
Feb 11, 2018 23:17

Here is day four of Yuri on Ice!!! crossovers. For those who don’t know the series, it is a romance between two figure skaters who are both male.
Title: Hogwarts! On Ice?
Perpetrator: snowywolf7
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: The writer’s avatar is this weird white wolf with these glowing marks.
Summary: “The Yule Ball had always promised to be a spectacular event, but with a personal invitation from Professor Dumbledore to do an exhibition skate, Viktor and Yuuri will turn this Hogwart's Christmas into a night none will ever forget.
Full Name: Viktur and Yuri
Species: ice skaters
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: n/a
Possessions: n/a
Connection to Canon: The story starts off with Dumbledore telling Minerva that one of the Muggle relatives of one of the Beauxbaton students is a figure skater, so he decides to invite said relative to perform for the students. Thus Viktor and Yuri get to perform for the students. Dumbledore’s logic is that “we allow the parents of muggle born wizard and witches to visit. This would simply be extending that exception.” Except, no such exception exists. I mean, did we see Molly showing up at the Yule Ball? Or how about Narcissa and Lucius? Or Hermione’s parents. We then jump to Viktor and Yuri in St. Petersburg discussing the fact they’re going to perform for the poor kids who have never seen ice skating before. (At least on the positive side, they’re unable to take selfies because the writer remembered technology doesn’t work at Hogwarts. To bad they forgot the word selfie is actually a new word which wouldn’t have been used during Harry Potter’s time, or the fact the tech being used by Viktor and Yuri wouldn’t have existed either.) The first chapter ends with Dumbledore introducing them, but is Yuri using chopsticks at Hogwarts? Yes, he is. As for the second part, a big deal is made about nothing, but Harry also notices that the two are wearing rings so he knows that these two are fiancé. Then it’s about how amazing of a couple they are, and then a peck on the temple and the fic - which by the way should have been a one-shot, ends.
Origin: The reason the writer is writing this is because, “I’m quite nervous writing this fic because I’ve never tried my hands at romance before, but after watching Yuri on Ice I just fell so in love with it and had to channel my feels somewhere.”
Special Abilities: The writer created a rule which doesn’t exist so that Viktor and Yuri can show up. We’re also supposed to believe wizarding children have never seen ice skating before let alone ice skates, but they have seen things such as cameras and trains which have not existed anywhere near as long as ice skates have.

Notes: According to the creators of Yuri on Ice!!!, the series takes place in a world where homophobia doesn’t exist. I get the draw, but I’ve always felt writers who say a certain type of prejudice doesn’t exist within the world they created are being unrealistically idealistic. Such idealism is toxic. While said idealism didn’t come across in the fandom, it is coming across in this fanfic. By this, I mean everything is perfect. As such, I’ve no qualms giving them a toxic rating.


"Tell me Minerva, have you heard of a muggle sport called 'figure skating' before?" A wizenly man asked over half-moon spectacles. The rather severe looking women situated across from him raised one elegant eyebrow.

"I'm afraid not."
"A fascinating event. The skills involved are most impressive, and the results are spectacular if I do say so myself." Minerva McGonagall shuffled the small pile of parchment she was reviewing aside on the headmaster's desk before reaching for another stack.

"And what, may I ask, does this have to do with the entertainment bookings for the Yule Ball?" She questioned never once taking her eyes of her documents.

"It has come to my attention that one of our Beauxbatons Academy guests has a relative who is quite renowned in the activity." The elderly wizard glanced at his coworker upon getting no reaction. "Considering the goal of the Triwizard tournament, and by extension the Yule Ball, is about promoting international relations, it logically follows to invite this relative for a performance at the Yule Ball." This provoked a reaction from the previously stoic professor. A rather strong reaction too.

"You can't be serious Albus! A muggle at Hogwarts? The international statute of secrecy, revealing Hogwarts to a muggle."

"We allow the parents of muggle born wizard and witches to visit. This would simply be extending that exception." Dumbledore said lacing his long fingers and resting his chin upon them. His sharp blue eyes were twinkling with mischievous interest.

p - fluff train, rating - toxic, pc - perfect little angels, p - crossover

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