4430: To Make Matters Worse - Harry and Sue (Not her name)

Sep 01, 2018 21:17

Since HPFF is back, I decided to get an entry from there today. It is still just as hard to navigate as before.
Title: To Make Matters Worse
Perpetrator: xrebbiex
Sue-O-Meter: Awful
Cover/Banner Art: None
Summary: The summary is in the chapters, not the actual novel. “All I wanted was a distraction from the pain and he became that for one night. He wanted to be my distraction as he wanted me to be his.”
Full Name: The character has none.
Species: We’re got a Sue who only exists for the purpose of having sex with a canon character.
Hair: At one point their hair is described as “tangled, ruffled hair”.
Eyes: n/a
Markings: n/a
Possessions: n/a
Connection to Canon: Harry broke up with Ginny. To get over his break up he goes and has sex with someone.
Origin: Apparently sex heals everything. It also apparently doesn’t matter if the OC and Harry know each other either or not.
Special Abilities: As per the origin, sex apparently heals everything. Did Harry take advantage of the fact the OC was drunk? Also, what’s up with the part where the OC says, “I was grieving over basically everything in my life at the moment.” That sounds like Bella Swan and her, “oh woe is me, my life is so horrible”.

Notes:  One of the things I never liked about HPFF was the fact the chapters had summaries. Have you ever seen a book with summaries? I get this feature for one-shot books, but not for the other story types. The writer isn’t a bad writer, to be honest. However, there are some super negative connotations with what the writer wrote. On the positive side, at least the sex scene wasn’t MA content in a place it’s not allowed, though I’m not sure what is or isn’t allowed on the site anymore as I can’t find the writing guidelines anywhere.


I never expected it to go anywhere near this far. I hardly knew him, this Harry Potter. He had tried to talk to me. Said something about being upset over his break up with some girl named Ginny. He couldn’t say much more so I decided not to press him. I was grieving over basically everything in my life at the moment. I thought that alcohol could help with all these problems. That’s all I could tell him. I took one look at his face and decided to leave, trying not to make matters worse. Thinking that I wasn’t helping anything, that I was making a fool of myself, trying to be flirty and cute but failing. Standing, I didn’t say goodbye, I just started to walk away but I felt warmth near my hand.

To my surprise, Harry grabbed my wrist and begged me to stay with his eyes.

I tried to resist, with all my strength. I told myself not to give into him. Harry was just too strong, and I was far too intoxicated to fight him. I nodded and he stood up, leading me to a corner in the pub for him to apparate us to his apartment. There was too much commotion going on here for anyone to even notice us leave. He said he friends were here but I guess they didn’t see or care, too consumed in the laughter and fun of the small party going on.

pw - woobie/cry for me, rating - awful, pc - relationship sue, stu - harry potter

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