3676: An OC's Story - Sierra Nada

Sep 02, 2016 22:11

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TITLE: An OC's Story
COVER/BANNER ART: Didn't pay attenton.
SUMMARY:”"Is he a bit… mad?" Evans' eyes widened. "MAD! He's the greatest wizard ever! How could you even say, hell, even think, that!" then she continued in a much calmer voice, "But yes, I suppose you could say he's a bit mad." I stared at her bewildered. I slid a couple of seats to the left further away from the weird bi-polar girl the better.”
FULL NAME: Sierra Nada
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
CONNECTION TO CANON: The story is a Sue-What-Plot for the Marauder Era that the Suethor decided to only make four chapters long. The story is filled with yelling in all caps, and random moments.
ORIGIN: The Sue is new to school during Lily's third year. I'm looking for why, but either missed the reason, or said reason isn't there. In chapter two, the writer says, “just so you know there's no Voldemort or complicated plot. Just a simple story. I was planning on making more stories around this character but I realized how much I don't really like her.”
SPECIAL ABILITIES: She feels like a knock off of Hermione Granger, or an attempt to do so. She's also got a rather nasty attitude.

NOTES: Have we ever had a Suethor whose hated their OC before?


I thanked the man who helped me get my trunk onto the train. Then dragged it through the corridor thanking the spirits I hadn't changed into my school uniform yet. I'd probably die from the heat compared to shorts and an oversized t-shirt declaring my love for reading. I began walking down the corridor looking for an empty compartment when I heard shouting.

Looking back the way I'd just come I saw four guys facing my direction who had their wands pointed at another person on the ground, whose trunk and bag had been thrown aside. 'Cowards' I thought when I saw them all simultaneous send spells toward the poor boy.

"Protego," I said flicking my wand creating a shield that the spells bounced off back at their casters. Sadly the 3 of the 4 ducked just in time. The bullied boy on the ground looked around surprised. I walked forward glaring at the four.

"Pathetic," I spat angrily, "you can't even face someone in a fair fight."

The one at the front who looked to be the leader stepped forward.

I looked at him, his crow's nest of hair defied gravity. He and his posse looked like your typical bullies, well, typical, except for the fact they had magic. My eyes fell on one boy who hadn't managed to avoid his own spell and held back a laugh, all his hair had fallen off making him look… well ...odd.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" He said pissed off.

"Lady Macbeth, at your service," I said smirking. Then before he could say another word he was stuck to the ceiling with blond hair and a round red nose topped off with green skin. Across his forehead was the word COWARD 'Let them try to get that off' I thought smugly. I turned to the other three but they seemed frozen to the spot. I decided to ignore them, well other than turning them blue.

I turned to the boy on the ground and held out a hand to help him up, a smile on my face. He stared at my clothes then glared at me,

"I don't need your help, mudblood."

Ooookaay. I don't know what that means but something tells me it wasn't very flattering. My eyes narrowed and my smile fell. What the hell? I just helped him out and this is what I get to show for it?

"I. Was looking for a 'thanks'," I said then gave him the same treatment as the other boy but across his forehead was the word JERK and walked off. Leaving a bunch of confused idiots behind.

je - student (transfer), p - sue what plot? swp, rating - bad, pf - marauder addition (fifth marauder)

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