4428: Shipped away - Vivian Hunter

Jun 12, 2018 21:22

I’ve been dealing with a family issue which should hopefully be under control.

Title: Shipped away
Perpetrator: blodrose (The writer is from Sweden)
Sue-O-Meter: Awful
Cover/Banner Art: The cover is a picture of someone’s head from the back. It looks like a female and the hair is blond done up into a braid.
Summary: “Vivian Hunter, a half blood, have been a captive of Voldemort for 3 years, when things suddenly change and she find herself in another universe. Rated T for violens and language.”
Full Name: Vivian Hunter
Species: She’s a multi-fandom sue.
Markings: For some reason, “there on her arm was the dark mark in red”. Last time I checked, the Dark Mark was black but also used on Death Eaters, not the captives.
Possessions: A very annoying backstory for getting from one fandom to another.
Connection to Canon: We get two chapters of torture because Voldemort wants George to join him and is using her to get to him. At the end, she ends up falling into the world of The 100. The third chapter is about her falling into fandom and consists of three paragraphs. She then meets the characters from the other world. She spends the fifth chapter worrying about not being able to perform wandless magic because “wandless magic was something only the most skilled witches and wizards could do.” The characters are also talking about killing her.
Origin: Something bad happens in one fandom so they end up in another. This plot is bad enough when done to a canon character who’s already
Special Abilities:

Notes: What’s the point of this?


At the end of it she was ready to tell him what he wanted to know, however she couldn't, for she didn't know herself. When it was over he just left, not saying a single word. When the cell door closed behind him Vivian looked down on her arm, fully expecting to see it covered in blisters and cuts. But what she saw was much worse. There on her arm was the dark mark in red, at the sight of it tears stinged the back of her eyes and she broke down in sobs.

Never in the 7 years she had been there had she ever cried. But now she let it all out, she cried over her lost friends and the innocent lives lost the day she was captured, she cried over the thousands of scars littering her body and the constant wound on her ankle where the shackle chaining her to the wall sat, she cried over the fact that you could see every last bone in her body from living on hard bread and water for 3 years. Exhausted she curled up in the corner of the cell, hugging her legs to her chest and leaning against the wall, and fell asleep.

pw - woobie/cry for me, rating - awful, p - crossover

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