3677: The Becoming - Rhea X

Sep 03, 2016 20:37

- The link of the day is Warning!! Rant! 'Annoyting Fanfiction'.
- Flashback Sue
- Don't forget about the Sorting Hat.
- The Fourteenth Annual Pottersues Contest is also going on right now.

PERPETRATOR: Itwillbeokay
SUMMARY:”"With a name like Rhea X. you're going to get look despite what world you're in". Rhea was always a odd child from the day she was brought to Miss. Richter's Orphanage for Children to the day a woman named Minerva McGonagall knocked on the door and offered her a scholarship to a school named Hogwarts. Year 1,2 and 3. Enjoy!”
FULL NAME: Reha X/Jackson
SPECIES: orphan
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
CONNECTION TO CANON: She's a special child. The only part up so far is her introduction to the orphanage. Honestly, this one can go either way. However, if the story on their original account is anything to go by, the rating is likely to get worse. I'm going to feature that one tomorrow.
ORIGIN: On the writer's profile, it says “Come along as we discover the past, present and future of Rhea Jackson.”
SPECIAL ABILITIES: She's likely related to Percy Jackson in some manner, or this is an OC that shows up in multiple fandoms.

NOTES: I think the Suethor lost the password to their old account.



"This is one of the worst storms in the history of London," the weather woman exclaimed behind the television screen, her eyes wide in astonishment. She paused for a minute and added "The authorities are informing all citizens to stay put indoors and to try not to leave their home. Please stay safe". Outside a woman watched the newscaster through the glass of a tech shop with a grim expression on her face. She pursed her lips and looked at the newborn in her arms,

"Oh child," she whispered, "I am sorry for what awaits you". The woman features softened for a moment before looking up again, determination set in her steely hazel eyes. Together, woman and child hurried down the street while the rain beat down on them. Thunder roared and lightning struck, but the woman moved gracefully through the harsh winds almost as though the winds were protecting her from the worst of the storm. She only slowed as they approached a small worn our sign. reading the words, 'Ms. Richter's Orphanage for Children". Behind the sign lay a medium-sized house, all the lights were off and not a sound came from the household. The woman quickly hurried up the rickety step of the porch before softly knocking on the door softly three times. She gingerly set the baby in front of the stairs and kneeled before the baby, slipping a piece of paper between the pink blankets.

a - ability from another fandom, pp - orphanage, p - not fanfic and/or crossover, rating - bad, a - unknown ability, related (character from another canon), p - crossover

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