4206: Dobby's Rescue - Hermione Granger

Mar 26, 2018 19:17

Title: Dobby's Rescue
Perpetrator: makalaye
Sue-O-Meter: Awful
Cover/Banner Art: I’m not sure what their cover art is supposed to be of.
Summary: “What would happen if Dobby accidentally sent Hermione back in time instead of to Shell Cottage after being tortured by Bellatrix? First fic. be gentle. Time-Travel AU. SB/HG Ra'ted M. Probably some OOC moments.” Why are we even asking this question when Dobby accidentally sending Hermione back in time is not a possibility?
Full Name: Hermione Granger
Species: We’ve got another time traveling Sue.
Hair: n/a
Eyes:  n/a
Markings: n/a
Possessions: n/a
Connection to Canon: We’ve got yet another Hermione travels in time and falls in love with one of a limited characters, but forgets completely about everyone for a plotless storyline with random angst like Fenrir Greyback showing up at the weirdest times.
Origin: The writer decided to “take credit for the non-cannon stuff.”
Special Abilities: She’s time traveling and yet should.

Notes: I find myself frustrated in how these time travel fics never really do anything new.


White. From the darkness of my slumber to the light of my conscious state. From black to white. I looked to my left and back to ..Black?

"Hello, the name's Black, Sirius Black." I've gone mad.

"I'm dead." I have to be.

"No you're alive, if only just." Bellatrix has done it. I'm crazy.

"You're ..dead."

"No, love, everyone here is alive." He chuckled.

I tried to sit up only to be attacked with pain shooting through every nerve in my body.

"Easy, easy." He said, shifting the pillows and helping me up. "You gave us quite a scare there yesterday."

"Oh? And who is "us"?" I asked fearing the answer.

"Why that would be me. James Potter at your service," he said with an exaggerated bow. "and with me are my two brothers, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew." The other two boys waved awkwardly from behind him.

rating - awful, p - sue what plot? swp, ac - time travel, sue - hermione granger

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