3721: Chance Meeting at the Ink Pot - Harry and Company

Nov 17, 2016 21:15

- Flashback Sue
- Don't forget about the Sorting Hat.
- The Fourteenth Annual Pottersues is also currently running.
November and December seem to be months where I tend to get busy. A minion sent in today’s story, and with as many stories as the writer has, I could probably do an entire month for this one writer, but I’m not in the mood to do a feature week, but my come back and feature another story later on.

TITLE: Chance Meeting at the Ink Pot
PERPETRATOR: Teddylonglong
SUMMARY:”RE-POST of my story from my former teddylonglong account (with 734 reviews). Severus Snape meets a six-year-old Harry Potter at The Ink Pot and ends up buying a book for the child, unaware of the far reaching effects of his spontaneous kindness. Completely AU, partly OOC, partly childic, abuse!Dursleys, Dumbledore bashing! Changing POVs Sev/Harry .”
FULL NAME: Harry Potter, Snape, Pomfrey, Flitwick and McGonagall.
SPECIES: oh, poor abused OC pretending to be a canon character
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
MARKINGS: He’s six.
POSSESSIONS: He has the book A Little Prince, and a parchment to communicate with Snape.
CONNECTION TO CANON: The story doesn’t start off to bad. Severus is spying on Harry, and sees Petunia deny him books for Christmas. However, for no logical reason Severus starts talking to Harry through his mind. (And no, just because and I don’t care to be logical do not count as reasons. We all know that entering another person’s mind is not only rude, but that Snape is an adult who should know better.) He buys Harry a book, only to have Petunia insist that Dudley have the book instead. Harry suddenly decides “I have to write a message to the kind man” despite the fact there is no way for him, to his knowledge, to get the letter to the man. Harry’s only six, so this really doesn’t make much sense, except for the fact Snape did another illogical thing, and gave a six year old a parchment to communicate with him. Harry writes with a vocabulary level one does not expect of someone his age. When Snape hears about the cupboard, he decides to sweep in and rescue Harry. For some reason they think material made for first year Slytherin’s is appropriate reading material for a six year old as well, and encourage Snape to send this booklet he hands out. (It’s only readable by students from the house, so… another logic fail. Dumbledore shows up at the end of this chapter. Chapter three opens up with the teachers hiding stuff from Dumbledore, and acting like children in the manner they do things. More angst of Harry’s book being taken away, and how much of a horrible person Dumbledore is - for no real reason other than the writer enjoying character bashing him. Sane adults don’t kidnap kids like that. He then introduces Sirius in chapter six. (It’s really Harry, and Dumbeldore doesn’t think anything is up when an adult should know something is up.) Snape then runs away to another school with Harry under Headmaster Abe and Harry is a perfect child. Story then proceeds into a major yawn fest. I got up with the fact “Sirius” doesn’t talk like someone his age should, and even got a vocabulary boost despite little time passing. I’d officially had enough.
ORIGIN: I think I may have featured something from this writer before, because they say “COMPLETELY AU! Partly OoC!”, and I believe I’ve heard that before. A story is either AU, or it isn’t, and a character is either OoC, or it is not. There is no partial or complete in this what so ever. So I looked, and sure enough, they’ve been featured before, but on another account which used to have the name they now use for this account. They steal Harry away, and take the child to Prince Manor. (Face palms.) Chapter five sees Pomfrey giving Harry a potion for the pain caused by the abuse.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: I find it amusing that the disclaimer they use says “all recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling…” Since none of the characters are recognizable as the canon characters - except in name, that means they’re all OCs, right?

NOTES: Sadly, I’ve got to agree with the minion who sent in today’s entry. The writer comes across as very anti-critique, what with “MY STORIES ARE COMPLETELY AU. Don’t Like = Don’t read!”, but she also says “I am not a native speaker of English; therefore, you will surely find mistakes in my stories - please excuse hem or tell me, so that I can correct them. My stories do not claim to be logical, medically accurate or compliant to canon.” I’m not sure if the writer points the latter part out because she knows this is something she struggles with, or because she thinks that these things don’t count as mistakes on the writers part, when in reality they do. They go on to say, “last not least, I am writing for fun, and I am not getting paid for it. So please DO NOT tell me WHAT or HOW I have to write,” except she also comes across as a review whore, as she also says earlier on in her profile that she’s reposting her stories all to one account, and that she would like people “kindly to re-review them (as the loss of thousands of reviews is very sad)!”
This story used to have 734 reviews on the old count, but now only has 385. Completely AU also seems to be, by the time I got to the tenth chapter, a euphemism to “I don’t care to try.”


Severus entered the bookshop, sighing in relief as he left the street noise behind him. With the same measure as he despised the street traffic outside, he enjoyed the quiet of the bookshop. It was nearly as soothing as spending time in a potions lab, his favourite place in the world; well maybe not as soothing. Severus strode towards the secret door that was placed between the travel section and the children's section of the bookshop, noticing in annoyance that a woman was deep engrossed in a dispute with one of her two sons right in front of the hidden door.
"No, I don't want a book!" the fat boy shouted, causing his mother to sigh in annoyance.
"Oh Duddeykins, reading is so nice, and I'm sure Father Christmas would bring you a whole pile of books," the mother said in a soft voice, causing the boy to jump up and down with both feet, shouting at his mother again.
"Father Christmas will bring me anything I want, and I don't want books!"
"I'd be so happy if Father Christmas brought me a book," the other boy, who was timidly standing aside, spoke up in a hardly audible voice.
The woman let out a snort. "As if Father Christmas would bring anything for bad boys like you. Father Christmas doesn't bring presents for freaks. You should know that by now."
"Yes Aunt Petunia," the small boy said quietly, sadly averting his eyes to the floor.
It was only a tenth of a second, during which Severus could see the boy's eyes, but it sufficed. He recognised them immediately. 'Lily!' He knew that this was Lily's child. 'Oh right, Petunia,' he remembered, 'her horrible sister, who always harassed both of us because of being magical.'
"Now Duddykins, let's have a look if we can find anything interesting for you," Petunia said soothingly, before she hissed at the other boy, "Stay out of the way, you're enough of a burden just by being alive, you ungrateful little urchin."
Severus had heard enough to completely shake off the thought of the boy's father with the same messy black hair. Instead, memories of his own father began to push themselves to the front of his mind, but he pushed them aside and decided to try something to communicate with the boy. It was worth a shot. 'Harry, can you hear me? Don't say anything, just nod your head if you hear me,' he telepathically transmitted to the boy without further ado.
Seconds later, Harry nodded his head, just a little bit, before he glanced around with a frightened expression on his small face. His eyes lingered on Severus for a few seconds, before he turned back.
'Yes, it was me who spoke with you. Don't be afraid, child. I know who you are. I was your mother's best friend. Stay where you are for a few minutes and hold your aunt back for some reason if she wants to leave. I'm going to buy a book for you, and I'll insert a parchment that will enable you to contact me. I'll just leave through the hidden door in front of you and I'll be back soon. Do you understand me?' he thought to the boy, who once more nodded slightly.

rating - awful, stu - harry potter, stu - severus snape, pw - ron the death eater, ac - legilmency and/or oculumency

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