5073: If It Takes All Night - Draco, Harry, Jules

Dec 15, 2020 15:50

I would like to introduce the Sueworts Sorting Tags which is yet another tag I am retroactively adding to entries at this point in time, but I’m still adding a section for the Sueworts Houses.

Title: If It Takes All Night
Perpetrator: tackytiger
Sue-O-Meter: Bad (Normally the content would get this the awful rating, but I was impressed with the writer’s level of prose writing despite the content.
Cover/Banner Art: None
Summary: “It's not the first time Harry's been the victim of a botched curse (that's one of the reasons he doesn't like crowds), but he feels bad that Malfoy had to get caught up in it too.
So they're bonded. That's ok, they just have to make sure to be touching at all time. No problem. Because Malfoy smells so nice, and has such lovely shiny hair, and his skin is so very warm.
But this isn't going to be a problem for their friendship at all.
Is it, Harry?”
Full Name: Draco and Harry, plus Jules who starts all of the trouble.
Sueworts House(s): This is definitely Tootsietramp for both Harry and Draco. Jules is in Bitchiwitch
Species: Jules is Draco’s ex-boyfriend and Draco and Harry are supposed to be the canon characters.
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: n/a
Poessessions: n/a
Connection to Canon: So, I was a little worried with the fact the summary says that the story is friendship turning into something more when canon ended with them not being friends, but the story does thankfully start off with the two becoming friends. They’re at a night club of sorts and brought drinks which results in them staring at Grimmauld and being forced to share the same bed. Don’t most stories with this trope at least try to find another bed, even if it is just a cot. Given the fact the spell is about the two being in pain when they’re away, there’s not much excuse for not having a second bed. At the end, they decide they are truly in love with each other rather than just lusting after each other.
Origin: Says the writer, “I have been very, very ill while writing this (nothing terrible or permanent, just utter grottiness), so forgive any flights of fancy. I had to indulge myself to keep my mind off things, for maximum self-pity.” Pottersues gives two big thumbs up on this for both admitting to having flights of fancy in their story but also for self-indulging regardless of the end result. This is the fault of Draco’s ex-boyfriend, Jules.
Special Abilities: The spell which bonds people together is tagged as a “Lust Potion/Spell” which makes me feel the entire thing isn’t real love. Look at how many times we’ve been told in canon that these love spells aren’t real. Voldemort’s mother found that out the hard way, but how are both going to feel after the fact. Harry is able to make Draco’s ex-boyfriend feel jealous who pretty much ends up being a stalker.

Notes: I saw the First Kiss tag again and I find myself wondering why when they’ve kissed girls before and then I realized the author was using it to indicate the first kiss between a couple, but isn’t that a given if the relationship is just starting out?


Malfoy laughs delightedly at that, like he always does when Harry is a bit of a shit. Harry knows he thinks Harry is too soft sometimes. Behind Malfoy, Jules shifts in his seat, gives Harry a nod. Harry narrows his eyes in return. Jules doesn’t like Harry-not that he’s ever said anything much, but he had told Draco that he thought Harry was hanging around too much, and did they have to speak every night? Harry had heard the whole thing of course, Jules’ Muffliato was crap, and Malfoy had been gently non-committal in his murmured replies, so Harry had spent a full week living in a sort of cold terror that Malfoy would actually stop calling him, and stop seeing him at weekends.

But he didn’t stop, and on the one night that Harry didn’t Floocall when he was supposed to, Malfoy had just called him instead even though it wasn’t his night. He didn’t ask Harry why he hadn’t been in touch, but sat curled in front of the fire complaining about the wind drag on his new broom for a full fifteen minutes, until Harry was lulled back into a sense of security and Malfoy was pink-cheeked and bright-eyed in the flames. And they went on completely as normal.

Harry thinks it might be a bit presumptuous of him to say it, but he’s also fairly certain that Malfoy had broken up with Jules because of it all. He hadn’t done anything so gauche as argue with Jules, and most people probably wouldn’t have even noticed any change in Malfoy and how he was acting. But Harry noticed. He saw Malfoy getting more and more charming-because he loved being liked, Malfoy did, he wouldn’t have wanted Jules to hate him-but making himself less and less accessible.

When they went to the pub, he flitted from seat to seat in a dash of colour and laughter, kissing Jules on the forehead as he went, buying his drinks for the night, but never letting himself be caught or held for any length of time. He pulled back, so slowly and so gently that he made it look like he was doing Jules a favour when he broke things off-in the pub, surrounded by people, where Jules couldn’t make too much of a scene-his mobile face cast into solemnity as he talked low and confiding and regretful into Jules’ ear for twenty minutes, then hugged him and left. It was so gracefully and lightly done, Harry didn’t think anyone else had even noticed, and though Jules looked a bit bewildered by the whole thing, Harry had heard him later that night telling Susan that he just thought it was the right time to take a break, that Draco was so busy with work these days. He even looked as though he might really believe it had all been his idea.

Jules doesn’t come out with them so often anymore-he was only ever really there for Malfoy-but whenever he does appear he spends his whole time following Malfoy around with a brightly expectant, hopeful look on his face that Harry finds infuriating. Sometimes he thinks, secretly and nastily, that he’s glad Jules got what he deserved, for trying to get in the way of Harry’s friendship with Malfoy. But mostly he’s just glad (relieved) that Malfoy chose him.

He gets less glad when Malfoy slips him a sideways look of pure amusement and elbows him hard in the ribcage. “Be nice,” he whispers into Harry’s ear, his mouth so close that Harry can hear him over the din. Harry rolls his eyes but then attempts a proper smile at Jules.

“You owe me a drink,” he says as he elbows Malfoy back, and Malfoy’s face lights up with the sort of glee that Harry has learned to dread.

“I do owe you a drink! Because I am the winner! And of course the loser shall have a drink, poor thing.” He gestures expansively at their little group. “Shots!”

pc - gary stu, pf - ewe (epilogue what epilogue), stu - draco malfoy, pw - stalker syndrome, rating - bad, pw - subject matter not kawaii, pc - relationship sue, stu - harry potter

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