4201 - Toast to Tomorrow - Hermione Granger

Mar 20, 2018 21:18

Title: Toast to Tomorrow
Perpetrator: charis-chan
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: There’s this really weird mecha dragon.
Summary: “She's made a deal to change history and save the one she loves the most. Now, she is back in a body five years younger than she should be, abused, orphaned and with a sentence to carry out, but with just one goal: kill Voldemort, and hopefully, see those she loves living a happily-ever-after. Travel-Time story. OOC and AU starting on GoF. SUPER ANGST FILLED.”
Full Name: Hermione Granger
Species: She’s not Hermione Granger despite the writer’s attempt to say otherwise.
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: n/a
Possessions:  Hermione has a tattoo on the back of her hand.
Connection to Canon: Hermione is now no longer the age to start in Harry’s year, but instead his younger brother Sony. Harry and Sony meet a girl in the library who accidently drops a book on her head, so Lily decides she must be magical and investigates. She thus ends up at the orphanage. She takes Hermione’s letter to the school, because she is a teacher. Hermione of course doesn’t act anything like her canon self. In the next chapter, we find out the Potters want to adopt her, and that Harry was champion. She’s a sniffling mess despite still being “the brightest witch of her era”. Look. I’m not sure she would be, if she didn’t have the encouragement she had at home. She’s then excited to have a new home in chapter three. More info dump in chapter four. More in chapter five, and me not understanding what is going on, let alone where the time travel comes in. Lily is called “Lady Potter” in chapter six, but I’ve had enough.
Origin: “A/N: This story surged after endless hours of reading Time Travel stories. […] I love Luna and Hermione... put them together and I'm all mushy. I mostly read HP/HG as that's a couple that had many good stories and I do like Harry, but, though I also love Lunar Harmony,I feel that there are very few Luna/Hermione stories out there, so I'm trying to contribute to that fandom as much as I can. […] Bear in mind this is pretty much AU and as last time I checked Luna and Hermione were both girls, this story contains FEMSLASH. You've been warned.”
Special Abilities: Yet another story where the characters decide time travel is how to get their happy endings. I am also unable to recognize Hermione Granger. She’s called the brightest witch despite not having started school.

Notes: Sad that the writer gets advice on grammar, and not the fact they’ve taken to many liberties with their AU. Then again, as a certain anon on one of the previous entries made quite clear, writers and readers alike don’t understand the limitations of the AU. That, and many of the writers cover the plot issues with wonderfully written prose. A good story though is more than just a bunch of pretty words.

Also, when you start using other fanfic as your influence over the canon material, I don’t think you’ll get a good AU.


Lily Potter stared at the address and name she had been given. Then she looked again at the building in front of her. Then she stared again at the piece of parchment and the emerald letters that had caused her so much shock in such few minutes.

Hermione Jane Granger
Room 27, Wool's Orphanage

That was a mistake, she was sure of that. She could still remember that conversation they had a couple of days after Harry had gotten his invitation letter. Both her boys were excited when the regal barn owl had floated into the kitchen and had twirled around twice before landing in front her excited first-born. She remember how Harry had asked her about magical children and how to identify them and then how Sony, her sweet baby boy, had given them the girl's name.

There had been something in the way Harry had asked and described that little thing that had compelled Lily to search for her once term started that year. Deputy Headmistress McGonagall had helped her skim the records the Acceptance Quill had made from that year onwards, it had been clear there was no Granger in Harry's year, and they were both shocked and bemused to find that the girl was set to start Hogwarts not too long after Sony. Being born on August 31 at precisely 23:59 was a feat neither of the witches had ever seen before. Miss Granger had managed to enter the 1994 generation by a margin of just mere seconds.

The school records had also showed her where the girl lived and what status was her blood. The address was a necessity to inform the kid of the invitation to the School, while the blood status was the factor that decided if a Staff Member needed to contact the child personally. The redhead remembered all that information regarding Miss Granger. That was why this was so wrong.

She remembered the girl living in Devon, near the town the Potters had settled in with the Longbottoms, Diggorys, Bones, Abbots and Weasleys. That was the reason why her boy had seen her around the town library almost daily and the fact that she was Muggle had made her smile back then, knowing she would have the opportunity to introduce her to the magical world. Neither of her boys had gone to school with her, though, so she could not approach her before her time without a good enough excuse, and, as she worked in Scotland most of the week for nine months a year, she had not much time to look for her.

What had happened in just a handful of years to have the girl in an Orphanage?

Looking again at the tall, grey building she could not help but wonder what kind of life a ten years old girl could have. The place looked clean, and sure enough she could recognize that the children in there were well kept as she was currently watching them play around just behind the iron gates.

"Are you here to be a mommy?" A little voice asked her and made her slightly jump. Looking down she saw a young blonde girl behind the bars staring at her with big, green eyes. She looked not older than five and was a tiny little thing.

Crouching down to be at her level, Lily Potter smiled. "I'm sorry, darling, no. I'm actually looking for someone." She tried not to wince when the little girl's mood dampened. "Do you know any Hermione?"

The girl shook her head, no, she did not know. "That's a weird name."

The redheaded smiled at the innocence of this cutie. "Do you know how I can talk with the manager?"

"Ring the bell." The little blonde pointed at a square just beneath the Orphanage's plaque at the side of the gates. "All of them do it."

"All of them?"

"The mommies and the daddies." The girl shrugged before skipping away to resume her game of hide and seek.

related to the potters, p - sue what plot? swp, ac - time travel, rating - toxic, pp - orphanage, sue - hermione granger, bp - tattoo

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