4189: Wizards and knife shoes - Yuri, Viktor, Harry, Yurio

Feb 14, 2018 21:31

Here is day six.
Title: Wizards and knife shoes
Perpetrator: whenthemarshmallowmettheslayer
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: Their avatar is a washed out pink pastel of Alice in Wonderland.
Summary: “It was meant to be a short drabble about Viktor, being his extra self, steals (saves) a baby, Yuuri can't deny his husband anything, and years later Yuri threatens Albus with his knife shoes but the monster I created has grown... (There is lots of cussing from Yuri but everything else is teen.)”
Full Name: Yuri, Viktor, Harry, Yurio
Species: (…)
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: n/a
Possessions: n/a
Connection to Canon: Apparently it is okay to take Harry because someone left the baby on another person’s doorstep. (This ignores the question of why Viktor was in the area in the first place when neither character lives in Great Britain, how they managed to smuggle the baby out of the country, but we also have the question of what a sane person would do if they saw an infant left somewhere. Of course, the writer plays off the married couple as lacking in sanity.) The second chapter opens up with Harry getting a lecture from Yurio about stealing a dog, but Yurio also giving in to Harry. Harry of course is learning to skate, but it turns out the dog is Sirius Black. Yurio throws his skates at Sirius and the writer’s response is, “so karma gave Sirius a face full of knife shoes for leaving Harry alone to go get revenge.” That’s not karma. That’s the writer allowing the characters do whatever the shit they want to without any sound reprecussions because they think their version of events is more realistic. (It’s not. People don’t throw skates at other people. Not only can you hurt people, you might hurt the equipment you work with.) In chapter three, “somehow miraculously Viktor remembers where he stole the baby.” Meaning they go back to Dursley family, but homophobia is brought up. They talk with the Dursley’s but both decide to go ahead and steal the baby because they hate Harry’s parents and are obviously homophobic. Chapter four jumps to Harry telling Hermione he would have been her friend, but she’s too bossy and to much of a know-it-all. She says, “I’m fine. I’ll get to actually achieve my wish of reading all the books in the library.” Harry says, “But you don’t get to read them. There’s a difference between having a book read to you and reading it.” Why? Because Hermione is suddenly blind, but Harry is a brat about winning the tournament because “Dumbledore was going to regret ever allowing Harry in this tournament.” According to him, “there was something seriously wrong with this school.” (No Suethor, there is something seriously wrong with your story.) Chapter six is the couple who stole the baby getting mad at Yukio for cursing around said baby. Chapter seven is about how Dolores has even more reason to be prejudiced against Harry. Of course, she is put into her place, but so apparently was Dumbledore. (For some reason the writer decided to bring up a random fact about rape in this chapter, but then goes on to compare Umbridge to rapists of all things.) Chapter seven is Harry bragging about his parents being famous ice-skaters, but the fact he would blow magical secrecy by having them use “Instagram, Twitter, Tumbler, and Facebook.”
Origin: The summary says a lot. If a person can’t deny their significant other a kidnapped child, something is wrong. VERY wrong.
Special Abilities: Harry of course knows Russian, Japanese and English.

Notes: I read this kind of story and wonder if the writer understand what kind of monsters they've turned the canon characters into. Or maybe they do, but think that characters acting like juvinile delinquints even when they're adults is bad ass. No, I'm not talking about the characters they character bash. The fact they character bash characters just makes this kind of story hypocritical.


It took a minute for Yuri to react or more accurately cuss. "What the fuck do you mean you stole a dog?"

"You're going to have put money in the swear jar once you get here," Harry told Yuri and that set Yuri off to cuss some more.

"I do not have to do no such thing you little punk! Why would you even steal a dog? Stealing a cat makes more sense," Yuri muttered murderously and oh so fucking done with this shit before placing his phone on his shoulder and laying his head on it.

He reached down and grabbed the apartment key from his jeans with the now empty hand. Somehow, the ice tiger of Russia managed to open the apartment door without dropping his phone or the his skates that were in his other hand (he'd been a bit in a rush to get to the apartment that he hadn't put them in his locker before he left).

Harry, having heard him coming in, ran towards the front door from the kitchen.

"What do I feed him?" Harry asked desperately. "He's so thin. I could see his ribs."

Instead of responding to the freaking out child, Yuuri lifted his head and grabbed his phone before shoving it in his pocket. It was doubtful that Katsudon and the old man had kept any dog food since Makkachin's passing.

rating - toxic, ap - athletic pursuit, ap - academic pursuit, pc - bloodwrath hufflepuff, pc - jerk/anti sue, pw - ron the death eater

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