(no subject)

Dec 20, 2020 23:56

Today is a quick entry due to it being

Title: Louella Alexander
Perpetrator: fallingferns
Sue-O-Meter: Bad
Cover/Banner Art: The cover is the title at the bottom in swooping script font which is difficult to read because behind it is the Hogwarts cassle and behind that is a girl who is supposed to represent out Sue in blue tones with more of the castle behind that. It’s a mess.
Summary: “It's the year 1981 and Louella Alexander, a Muggle-born witch, is starting Hogwarts. She goes into this new world expecting it to be everything she ever wanted, but she instead gets caught up in the wizarding world's politics as the Muggle-borns in the castle fall mysteriously ill, but when did it suddenly become her responsibility to figure out who is behind all this? She's 11!”
Full Name: Louella Alexander
Sueworts House(s): Bitchiwitch
Species: Could go anyway.
Hair: See markings.
Eyes: See markings.
Markings: Regarding Laurie, we know that “she seemed taller than Louella and had light mid-length, wavy, light brown hair and brown eyes and a round face and she was also wearing her Hogwarts robes, she had managed to put her trunk up as well as Louella's.”. Then there’s Hazel and a mean boy. “The girl had a light tan and freckles spread around her delicate looking face, she had long, straight dark brown hair and hazel eyes, she smiled politely when she saw Laurie and Louella board the boat. The boy, however, did not look as nice, he was pale and have wavy brown hair, he had mean, blue eyes that seemed to judge Louella with every step she took but softened slightly when he looked at Laurie.”. We also learned about, “"Araragi, Daniel!" A tall, thin, pale boy with black hair and blue eyes approached the hat and was sorted into Ravenclaw, the table next to Lou's cheered and clapped but they did it in a much more dignified way than the rowdy Gryffindors. "Ash, Mary!" a tall girl with fair skin and mid-length, curly, light-brown hair and green eyes that looked rather snobbish, approached the hat and was sorted into Slytherin. "Bela, Hazel!" Louella looked up and flashed Hazel a supportive smile, Hazel noticed and smiled back just before the hat fell down on her head and covered her eyes. After a few minutes, the hat declared her another Ravenclaw, she made her way to the table next to Louella's. She sat down next to Daniel and turned around and waved at Lou, who waved back.”. We also learn, “Maya was a petite girl with a round face and striking blue eyes, she was a great deal paler than the boy Lou had shared a boat with, whose name turned out to be George Senator and had ended up being sorted into Slytherin, and that Mary girl combined. In fact, it seemed as if Maya hadn't seen daylight in years. Maya had beautiful blonde curls, in fact, at times they seemed to be glowing, which, considering what Lou had already seen, didn't seem all that impossible.”. Then there’s, “A tall, dark-skinned boy with curly brown hair and hazel eyes that Louella recognized as Nathaniel Kuran, put in.”. More description occurs here. “"Professor Sakamaki has kindly agreed to fill in for Professor Skyle for the Defense Against the Dark Arts position." An attractive Asian woman with straight, dark brown hair and chocolate eyes stood up and Louella saw a lot of the boys clapping for her” And more description. “A tall, tan girl with mid-length wavy brown hair and dark brown hair and equally dark eyes announced. The first years scrambled after her who was standing in the doorway waiting for them with a huge smile on her face, "Hello I'm Maria Klusmeyer, your prefect, nice to meet you all." "I thought Ethan was the Gryffindor prefect?" Charlotte Mikaelson, a small light-skinned girl with curly, short dull blonde hair and large green eyes, asked. Maria smiled and said, "There are two prefects for each house, a boy and a girl," Maria explained, "Now come on, follow me to Gryffindor Tower," Charlotte gasped, "We get to live in a tower?!" "Of course, where else did you expect us to stay at?" Ann Sunstar, a snobbish looking girl with fair skin and long, straight blonde hair with judgemental gray eyes answered.”. We got all of that description for other characters whom we may never hear from again, but never a description of the Sue.
Poessessions: n/a
Connection to Canon: The story starts off with her arriving at Hogwarts and meeting a girl named Laurie Fawley who talks about definitely going into Slytherin because her whole family did but upon finding out Louella’s blood heritage that “Anyway, Slytherin is the house of the snakes, the evil people.” This of course confuses Louella until Laurie explains that this doesn’t make her evil. (You know, I don’t think the first thing she would actually say even if she didn’t think in the same vein as the other Slytherin’s is that.) Thus they make friends and Louella becomes clingy to the point of constantly holding onto her robes so she doesn’t get lost. Of course, the second chapter ends with her friend being sorted into Slytherin while she is in Gryffindor. A girl named Maya Saxe teases her about not being able to eat after seeing Headless Nick do his thing. Despite this she is now friends with Maya, which is where it ended. There’s a girl with
Origin: Can't think of anything for this one.
Special Abilities: On top of being special enough to have a story titled after her, the conflict in the story involves solving a problem probably best left to adults. We’re not talking about someone with wizarding parents like Harry who actually has some connection to the wizarding world prior to receiving his Hogwarts letter, but a Muggleborn with absolutely no connections what-so-ever. We’re also talking a conflict which would have been talked about at the same level as the last time the Chamber of Secrets was opened. She’s also the actual target of the illness, which makes this even more logical.

Notes: The impression I was left with when I read the story was the writer was probably thinking along these lines. They wanted their character to be important like Harry, hence the title which isn’t a bad thing when the OC is written well. They knew that she needed some kind of conflict like Harry, but then the chapters are pretty much covering plot points covered in the books. I don’t say copying, because it isn’t that, but it doesn’t think the writer was thinking outside of the box. Oh, it should also be noted that this was posted last year, not this year, long before the whole Covid thing started up. The other thing about this story is the fact I don't think the girl will be able to solve the problem, what with how much she ended up clining to everyone.


Louella struggled to lift her trunk off the cart and drag it up the train door, hoping that some older student would see her, take pity, and help her, but no one came and Louella was forced to drag that trunk all the way down the train, looking for an empty compartment. Luckily for her, there was an empty compartment at the very front of the train so she didn't really have to walk around as much. She struggled to put her trunk up, almost dropping it on herself. Louella let out a shriek and jumped back in surprise, she stared at her trunk and decided to shove it to the end of the compartment, under the window, she stared at it and she started to feel dread welling up inside her as she realized she would have to go through this again when she arrived at the Hogwarts. Not wanting to dwell on what was to come any longer, Louella sat down in her compartment and started digging around her bag in which she had put her separate things for the ride, like one would do when going on a flight, and pulled out her robes, she stood up and walked out of the compartment in search for a bathroom so that she could change, feeling too uncomfortable to change in the compartment.

When Louella returned to her compartment she found that it was no longer empty. Inside the compartment sat a girl staring out the window that seemed to be the same age as Louella, she seemed taller than Louella and had light mid-length, wavy, light brown hair and brown eyes and a round face and she was also wearing her Hogwarts robes, she had managed to put her trunk up as well as Louella's. She looked up when she heard the compartment door slide open and a smile found her way to her face, "Hi, I'm Laurie Fawley, nice to meet you." She stuck out her hand, expecting for Louella to shake it. Louella looked at her hand and hesitantly took it, "Louella Alexander, likewise."

Laurie smiled once more and said, "That's a pretty name, but it's too long for me. Do you mind if I call you Lou instead?" Louella shrugged and said, "Call me whatever you want, I don't care," and she went and sat across from Laurie and looked out the window. They fell into a silence as they waited for the train to start moving, Lou tugging on her blonde locks anxiously because the brunette sitting across from her was staring at her intently. After a few awkward minutes, Laurie finally asked, "So what house do you want to be in?" "Huh?" "What house are you hoping to get?" Lou paused, thinking about what Professor McGonagall had said about the Hogwarts houses, "Any are fine really, as long as I get to stay at Hogwarts, I don't care," "Oh, well, I'm going to Slytherin, that's for sure." "Why is that?" "My whole family's been in Slytherin, that's why."

Louella thought about this, "Which one was Slytherin again?" Laurie looked at her and asked, "Are you a muggle-born?" "Muggle..? Oh yeah, I guess so," Lou answered awkwardly, "Should have guessed, judging from your last name. Anyway, Slytherin is the house of the snakes, the evil people." Lou raised a brow, "Evil people?" "Yeah, home of the death eaters, you-know-who, etc." "Death...eaters? You-know-what?"

Laurie shot Lou a sympathetic look, "You-know-who is this massive blood purist that believes that all purebloods should rule over everyone else, muggle-borns and muggles especially. His followers are called death eaters and most, if not all of them are in Slytherin, you-know-who himself was a Slytherin." Lou looked terrified but she couldn't stop herself from asking, "You-know-who was the guy's name?" Laurie laughed and said, "No, he has a name but no one calls him by that, they're too scared to, his name is a taboo." "Does he...does he kill people?" "I don't think you-know-who himself kills people, probably thinks he's too powerful to actually do his busy work himself, his followers, however, do kill people, lots of people."

Louella's face must have paled because Laurie suddenly looked sympathetic and said, "Don't worry, you'll be fine, Lou, you're going to Hogwarts after all, it's the safest place in all of the magical world, s' long as you're there you'll be alright." "You said that you were definitely going to Slytherin, are you calling yourself evil?" Laurie looked at her and said, "No, I'm not like my family, unlike them, I don't actually care about blood status, but I do have to go to Slytherin if I don't my parents might actually kill me."

pw - woobie/cry for me, p - sue what plot? swp, rating - bad

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