4442: Historic Recurrence - Addison and Annabel Parker

Oct 03, 2018 22:30

Title: Historic Recurrence
Perpetrator: finisin
Sue-O-Meter: Awful
Cover/Banner Art: The cover art has pictures of two females with the words “then & now” splashed onto the work. The character on the right is a picture of Kristen Stewart, but I’m not sure who the “then” is supposed to be.
Summary: “Once upon a time there was a young healer who made all the wrong choices, choices that would ultimately cost her. To say the dark side had drawn her in was an understatement she had fallen for the poster boy of evil. Now at 15 her daughter is going to have to pay for the mistakes of her Mother, but history is banging at her door as the darkness tries to take her too DRACO/OC”
Full Name: Addison and Annabel Parker.
Species: Addison is the daughter of Annabel, but by the end of the last chapter we find out she’s also the daughter of Voldemort.
Hair: Probably brown.
Eyes: Probably brown.
Markings: See abo
Possessions: She has a wand which is made of yew and has a thestril core. Let me make this clear that this is a wand Olivander made because she’s not allowed to retrieve it from her school. I’m not understanding why, as the rule which prevented the Sue from having a wand outside of school was repealed.
Connection to Canon: Now: We’re introduced to Annabel who’s already getting on my nerves by describing her mother as having a “manic personality”. Except in this case it was Death Eater incident. Dumbledore shows up conveniently to rescue them. Then: Lucius approaches Annabel wondering what room Narcissa is in, only it turns out to be Tom Riddle. Now: Dumbledore turns her over to Sirius and Johana who was her mother’s best friend, first introduced when her mother met Tom Riddle, but I’m wondering whether she is in a romantic relation with Sirius. Then: Voldemort takes Annabel somewhere where they talk about being together forever. (That was a rather fast falling in love, but so OoC for Voldemort.) Now: Ginny asks what house she’ll be in at Hogwarts. We now learn we’ve got an American Sue, as she was originally going to the American school. (Joy.) Then: Mother Sue whines because Voldemort is hurting her, and she doesn’t like him hurting Muggle kids. He says something about Sirius Black teaching her blood traitor things. Now: She gets a new wand but meets draco. Then: Annabel is obviously being abused by Voldemort and we find out she’s now Annabel Riddle but more than willing to torture people. (Good grief.) Now: She’s forced into Slytherin despite having already revealed the fact she would want to choose Ravenclaw. The hat didn’t even give her a chance like it did Harry. Then: Mother Sue is now excited about being the Lady of the entire wizarding world. Honestly, I’ve had enough of this one.
Origin: The writer is supposedly inspired by the idea of history repeating itself concepts, yet I’m not sure they really understand what this means. However, by end we find out this is a Daughter of Voldemort story, but the writer points out that, “Okay This is a random idea I had come to me, I had read a lot of the ‘Daughter’ of Voldemort but not many that show the Mother and him falling in love.”
Special Abilities: Her mother conveniently has a manic personality, thus making the one flaw we know for Addison being actually her mothers. The fact Voldemort is to fall in love with Annabel given his character in canon, but the fact he’s walking around as if he’s the same age as Draco’s parents is also an issue.

Notes: I’m not understanding how this is a “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” stories like the writer wants us to believe. I’m particularly not understanding when Voldemort is part of this story and his romance which created our main Sue is being compared to be a similar mistake as the Sue’s relationship with Draco. No, it’s not.



"Mom! I'm home!" I yelled into the foyer of my house, as I flooed in from school. Not surprised to see a mess of papers and books scattered around, my Mother, Annabel, had a manic personality; if something rubbed her the wrong way, she would lash out destroying anything coming into her wrath. I had seen it happen more than once in my 15 years of life. "MOM!" I yelled one more time, what was surprising was that my Mom hadn't come running into my arms like she had every time I came home from Ilvermorny. I dropped the bag in my arm onto the debris covered floor and started to hunt through the house. Everything was misplaced along the path I followed, and nerves began to run cold in my veins, she had never trashed the place this bad. As I got to the landing on the top of the stairs I heard a groan and stopped dead in my tracks. "Mom?" I more whimpered than shouted, something was definitely not right.

A pile of papers were moving like it was breathing, and it let out another groan. My stomach sunk even further as I realized I had left my wand in my bag downstairs. "Hello?" I muttered, I had seen enough muggle movies to know that the serial killer usually doesn't answer back. A thick arm was hanging out from under the papers and instantly I knew the mark on his arm, all of us knew what it was, the snake was still wiggling moving along the mouth of the skull.

"Shit, shit!" I started muttering to myself and before I knew what was happening I was running, my converse making a squeaking sound as I ran down the stairs trying to get back to my bag.

"Addison!" A voice I'd never heard before almost hissed from the top of the stairs behind me causing goosebumps to form down my arm, thinking about it now I wasn't sure if it was said in my head or in my mind.

"MOM!" I yelled one more time in vain; I let out a shriek as I saw a man in wizard robes standing beside the fireplace I had flooed to only minutes ago, holding my bag.

pc - villian sue, e - american, related to voldemort, rating - awful, stu - voldemort, p - sue what plot? swp, je - student (transfer), pc - relationship sue, oc - wand (spheshul)

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