(no subject)

Jan 11, 2013 21:15

Today's sue was sent in by LR.

TITLE: Harry and the Stubborn Old Headmaster
PERPETRATOR: teddylonglong
COVER/BANNER ART: A picture of Uisce's future phoenix Animagus form, kindly made by JB5391!

FULL NAME: Minerva McGonagall, Harry Potter-McGonagall, Severus Snape and the rest of Hogwarts staff
SPECIES: a kidnapper and a six year old kid
HAIR: like his father
EYES: like his mother
MARKINGS: a scar on his forehead
POSSESSIONS: a brand new life
CONNECTION TO CANON: Minerva kidnaps Harry from the Dursley family because they left her with Figg and she goes behind Dumbledore's back with the help of Snape and puts a memory charm on the Dursley family. Minerva says that “I have always loved him as if he were my grandson” despite the fact there wasn't likely to have been much contact between her and Harry before his parents died. They then sneak him into Hogwarts under Albus nose. Harry gets ill, then better and his godparents are now Severus and Poppy and they proceed to spoil him. He then hears Tom talking to him and Tom burst into tears because he is remorseful. And this is just the first seven chapter.
ORIGIN: They're supposed to be the canon characters.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Apparently the Ministry of Magic can interfere with the Muggle families in abuse cases rather then letting Muggle law take effect. Which becomes a mute point because the teachers end up taking things into their own hands. Harry can communicate with Tom.

NOTES: What is it with these fanfics that escalate the abuse, forget the protective charm and have some random person take off with a minor despite the fact there are legal issues? But you know what is really annoying about this fanfic? The writer puts “ハリーと頑固な校長先生” every time a new scene occurs.


Minerva shook her head, completely annoyed. "No, Arabella. I will not let Harry stay there. He deserves better than staying with a family who abuses him and prevents him from speaking and learning." She remained pensive for a moment before she asked, "Did I hear correctly that he is supposed to stay here until tomorrow evening, Arabella?"

Her friend nodded her head, curiously glancing at the teacher, who turned to Harry at the same time. "Harry, I'd like to suggest something to you. The Dursleys won't return until tomorrow evening. Would you like to come with me for a day? I live in a huge magical school, where I am a teacher. At the moment, we have holidays, so there won't be any students, only a few other teachers. But they are all wizards and witches, and most of them if not all knew your parents.

Harry gave the old lady a hopeful glance and his eyes started to twinkle happily when he eagerly nodded his head. Minerva thought for a moment. How could they travel together? The easiest would be the Floo Network but as Harry probably didn't know how to use it she'd have to travel close together with him. They could also Apparate but in that case she would have to touch the child too. Another possibility was the Knight bus, but was the effort really necessary? Maybe she could try to Apparate first.

Minerva looked at Harry determinedly. "Harry, there are several possibilities of wizarding travelling. However, the most convenient ways would involve that I pull you close to my side before we can travel. Would that be all right with you? You know that I won't hurt you, don't you?"

Harry couldn't explain why but he felt a huge wave of comfort coming from the nice lady. He somehow knew that she wouldn't hurt him and that he would be all right letting himself be touched by her. He hesitantly took one step after the other, slowly walking over until he stood just in front of the nice lady. "Very well, Harry," Minerva commended the child. "Now, we will Apparate, Harry. It won't hurt, but it might make you a bit dizzy until you're used to it. It would be the best if you put both hands firmly on my arms. You may not take your hands away; if you do, you might get lost. So be sure to hold on tightly."

Harry gave Minerva a tentative smile and hesitantly touched her arms, slightly relaxing when nothing strange happened at the touch. "All right, Harry, hold on closely, we'll leave now. Bye Arabella and thanks!" Minerva said and Apparated away, straight to the gates of Hogwarts.

rating - toxic, sue - poppy pomfrey, am - psychic/mutant (non-canon), stu - severus snape, stu - albus dumbledore, stu - voldemort, sue - minerva mcgonagal, stu - harry potter

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