(no subject)

Dec 16, 2020 22:25

I’m still on the hunt for covid related stores and happened to find Contagion by Melindaleo, but looking at the summaries the minions might want to check out their other stories as well. I’m definitely done searching for stories by using the words “covid” though.

Title: Unmatched
Perpetrator: Antjex3
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: The cover, which is also the writer’s avatar, is a picture of Hermione from the movie.
Summary: “After the war a terrible illness struck the woman population of wizarding Britain. Hermione will have to deal with a lot of testosteron , babies and marriage life. Hermione-Multi” I actually thought that Hermione would have a harem comprised of only females, but instead all members are male.
Full Name: Hermione Granger and her harem
Sueworts House(s): There is no getting around the fact Hermione belongs to all four houses, while all of her guys belong to the Tootsietramp house.
Species: The first words which pop into my head are sex fiends, but I think that's a bit unfair. I just can't think of better words, because it's just that bad. Oh yeah. The words brain bleach popped into my head unfortunatly. This is definitely one of those ones you want to forget coming across.
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: n/a
Poessessions: Everyone gets a toga for the ceremony. Draco and Neville are the first two she captures. (I wish this wasn’t actually true.) She also has Fred, George. Sirius, Remus, Snape and Theodore. Cedric and Regulus are added in chapter four. Eventually she’s going to have twenty children because of the stupid ritual.
Connection to Canon: A sudden illness hits targeting all of the female characters leaving Luna and Fluer dead. McGonagall tells them that the matchmaking ceremony which they get instead of a graduation ceremony will be held tomorrow and Hermione is hoping it is Ron. I don’t get why everyone is okay with “the ritual that would decide the rest of their lives<” when that removes self-determination, but this removal with the first chapter is focused on the canon characters. At the beginning of the second chapter she is bemoaning the fact both of the twins are dead because she’d like to be matched with one of them. (Talk about wishy washy.) Ron says she’ll be an old spinster and she’s forced to keep her magic in because she was damaged because of the illness. Apparently the guys aren’t much better as they’re practically dragged to the witch by this special ritual while Lavender gets stuck with Terry Boot and Gergory Goule. Her next one is Severus Snape. Theo Nott is another. Then she gets Fred and George. Every single one of those are dead people, but she managed to I think bring them back to life, Wait a second, there are eight of them. I missed Remus who was married for crying out loud. Looks back through the story and it turns out to be Sirius, who showed up with Remus about the same time as Neville and Draco. Ron gets shafted and she faints because all eight are “all very powerful wizards in their own right.” Her eight guys then effectively become her slaves to do her very beck and whim in the third chapter. Neville is off visiting and one of the reviews - an author’s note with the fact their might be more certainly doesn’t help - says she may not be missing him, but was instead effected because not all of her slaves showed up. Sorry, but I can’t call them bonded and every single one is OoC. I got to the fifth chapter out of eighteen which are up and finally did a big nope.
Origin: One of the major things of note on the writer’s profile is that “I love Hermione as a character! so everyone of my stories will feature Hermione.”. That can be a good thing or a bad thing. It ended up being a bad thing.
Special Abilities: Given the fact McGonagall tells the girl they might have more than one match, I have to ask why they’re even doing this ceremony. This makes it feel even more like the girls are being forced to give their bodies up for a guy. Hermione’s magic reacts in a special manner because of the fever. Hermione is expected to give each guy a child. The guys are also painfully out of character. Oh, and did I mention this ritual can bring people back from the dead when combined with Hermione’s magic which was effected by the illness? Eight of them to be precice.

Notes: I found myself doing a double check when I reread the note for the first chapter. The writer’s first language is apparently not English. I’d not noticed. The story though, it’s honestly not cute but I’d argue the writer is self-inserting herself as Hermione meaning the use of Hermione in every story likely isn’t a good thing. The guys become slaves and the girls become breeding livestock in the above scenario.


"Dear students, tomorrow the Quidditch pitch will be the scene of the ritual that will mould your futures. You are almost at the end of your career here and your life outside is waiting to happen. As all of you know due to the war a lot of magical life was lost. Especially for the women here, the possibility of only one man being matched with you is very small. As you all know the female population got a bit of a backlash from Voldemort's defeat."

A lot of people's head went down. They all knew women who succumbed to the high fever and their magic going haywire. Hermione looked down and fiddled with her fingers. Luna and Fleur were the only ones that she knew off that didn't survive the sickness but looking around the Great Hall a lot of spaces were left open. Hannah Abbot wasn't here, Tracy Davis was still fighting for her life the last time Hermione heard. Padma was sitting with her head down at the Ravenclaw table, Parvati was still fighting for her life at St Mungo's. And that were just the ones she knew off.

"My dear students. I know this isn't fair to ask this of you, to grow up so fast after everything you went through last year. But Hogwarts isn't going to leave you behind. I along with the teaching staff will be there for you tomorrow. Now please talk to your friends and get a good night's sleep. The ritual will commence at 9 o clock tomorrow morning. The house elves will make sure the clothes for the ritual will be at the foot of your bed."

Hermione was hopeful that Ron would be a possible match. She had saved herself for marriage and it would be nice to at least know one of her matches. She didn't know who else could be her match. She didn't think she was good enough for someone else. Even though she didn't think Ron was all that bad, even she wasn't blind. She knew they didn't have a lot in common but Ron had always been a good friend. That counted for something no?

Hermione sighed. Harry slung his arm around her shoulders and pulled her against his side.

"It'll all be fine Hermione. I will always be there for you. You know we promised each other we would never be alone again. I'm sticking to that promise." Harry kissed the crown of her head.

Hermione smiled and leaned her head against his shoulder. She knew tomorrow would be a mess but Harry would help her through.

Hermione got up bright and early that next morning. She needed a long soak before she was ready to face the day and become matched with someone for the rest of my life. As she was in the bath she didn't even know if she wanted to be matched with Ron at all. Could she really spend her life matched with Ron? Ron that made fun of her for wanting to read every evening instead of playing wizards chess? Ron who wasn't really open for using muggle technology even though Arthur was his father. But she still loved him, but was it enough?

Hermione wiped her wet curls out of her face and got out of the bath. As she dried off she still wasn't sure who she wanted to pair up with. How much she loved Ron as one of her best friends she didn't think she could marry him and just live with him day in day out for the rest of her life.

Hermione dried her curls and pulled them away from her face, they cascaded down her back. She put on the white toga that was laid out at the foot of her bed. She put on her gladiator style sandals on and made her way down to the common room. Harry was waiting for her already when she came down. Harry smiled and hugged her tight.

pw - woobie/cry for me, stu - remus lupin, stu - draco malfoy, stu - regulus black, stu - sirius black, rating - toxic, stu - george weasley, stu - severus snape, stu - fred weasley, sue - hermione granger, pt - harem, p - hino (harry/hermione in name only), stu - neville longbottom, p - sue what plot? swp, pw - subject matter not kawaii, pc - relationship sue, stu - cedric diggory, stu - theodore nott

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