4182: A Knight to Remember - Year One, Hogwarts - Skye Knight

Feb 03, 2018 20:45

Title: A Knight to Remember - Year One, Hogwarts (Not punny, but annoying.)
Perpetrator: kwlgirlbec
Sue-O-Meter: Awful
Cover/Banner Art: None
Summary: “Skye Knight grew up in a muggle world, but she is about to discover that there is so much more. Now is the time to live the adventure, not just read them, or that's what two certain twins recommend.
Full Name: Skye Knight
Species: She’s an annoying - I’m not sure what to call her. She hangs out with the twins, obviously, but she’s hyper and annoying.
Possessions: For her eleventh birthday, she gets a scarf in Gryffindor colors despite not being sorted yet. (Seriously, the gift doesn’t make sense!) Except, upon reading the second chapter I realize the Sue is the writer’s self-insert big time, being a fan of the books who didn’t think that the series was real. Of course, there is a comment in a review for chapter for which says the mom is in a mental instate, which is why she doesn’t believe magic is real. I’m not sure, as the writing is pretty bad. She gets a wand which is “alder and 10 inches in length” and has “unicorn hair”.
Connection to Canon: Chapter one is about the Sue’s eleventh birthday, finding out she drank twenty cups of tea - an exaggeration of course - she likes science, reading, but wants to go to Hogwarts. Turns out in chapter two, it wasn’t an exaggeration because the Sue’s magic made the pot never run out of tea. Dumbledore shows up letting the Sue know she gets to go to Hogwarts. Third chapter is Diagon Alley, but also getting her wand. In the next chapter, she meets “Tabitha Hart, first year extraordinaire” and they purchase books, but not without Skye sitting on the floor and reading them before purchasing. Then there are giggle fits and pranks in chapter five. Chapter six is called “The Pre-Pudding Meal”, second is “Scheming” and eight is “Truth or Dare”.
Origin: We have another sue with no real purpose beyond self-insertion.
Special Abilities:  At the end of the first chapter is this quibble the Sue deserving to be happy, but the truth hurting. She made a teapot make endless tea.

Notes: The writer’s profile says it was created on Nov 26, 2011. That means the profile is six years old, which makes me wonder how a nineteen year old - or someone older - would be still writing at this level. Of course, Suethor could have lied about their age when they signed up.


"...probably a Ravenclaw with your head always in books, but then again there is more of your father in you than you know. Perhaps a Gryffindor?"

"Yeah mum, definitely." Skye nodded encouragingly, picking at the birthday cake that celebrated her 11th birthday. Her mother beamed at her agreement and Skye couldn't help but return it.

"I knew it! It's that stubborn headed-ness of yours. Your father would call it his 'determination'." Her mother scoffed, lost in her thoughts. As she reminisced the room grew silent. Suddenly, she jumped as if startled and began rummaging under the sofa, her brown hair forming a curtain to obscure her face. "I almost forgot," she muttered, arising to shove a squishy package into her daughter's hands.

Handing it over her eyes grew expectantly as Skye let out a brief laugh at the wrapping. It was a mess, sticking out at angles she didn't think were possible for paper. Then there was the sellotape, guarding every possible entry point into the package.

"It's almost like you don't want me to know what's inside," Skye teased, clawing at potential weaknesses. Despite her hands flushing red with the effort, the package finally revealed a red and gold interior. Freeing it from its wrapping, Skye revealed a scarf.

"It was your father's" her mother breathed, causing Skye's grip to tighten on the material. Immediately her mother moved to prise the scarf from her daughter's hands and wrap it around her neck. "Perfect, my little lion".

"Rawr," Skye growled, causing her mother's smile to widen.

rating - awful, p - sue what plot? swp, ap - academic pursuit, ph - muggleborn

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