3678: Side by Side - Rhea Jackson

Sep 04, 2016 21:12

- The link of the day is Fanfic riter rant.
- Flashback Sue The story is called “Percy's Twin”.
- Don't forget about the Sorting Hat.
- The Fourteenth Annual Pottersues Contest is also going on right now.

TITLE: Side By Side
SUMMARY:”Rhea Jackson's life is finally turning out to be normal- As normal as being a Demi-God, long lost sister of Percy Jackson and ex-witch can be. But the fates seem to throw her another curve ball when Chiron assigns a quest to return to Hogwarts. With Percy and the crew,can she be able to face the memories that come along with the magical castle,or will she crumble under the pressure”
FULL NAME: Rhea Jackson
SPECIES: She's your typical Mary Sue for a Harry Potter/Percy Jackson crossover.
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
CONNECTION TO CANON: The story starts off with Rhea sparing, and the others discussing whether she wants to help, and of course Dumbledore asks for their help to protect Harry. (Not that Dumbledore actually needs their help, something writers tend to forget.) Next chapter Rhea shows Percy and Annabeth around the train. Chapter four, (or chapter three as the writer puts it) involves everybody at Hogwarts getting excited that she's there. Draco is also up to something. According to chapter five, Draco saved her from something, but it doesn't say what. We get the line of “if I had never tried to find out who I was exactly, where would I be now? I would have never had met my twin brother, never had met my mother, or find out who my father was.” Chapter six sees her becoming a complete bitch towards Harry when he says they're her family, or at least were before she took off. “F'OR 13 YEARS OF MY LIFE AL I HAD TO LIVE WITH WAS A SURNAMNE THAT MEANT ABSOULOTLY NOTHING TO ME' I clenched my fists in anger, “ YOU HAD EVERYONE LUPIN, MR. AND MRS. WEASEALY, DUMBLEDORE, SIRUS...” To which she learns he's dead. (Suethor, stop with the pity party. Said Sue had those people as well, and her surname isn't an issue. Of course, X isn't much of a name, but it's not a name anyone would give a child.) She's then a complete brat to Hermione in chapter 8 and uses it as an excuse to run away. Scratch that. The Sue's a brat period, and very self-centered at that.
ORIGIN: The writer likes these fandoms.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: She was stuck in an orphanage despite the fact Percy's sister shouldn't have been in an orphanage, but have grown up with him instead.

NOTES: Once a witch, always a witch. Just because you leave the wizarding world doesn't make you an ex-witch. The writer also didn't lose their password, but instead decided to move accounts “due to some conflict concerning this account”. On the positive side, they did go back to the beginning.


My twin blades flashed as they hacked into the dummy in front of me. I slashed and jabbed until my arms began to ache. I took a step back and gazed at the destroyed dummy before me. I smiled, content with my double sword skills, how they developed in three years. I was sheathing my swords on my back as I heard someone call out for me.

"Rhea, Rhea" yelled my twin brother, Percy "Chiron's calling a meeting and he wants us their". He leaned over on his knees and breathed heavily. I looked at him and chuckled quietly.

"For the savoir of Olympus, you get winded easily" He glared at me and stood straight.

"Ha-ha very funny, If I recall you were the one waving a wand three years ago" I shoved him playfully on the shoulder and he smirked. "We better get going, the meeting starts soon" I nodded and followed him to the big house. When we entered the room I looked around and saw my cousin, Nico di Angelo and my two best friends Annabeth Chase and Lou Ellen surrounding the ping pong table. Percy went to sit beside Annabeth and I scoffed, those two were inseparable, though I guess that happens when you face Kronus, Titan lord of time together and survive. Nico and Lou were in a serious conversation by the looks of it, and being the polite person I was I didn't disturb them and listened in.

"...she's not ready Nico, she just through something traumatic, we can't do this to her" Lou states sternly "she's not ready for this".

a - ability from another fandom, rating - toxic, ap - athletic pursuit, a - unknown ability, ct - god/goddess (part), e - american, p - crossover, pf - raised among muggles, p - sue what plot? swp, pt - orphan, pp - orphanage, related (character from another canon), pc - bloodwrath hufflepuff, pc - jerk/anti sue

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