4213: Mudbloods and **** - Harry, Petunia, Marge, Andromeda

Apr 06, 2018 20:45

Title: Mudbloods and Cumbloods
Perpetrator: Succubi-Lover
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: The writer’s avatar is a succubus. (They’re honestly lucky they can’t be reported for said image, but this is also the reason I don’t suspect they’re a troll. At least, I don’t think the image breaks site rules. I could be wrong though.)
Summary: “An Anthology of Harry Potter based smut, I take requests, Rated MA, no flames will be tolerated given the manner of the material.”
Full Name: So far Harry, Petunia, Hermione, Umbridge, Marge, Andromeda
Species: OCs cosplaying as the canon characters for sexual fantasies. (Except for the second of the three stories, though I’ve got to admit that one ended up being creepy because it wasn’t OoC, but there’s a reason I crossed out Hermione and Umbridge’s name.
Hair: n/a
Eyes:  n/a
Markings: n/a
Possessions: n/a
Connection to Canon: The first chapter involves “incest, femdom, foot worship, shoe sniffing, abuse, verbal abuse, underage, extreme femdom”. For those wondering what femdom is, the best explanation I found so you guys don’t do a search of the word like I did is “reverse rape” or “stories where the female dominates the male”. The first story overdoes the abuse, pulls a Ron the Death Eater trope on Petunia and… I didn’t want to know how this one ends. The second chapter involves “de-aging, Lolita, spanking, femdom teacher/student” and is called Spank the Mudblood. (Why is it I can actually see Umbridge abusing her power in this manner. You don’t want the warnings for the third story which is in five chapters, but is really thirty-five chapters. (Another rule broken). It involves Harry becoming the slave of his Aunt, plus Marge and Andromeda. (Do you really want me to go into detail?)
Origin: According to the first chapter, the writer’s only read the first five books, but they’re pretty much deciding what to write
Special Abilities: Making the canon characters OoC for the sake of porn.

Notes: I wanted to give this writer the Troll rating because they’re posting MA content to a site which does not allow said material. We also have yet another writer who thinks negative reviews are flames, but likely thinks any review telling them they are breaking site rules is also a flame. I’m not happy when a writer deletes a story after getting real flames, but I’ve no pity for writers who actively break the rules of the site they’ve chosen to post their stories on. There are other sites like A03 where this stuff belongs.


A small frail, ten year old boy crouched by the fireplace, desperately dusting the sooty surface, praying that no grains of soot fell onto the carpet, he really didn't need another reason for his uncle to punish him, the very thought terrified him enough to cause him to flinch, that round, fat, purple walrus like face was the star of his nightmares. He possessed untidy jet-black hair, startlingly green eyes with a pair of round frame black wiry glasses sat upon his nose, thin pieces of tape holding the frame together. He was small, closer to the size of a six year old than his actual age, if one lifted the very 'loose fitting' grey shirt, covered in dirt, dust and dark yellow and red stains, you would be able to count each of his rips beneath his unhealthily pale skin.

The sound of the front door unlocking caused the boy to flinch, he swallowed, focusing on his work as the door opened and footsteps echoed throughout the hall and drifted into the living room.

"Still not done yet freak." Sneered the familiar tone of his aunt's shrill voice.

rating - toxic, sue - andromeda tonks, pw - subject matter not kawaii, sue - tonks, stu - harry potter, sue - petunia dursley

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