4188: Victor and Viktor - Victor and Yuri

Feb 12, 2018 22:33

I’m onto day five.

Title: Victor and Viktor
Perpetrator: ScarletEyce
Sue-O-Meter: Bad (I actually debated between an Okay and Bad rating on this one, but finally decided on bad as it didn’t do quite enough get the Okay rating.)
Cover/Banner Art: None
Summary: “Two-Shot. The wizarding world had never heard of ice skating before. Not until Victor Nikiforov went to Hogwarts to support his Bulgarian nephew, Viktor Krum. And dragged Yuri with him. Why had Yuri agreed to this?”
Full Name: Victor and Yuri
Species: ice skaters
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: n/a
Possessions: I think they get a second pair of rings, but I’m not quite sure. They’ve also got fangirls and fanboys even at Hogwarts to the point it’s unrealistic.
Connection to Canon: The story idea is cute. However, I found myself swamped by the sparkly fluffy feeling running through the entire fic as well as the fact nothing seems to get the canon characters from the other canon series down. Which is strange due to the fact I know the characters face personal lows within the series. More specifically, both feel as if they are on a sugar high but are acting like a couple of little kids looking at sparkly Christmas lights. Actually, another way to describe the way they act is like a couple not realizing the honeymoon is over. The story is supposed to be about Victor and Yuri visiting his nephew, and Harry does get some awesome advice from the two. However, nothing bad actually happens.
Origin: I’m starting to think the idealism (no homophobia) that the creator of Yuri on Ice!!! claims to exist in the world has rubbed off on fandom in a negative manner. I mean, this writer’s not a bad writer.
Special Abilities: At the end, well we have one scene ending with “too bad neither of them noticed the quiet clicking of a iPhone camera capturing every moment” of another ring exchange. (Or did it never happen in this?) We then get this very short scene at the end. “Then next morning, Victor and Yuri went to the Great Hall, only to be greeted by screams and phones in their faces. They took one look, grabbed food and drinks, and retreated to their den. […] It was way to early to face fans and critics. Way, way too early.”

Notes: As I mentioned yesterday, homophobia supposedly doesn’t exist in the world of Yuri on Ice!!! because the creator says so. They even claim their world is better because of this, but one of the things which comes up in the discussion of Mary Sues on this blog is that perfect isn’t better, but that the ideal is unrealistic. Does this mean that the world of Yuri on Ice!!! is a Mary Suetopia? I don’t know, but I do know the concept of Utopia is an impossibility, but when someone starts claiming a utopian ideal, what is lost?


Girls (and a few boys as well) kept giggling at him and Yuri in the hallway, and then walking up to try to say something. None of them actually managed to make it to them, always turning red and walking away before they could. Maybe it had something to do with the whispers he heard about Christmas. He thought for a moment. Ah, he would just ask his adorable nephew!

"So, what's this I hear about Christmas?"

The looks on their faces were incredible. Every single one of their jaws dropped in a comical fashion, except for Viktor, who just dropped his head into his hands. "Uncle, do you really not know? There's a Yule Ball that's being held tomorrow for everyone old enough. Everyone's been wondering who you two would be going with."

"What? Yuri, how did we miss this? I didn't bring anything for this! What am I going to wear? I'm not going to have enough time to be ready!"

"Victor, calm down. It will be fine." Yuri just patted him on the back in an attempt to comfort him. He was a little sad that Yuri no longer panicked when he started his antics. Maybe being around him so long desensitized him... Well, at least he didn't have to find a partner for it. Of course Yuri would be going with him. Who else would he go with?

p - fluff train, stu - (other canon), rating - bad, p - crossover

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