4186: In Regards to Love - Harry "Lee" Potter

Feb 10, 2018 22:15

Here is day three of Yuri on Ice!!! Crossovers.
Title: In Regards to Love
Perpetrator: Rsur Thorai
Sue-O-Meter: Awful
Cover/Banner Art: I think the picture is of Viktor and Yuri, but Yuri is now Harry. (Please don’t ask.)
Summary: “Perhaps he met the Russian by chance, and it might've been Lady Luck for the reason he had another pair of skates, but it was most definitely fate that drove their bond to where it is now. If the British boy had any say, he wouldn't leave. If it was the Russian, he wouldn't let his dance partner be taken away. Neither of them, not by a long shot.”
Full Name: Harry “Lee” Potter
Species: n/a
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: n/a
Possessions: Harry got a box to keep his skates in. (Again, money issue people!) He also gets a charm braclet from Victor.
Connection to Canon: The story starts off with Harry getting kicked out of the house in the middle of winter at the age of four. He manages to find an ice rink called Lee Valley Ice Center. (Why isn’t the place called the Little Whinging Ice Center? Then again, Harry tells the person who points him in the direction of the ice rink that he didn’t know that London had one.) Specifically, he gets on a bus and a stranger tells him how to get there. There, he is instantly introduced to Victor. The story progresses into Harry’s first lesson, yet Harry had no money to pay for said lesson. They simply take the bus drivers word and give him a free lesson. (Yes. The bus driver has time to walk Harry in, but said bus driver’s not questioning why Harry is going to the library at age four on his own?) They call him “Lee” because he didn’t give them his name either. In chapter two, Harry spills his plight to Victor in chapter. It ends with celebrating Harry’s fifth birthday, and Victor saying. “That’s fine. Thank you, b… b-brat,” when Harry gives him a thank you hug. That’s it for now. Origin: I found myself mentally slamming my head against the keyboard. I was expecting Viktor to be in a relationship instead of Yuri. I was not expecting another story which pulls a Ron the Deatheater with the Dursley family. (Can we please stop? What Rowling wrote regarding the neglectfulness of the Dursley family is realistic, so please stop amplifying the abuse.) I was also not expecting Harry to become a Copycat Sue of Yuri. I’m also bothered by the fact the writer’s posting, “AIDS: leading cause of death for figure skaters in beginning of epidemic from 1981~1994 before ARVs (anti-retrovirals) and the ART (anti-retrovial therapy) treatment became available.” I then found out this is a fact they got from another person’s story, which is called Dance of the Red Death by Strange and Intoxicating - rsa.
Special Abilities: The writer certainly fails in the research department. On top of the historical fact I mentioned above, we can add the fact Harry lives around thirty miles from London. Here’s where I add Harry jumped on the bus, but gets into the rink on his own with no adults noticing. Another fail on the writer’s part is the fact ice rinks are open year round, so why is this story having to take place during winter? On top of this, ice skating costs money to participate in. Harry’s also a quick learner. Victor is also eight when he meets Harry. Also, why is Victor not in Russia?

Notes: I am pretty ticked off at both writers right now. I’ve no clue where either got the idea that “AIDS was considered the leading cause of death for figure skaters in the beginning of the epidemic from 1981-1994,” from. If I’m going to tell people that say, “AIDS becomes the leading cause of death for all Americans ages 25 to 44,” in 1994, I’m going to give people a source. I’ve found articles regarding the deaths of certain figures and I found articles regarding the fact AIDS was a big scare during the given years. None of these sources I linked to add up to the conclusion these two writers came to.

Don’t get me wrong here. The subject of HIV/AIDS is an important one to tackle. We don’t do the subject any favors by spreading false information, or partial information. For example, statements such as “many talented young men wasted away due to their illness” treats AIDS as an illness which only effects males or homosexuals. For example, Tracy Wilson and Magic Johnson are both athletes with the illness. Also ignored is the fact AIDS was the leading killer of everybody in their twenties to forties, but everyone feared the AIDS epidemic.

I’ve not looked at the second story beyond the author’s note. (I went looking for sources, but only found the second story, which isn’t good.) However, when I see writers making statements like the above statement, I wonder if the writer’s knowledge of HIV/AIDS is only the basics or if they did their research. I also worry about HIV/AIDS defining the character with the illness.


The first time Harry was forced out of Privet Drive, he was four. It was winter and snowing heavily. Such a time was brutal for a child who wore only a baggy dark blue hoodie and too large gray sweats that had to be both rolled and pinned at the waist. At this age, Harry didn't have glasses, nor could he walk well in particular.

Young Harry, as he normally would when kicked out for the past two previous times, made way for London with the spare change tuck in his pocket, given by Mrs. Figg. And as the past two times, the boy jumped on a bus and paid Mr. Holmes. The two had become friends after Harry once asked a tentative question about a literature book. It was then that a friendship between book lovers was born.

"To the library again, Four?" Holmes asked. Since Harry didn't technically know his name, and found it strange anyway, the man made it a point to call him by his age since the boy often forgot for one reason or another. 'Four' shook his head slowly.

"N-No, uh... I was wondering if you could bring be to a different place this time. I love the library, but it gets a bit boring if you've read most off the books." From all the reading he did, he was quite an eloquent speaker when he wished to be. The black haired man nodded, brown eyes glinting.

"Ah, I think I know a place. We're almost there, in fact." It wasn't even fifteen minutes later when Homes pulled up in front of the Lee Valley Ice Centre.

"An... ice rink? I didn't even know London had one." Holmes nodded with a grin. "Yeah, and this isn't the only one. Kinds like you should have something fun to do aside from some reading, so I'll go in and talk to the manager."

rating - awful, pc - child genius, pc - parasite sue, p - crossover

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