4443: The Potter and Kent Chronicles - Clark Kent (Apparently not that Clark Kent)

Oct 04, 2018 23:00

Title: The Potter and Kent Chronicles and
Perpetrator: Skyguy626
Sue-O-Meter: Awful
Cover/Banner Art:  I think the picture is a recolor the writer made which sadly isn’t surprising.
Summary: “An invitation, an chance meeting, a unbreakable connection. This is the story of two orphans arriving at Hogwarts to learn magic, play some sports and occasionally stop the plans of a Dark Lord.”
Full Name: Clark Kent
Species: He’s a Parasite Stu.
Hair: Black.
Eyes: His eyes are grey instead of blue thankfully.
Markings: Nothing specific within the first few chapters, but then again I’m not always in the mood for digging through this kind of story.
Possessions: Everything and anything that belongs to another character including characters in entirely different fandoms. He has a wand which thankfully fits into the canon material, but where did he get the money from?
Connection to Canon: Clark is at Rosewood Orphanage when he gets a letter from McGonagall. He says something about being used to doing things on his own and goes to Diagon Alley on his own. He meets Harry there. He goes with Harry to get his wand. We jump to chapter two where Clark is practicing spells outside of school. (Sigh.) Then it is the train which plot wise is similar to the original, except Neville happens to be there included in their group. We also get the sorting. Guess where this is going? Yup, Clark is a parasite stu!
Origin: The writer has major issue properly categorizing their crossover stories. The canon characters from other series are not OCs either. Of course, the writer argues these are OCs because they’re not the same character. How about giving your OC a different name rather than a name which everyone recognizes as majorly unoriginal?
Special Abilities: We’re talking Clark Kent here. Except the writer claims that “no this stories Clark Kent is not THAT Clark Kent.” Again, how about coming up with a different name for your OC rather than copying what other people have done. Actually, I’m sorry to say this goes a good chunk of this series and possibly the other series.

Notes: It’s pretty bad when one of the reviews for the first chapter says, “LIST. CROSSOVERS. AS. CROSSOVERS. GOD. DAMN. IT.” Another review says, “i'm not sure if I love the idea or hate it.. on one hand its interesting and unique.. on the other the idea of a child remarkably similar to tom that isn’t harry offends me for some odd reason.” Under normal circumstances I’d find myself bummed if a story I featured disappeared, but this is one of those cases where I wouldn’t be as this writer took way to much from the original for my liking.


It was a rainy day as Minerva McGonagall a tall, rather severe-looking but yet 'sprightly' seventy year old woman knocked on the door of 'Rosewood Orphanage', dressed in a green dress suit. A middle aged woman with short brown hair opened the door, after a some talk in her officer, Mrs. Constance, the boss of the orphanage led her through the halls.

"I must admit to some confusion receiving your letter, Professor McGonagall." Mrs. Constance said as they walked up the stairs, "In all the years Clark's been here, he's never once had a family visitor. There have been... incidents with the other children.", as they walked over the stairs McGonagall asked about what sort of things. "The other children are scared of him. They was an incident in the playground, Jonas and Franklin still don't wish to talk about it.", they arrived at a door with a name plate, 'C.S. Kent.'.

After knocking on the door three times, before opening the door. Inside was a bare room, only an old desk and chair was in the corner next to a old closet, on the other end of the room, on the old bed was sitting a young boy staring out of the window. He had short black hair, his bangs hanging just above his right eye, gray eyes and a light build, he was shorter than average for his age. He was dressed in a navy blue and white T-shirt, black skinny work pants and navy blue shoes.

"Clark? You have a visitor.", Mrs. Constance said, before quickly taking her leave closing the door behind her. McGonagall looked back at the boy who still hadn't turned his gaze from the window. "How do you do, ?", she asked walking over to the desk, turning around the chair taking a seat on it.

"You're the doctor, aren't you?", he said finally turning around to face her, his expression looking disinterested. "No, I'm a professor.", McGonagall corrected him. His expression didn't change at all, "You have to forgive me Mrs, but I don't believe you. She wants me looked at. They think I'm... different.", he added turning his gaze back to the window.

"Well, perhaps they're right.", McGonagall said, before handing him a letter addressed to him. He gingerly accepted it, opening it, he started to read the first letter.

rating - awful, p - sue what plot? swp, pc - parasite sue, pp - orphanage

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