4490 - The Heir of Slytherin - Ophelia and Delia

Dec 01, 2018 23:53

I was busy last month due to the holiday season, but may be busy this month as well.
Title: The Heir of Slytherin
Perpetrator: iraeheart
Sue-O-Meter: Awful
Cover/Banner Art: I think the writer’s avatar is a picture of herself with her bleached blond hair tinted blue.
Summary: “Once, during the rise of Grindelwald overseas, Tom Riddle was just a boy. An exceptional one, a manipulative one, but not inherently evil. Not yet. Then, seemingly by accident he met a girl with even more secrets than himself. At first, he thought he’d never seen a more pathetic looking girl in his life, although that soon changed.”
Full Name: Ophelia and Delia
Species: We’ve a “I’m such a pitiful creature” Sue and a “I exist to bully the character and serve as the cliché queen bee character who tries to steal the main protagonists man” Sue.
Hair: “She asked, twirling her hair in ringlets around her pointy finger.” That’s a description of Delia. As for Ophelia, there is a complaint in  chapter two about how her hair is growing to fast. “She’d need to dy the white roots that leached into her pale blonde strands with the usual beauty potion before they grew too noticeable. Too bad there was nothing she could do to hide her eyes…”
Eyes: In chapter two they’re described as “oddly coloured”. We never discover what this color is in the two chapters posted.
Markings: Nothing really stood out to me.
Possessions: Nothing stood out on this either.
Connection to Canon: The first chapter opens up with a quote from Dumbledore. It is the quote about Dumbledore always calling him Tom Riddle rather than Voldemort. The actual chapter opens up with Tom Riddle acting like prince charming and rescuing a girl from a bunch of bullies. He wonders why he’s never noticed her despite her being one of Slughorn’s students for well over a year. Soon after a girl named Delia. She’s trying to get him to tutor her. He talks to Ophelia because she wants to thank him. She tells him she’s a prefect, but when he asks why he never noticed her she says this. “I am a prefect, but people don’t usually notice me. I just fade into the background.” For some reason the conversation turns to “power”. He starts insulting Dumbledore and she gets upset, but we don’t know why she idolizes Dumbledore so much. The first chapter ends with the line, She of course slapped him. “She didn’t know it yet, but this conversation was far from over.” At least the stalker bit is in character for him. The second chapter starts with a quote about how Tom makes people hurt simply because they annoy him and he can. The chapter opens up with her moping about slapping Tom Riddle. Her uncle told her something about how, “friends will only disappoint you, Ophelia.” She doesn’t want to be left alone with Tom after that. He’s far more concerned about the fact she hates him than the fact she slapped him. The quote from chapte three is Harry talking about how love evades Tom. It then dives into how he;s noticing he’s become distracted. We find out she’s a “Mudblood” as well, but his friends say he wouldn’t want to date her because she’s average. He talks to her later about how she has no friends and she tells him he only has companions and not friends, so he deices they should try being friends.
Origin: “Each chapter will begin with a quote either by or about Tom Riddle from the original books that relates to the chapter, and the chapters will rotate narrators between Tom and Ophelia, starting with Tom for chapter one, then Ophelia for chapter two, etc... Thanks for reading!” Do these quotes actually have anything to do with the story?
Special Abilities: We find out she’s a prefect despite the fact Tom’s never met her. As she says, “We’ve actually been going to the same prefect meetings all year… and the same Potions class, and Defense Against the Dark Arts, and the Slug Club”. You know, if she’s Slyherin and in his potions class that says she’s attended classes with him since first year making this far worse.



Tom had never seen a more pathetic looking girl in his life, he thought, as he watched a pair Slytherin Seventh Years toss her book bag tauntingly back and forth over her head while she tried desperately to reclaim it.

"Please!" she pleaded, throwing herself at the boy, who held the bag far above her head. "You're going to make me late for Potions!"

She had Potions next, too? Tom racked his brain, but still couldn't remember ever seeing her in his class. How peculiar.

"Get off me," the boy snapped, smacking her away.

She stumbled back, losing her balance from the force of the hit and landing hard upon the floor. Gingerly, she ran a careful hand along the length of her reddening cheek, wincing slightly at the contact.

"Oh did the little baby get hurt," the first boy simpered. "You deserve that for not backing off when I told you to. In fact, maybe you deserve another!"

He raised an arm threateningly.

"That is enough, I think," Tom interjected coolly, stepping out of the shadowed corner he'd been observing from. "Get to class or I'll be forced to assign you both detentions."

"Oh, relax, Tom," the other boy protested. "It's only Ashwood."
Tom blinked. Were they really challenging him?

"I will not ask again, Penburry, Chaucer. Release the bag and leave."

pw - woobie/cry for me, nts - no last name, bh - blond/blonde hair, bh - white hair, rating - awful, stu - voldemort, b - speshul eyes, pc - relationship sue, b - unknown eye color, pc - jerk/anti sue, b - speshul hair

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