4429: Harry Potter: Time Lord - Harry, Luna, Teddy, Jenny, Hermione

Aug 31, 2018 00:45

I honestly don’t know if I’m back. I was thinking of attempting to start back up on the first of the month but starting on the first before didn’t seem to get me into the flow of things.
- Does anyone know what’s going on with Harry Potter Fanfiction? I’d stopped getting entries from there due to how hard the site is to navigate yet checked back every so often to see if the website was user friendly again. For awhile the site was gone, but it is now back.
- The second Fantastic Beasts movie comes out in November. I bring this up because there will be some who will not be able to see the movie right away, so I will try warning about spoilers if I come across them, but would like people to avoid doing the same.
- There is a particular Suethor who keeps getting defenders attempting to defend the writer from criticism. The latest defender has quite a lot to say, but the part which stood out was the comment about how “sometimes playing in other people’s sandboxes means destroying the sandbox to build a castle you are happy with.” However, if you’ve completely torn down another person’s sandcastle and have built your own you are writing original fiction and not fanfiction. Effectively the defender managed to prove the point I and a few of the minions have been trying to make.
Title: Harry Potter: Time Lord
Perpetrator: SabrinaMagnus
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: The writer’s avatar was made by an avatar maker. It is an Anime style girl with purple hair dressed in black.
Summary: “The true love of Harry's life died in the battle of Hogwarts, yet he survived when he didn't want to. At the ripe old age of 162, he finally completes his life's work, a magical equivalent of a TARDIS. Having had his Next Great Adventure told to him by a dying Luna, Harry decides to spend his last day righting some wrongs from his past. What surprises await? Rated for Safety.”
Full Name: Harry Potter,  Luna Lovegood, Teddy Lupin, Jenny, Hermione
Species: They’re Time Lords? (Harry and Luna that is.) At least that’s the jest. I’m thinking from the summary and what I’ve read so far of the first chapter that Harry and Luna are the “new” Time Lords. By this I mean the new Time Lords which are meant to help balance out the fact The Doctor is now the only Time Lord in existence.
Possessions: For some reason we have triplet phoenixes in this story. They all hatched from the same egg. Jenny is head girl and has a “head girl suite”. In the second chapter we find out Harry’s triplet phoenixes have “purple, lavender, and lilac plumage.” In other words, they’re all purple for some strange reason, but why not just say they were different shades of purple?
Connection to Canon: We’re supposed to believe going into this that Hermione died, but that she was also the love of Harry’s life. (I’m guessing this is another “simply fixing things I don’t like from the original Harry Potter” thing.) We’re also supposed to believe Harry built something like the Tardis, yet also managed to live over a hundred years. The same goes for Luna. Both characters are horribly out of character. The first chapter opens up with Luna mentioning a prophesy. Luna refuses to tell Harry the prophesy because he’d try to prevent it. (Am I the only person face palming at this? If something bad is going to happen, you try to prevent it rather than letting it happen.) Eleven years later we get lines such as “it had taken only a decade for the remains of magical Britain to stamp out most of the bigotry that was left and eventually embrace technology.” We find out Hermione has an award named after her. He also apparently discovered how the Room of Requirement was made. Later on we also find Teddy is alive after a hundred years. Jenny is the girl helping Professor Potter out. Harry heads out to change history and we jump into Harry talking to his loved ones while looking at “the ugly creature that was Voldemort’s Horcrux.” We also learn “Harry watched in terror as Bellatrix suddenly span away from their duel to fire a killing curse at the woman he only recently realized he was desperately in love with.” Yeah, this line came across as if the Suethor desperately wants Harry to be desperately in love with Hermione. Instead of telling the readers something like this, show. Harry shows up and saves Hermione from Bellatrix, but old Harry cackles like an insane old man and calls her “’Mione”. One of the “Luna Pheonix” happens to have “jumped off Harry’s shoulder and shot towards Hermione, impacting her chest and dissolving into her as the girl he loved burst into purple flames. A moment later, the flames cleared revealing a fully healed and refreshed looking Hermione.” Harry also got this treatment earlier, but this illustrates the ridiculous nature of Luna Phoenixes. I stopped reading at this point.
Origin: We have yet another writer who decided it was okay to completely strip the canon characters of who they are. “So, this is a small first chapter of a plot that’s gotten stuck in my head. It’s not a typical crossover in that any appearances from Doctor Who characters will likely be small cameos, but I don’t know yet. This story is subtle. At the moment my plans for it involve simply fixing things I don’t like from the original Harry Potter, basically saving people. I’m not sure what do with it beyond that but I do have a whisper of a plan to bring the OC from this chapter back. What I would like to know is if you, dear readers, would like to see this story continue. Please comment if you would like it to continue and also if you have any suggestion. But know that I already have plans for the triplets. I’m already working on chapter two. If the story is not liked, it will probably be the last chapter.”
Special Abilities: I’m sorry to say Harry Potter steals quite a few things from the Doctor, some of which are named in the summary. Harry is a super intellect in this despite the fact academics was never his thing. He says something strange. “I used magic like a third arm. I also created a tiny layer of super dense air to work like a glove for the magic hand so that the power discharges would not feedback through my magic.” Let me get this straight. Harry’s version of the Tardis is powered by his magic rather than something which makes more sense? Does anybody else find him describing his magic as a third hand weird?

Notes: I’m tired of stories where one of the canon characters supposedly “didn’t want to survive”. Not wanting to survive works for The Doctor because he’s the last, and yet it is obvious from the start of the first chapter this isn’t the case for Harry as Luna is still around. Even worse, we’ve a case where the reason the character wants to die is because he lost the love of his life.

I find myself thinking back to what the defender of that one Suethor said, and how they used the words “a castle you are happy with”. Am I the only one who finds this train of thought self-centered? I keep imagining a little kid coming into another person’s sandbox, deciding they don’t like the elaborate sandcastle another person made and completely destroying it just to make their own, only for their own sandcastle to pale in comparison.

"It's the Lady Luna, sir," she replied with a hitch in her voice. "She said 'It's time' and that you would know what that meant."

"So, it is," Harry replied sadly. "I shall be by in just a few moments," he said.

With a sad nod, Amelia's face disappeared and the flames changed from green back to yellow and orange.

Harry closed his eyes and concentrated. Soon, with a light tap of his finger on the staff he was slightly leaning on, a brilliant white stag shot out of glowing crystal in the top of the staff and bolted through the door of his office, on its way to inform the deputy head of Hogwarts of his departure for the evening. With another tap of his finger, the entire length of his staff glowed blue and an instant later, the office was empty, save for the portraits of the past Headmasters.

When he arrived at Potter Manor, he moved faster than his old bones should be able to carry him until he reached the door to Luna's room. Opening it gently, he stepped inside.

"Harry!" Luna called out from her bed as her lips curled up into a weak yet bright smile.

"Good evening, Luna," he said as he returned her smile with a sad smile of his own.

"Don't you get all mopey on me, Potter," she told him sternly before she coughed and lay back deeper into the bed. "You know that I have been waiting for this day for a long time."

"That doesn't mean I won't miss you, my dear," he replied sadly. "You've been my best friend, really more like a sister to me, for over a century. It was only because of your efforts that I survived after the war."

"I'm sorry, Harry. I know you didn't want to survive, but you needed to," she told him gently as she took his hand in hers while he sat on the edge of her bed. "You still have a lot of work ahead of you, Harry, and many more lives to save."

"I'm old, Luna," he said with a chuckle. "I suspect it won't be much longer before I meet you again."

"You know about my gifts," Luna said sternly as her eyes glowed white and her grey hair changed to bright red, displaying her anger, before both faded back. "You still have eleven years before you go onto your next great adventure," she said in a much softer tone.

"What makes you say that?" he asked her curiously.

"It is part of the prophecy I was given," she told him, causing him to groan and herself to chuckle. "Yes, Harry, there is another prophecy about you. But, it is not a prophecy. No, it is the last prophecy of this world."

"That sounds… ominous," Harry said with an arched eyebrow.

rating - toxic, ct - pheonix, sue - luna lovegood, pf - new/next generation, pt - soul mates, ac - time travel, pp - head dorms, stu - teddy lupin, pc - relationship sue, je - teacher (new), stu - harry potter, ap - academic pursuit, sue - hermione granger

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