The Force on your own, I simply pushed open the doorway temporarily if you will."

"Is that why I'm always sick? Why it hurts so much?" Harry asked. "Sickness, pain and weakness; is that the price to be sensitive to this Force?"

Bane shook his head. "No. there is something wrong with this planet you were born upon. A great and terrible cancer that has twisted and tainted The Force here. To those that are not connected to The Force they could live their entire lives and not notice. But you; who was born with such a powerful connection, you feel the cancer that eats at this world as keenly as it does. Your body is weak and wracked with pain because the sickness that infects this planet is in turn trying to infect you. I have seen a handful of children born with a connection to the Force on this planet since my arrival here."

"And what happened to them?"

"They died." Bane replied, bluntly. "Without exception each and every Force Sensitive before you has died by the age of four. Unable to survive here in a world trying to kill them."

Sample from chapter eight.

Transfiguration, taught by Professor McGonagall was a subject that held a greater potential for Harry. A class that instructed upon the magical means of altering matter in both form and composition, it was a field that held potential applications in the field of Sith Alchemy given the correct research and direction. McGonagall had continued in her introductory class to touch upon Transfiguration's eventual expansion into the field of Conjuration which was where the applications ended. Professor McGonagall had demonstrated a feat of Conjuration and Harry had very nearly vomited all over his notes from where he had been seated at the back of the class.

The violent and acidic twisting of the Miasmic Force around her had lit up like a match to gas and come dangerously close to overloading his amulet. Using Magic, the cancerous byproduct of this tainted planet to conjure matter was nothing less than a concentrated burst of sickness and death to his own senses.

An unintended lesson had been passed onto Harry at that moment. Beware of Conjuration.

pf - saving harry, ph - squib, a - ability from another fandom, rating - toxic, pa - au - canon mangled, p - hino (harry/hermione in name only), p - crossover

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