4214: Lotus Bonsai series - Lotus Violet Bonsai

Apr 08, 2018 23:00

Title: As The Magic Rises, Lotus Bonsai: The Magic of Earth
Perpetrator: TooLazyToThinkOfAGoodName (I’m sad to say this goes for their OCs as well.
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: The first book has the character on the front cover. The second is black with colored spots.
Summary: “All Lotus Bonsai wants is a peaceful first year at Hogwarts. But with Voldemort after the Philosopher's Stone, and onironautic magic spreading itself on Earth, it's clear she's not getting what she wants. (PLEASE REVIEW)”
Full Name: Lotus Violet Bonsai (Sorry, but that’s a really bad name.)
Species: Onironautic.
Hair: “And white hair like her father, Helia Bonsai.”
Eyes:  “She had vibrant purple eyes, like her mother, Violet Bonsai (née Chen).”
Markings: I’m not sure. I didn’t want to really dig.
Possessions: Nothing specific comes to mind. Well, the mother did shrink the crib really small. However, going by the cover the Sue likes dressing in clothes the color of Elsa’s clothing from Frozen.
Connection to Canon: The first chapter is an annoying introduction where our aliens move to Earth put show off their amazing powers. They end up near Hogwarts and meet Hagrid and Dumbledore. They start going into detail about how Earth isn’t the only galaxy to exist. The entire first story - seven chapters and 8,571 words (including the one chapter which is an author’s note) is just an info dump regarding how special little Lotus is. The second starts off at Lotus’ birthday and her getting her letter. (STOP MAKING CHARACTERS GET THEIR LETTERS ON THEIR BIRTHDAY! THAT ISN’T WHEN IT ACTUALLY HAPPENS! THAT ONLY HAPPENED FOR HARRY!) She meets Hermione, and Hermione says something about, “I got it last year. My birthday is in September, so I couldn’t go last year.” (NO, NO, AND MORE NO! THEY SEND OUT ALL LETTERS AT THE SAME TIME!) After the chapter of visiting Diagon Alley we get an author’s note announcing the writer now has a Tumblr account. The  second real chapter is about Neville. Apparently they met briefly at St. Mungos when she was five and are already good friends. It ends there.
Origin: Please see the sample. No, really. See the sample. And the summary listed in the notes. The writer is crossing their original fiction with the Harry Potter fandom. There is no other way to describe this.
Special Abilities: She’s an Onironaut, with magic which is practically superior to humans. After all, “they tend to be more powerful than wizards, being capable of many things wizards could only imagine.” That alone screams toxic. Lotus loves floating in the air and can do it whenever she wants.

Notes: The writer is from Brazil. That still doesn’t explain the name the writer chose. They also have a story where “Harry Potter and his sister will soon learn that Dark Magic is not always evil.” We then have another summary which says, “In order to keep their daughter safe, two Onironauts, being from a planet called Somnium, must move to Earth. Will the manage to keep their identities a secret?” Wait? Does this tie into this story? Do they both? Okay, not the first which is titled Harry Potter and the Half-Demon. The first, yes, so it got added in.


Far from Hogwarts, far from Britain, far from Earth is a planet named Somnium. Many creatures live there, most of them have magical abilities. One of these creatures are the Onironauts. Their body struture is the same as human's, and they tend to be more powerful than wizards, being capable of many things wizards could only imagine.

Aside from that, the only difference between humans and onironauts, is that onironauts don't reproduce by themselves (though that doesn't stop them from having sexual relationships). If they wish for a child, they must visit the center of the planet (an ancient temple), and choose one (or more, if they wish) of the many floating magical orbs (made of nothing but magic, so it doesn't have a physical form) that can be found wandering within the temple.

After the orb is chosen, it will absorb a small portion of the parent's magic, and with that magic, it will create a body for itself. This magic will develop over the years, giving the child more advanced magical abilities.

A year ago, an onironaut child name Lotus Violet Bonsai was born. She had vibrant purple eyes, like her mother, Violet Bonsai (née Chen). And white hair like her father, Helia Bonsai.

Even if Somnium was a great planet, it was quite dangerous. Monster attacks were getting more and more frequent every day, and the Bonsais didn't want to put their daughter in danger.

So they decided to leave Somniun. They heard of a planet called Earth, where it was much safer compared to Somnium. Even if these creatures called humans had a terrible habit of starting wars.

They packed everything they needed, and now it was time to to leave. Violet went to Lotus' room, wich was now empty except for a crib with a sleeping baby on it, and gently took Lotus in her arms, being careful not to wake her.

She pointed a finger at the crib, and it turned so small, not even a doll would fit on it. With a wave of her hand, the tiny crib levitated off the ground, and went inside a suitcase. The woman knelt down to close it, lifting Lotus in the air with a wave of her hand. Lotus wouldn't mind, she loved to float, even while asleep.

Violet held the suitcase with one hand, while the other one held her baby. Unfortunatly, Lotus woke up and began to protest, wanting to float more.

"Mummy! 'loat, please." She said, wiggling in her mother's arm.

rating - toxic, be - purple eyes, ac - seer abilities, ct - alien (full), bh - white hair

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