3643: Aenegael - Aenegael "Andi" Haggerty

Jul 01, 2016 22:36

- The link of the day is Daryl Romances Rant.
- Flashback Sue

TITLE: Aenegael
SUMMARY:”Andi Haggerty is starting her first year at Hogwarts. Or rather, her sixth. After a mix-up with her Hogwarts letter, Andi finally starts school at Hogwarts at 16. Befriended by the Weasley twins and pulled into the world of Quidditch, Andi thinks she has finally made some friends. But when tryouts come, can she prove to Wood that she's good enough for Gryffindor? Oliver X OC”
FULL NAME: Aenegael “Andi” Haggerty
SPECIES: I-didn't-get-my-letter-Sue
POSSESSIONS: She has a wand which is cherry with unicorn hair, and is ten inches. She's also got a sister named Laurel.
CONNECTION TO CANON: She makes friends with Fred and George
ORIGIN: Another one of these Sues, as I'm not sure why writers think this plot works. "I haven't been sorted yet. As I was about to tell you earlier, this will be my first year at Hogwarts. My parents are both muggleborns, and didn't know if my sister and I would be magic. There was some sort of post strike that mum said had something to do with owls, but I never got my letter for first year. After that, my parents assumed that I wasn't going to be admitted to Hogwarts and just raised me as a muggle, [...] Well my parents told my sister and I about the wizarding world when I turned eleven, but it wasn't a big deal. I've been to Diagon Alley a couple times since then, seen my parents do magic and all that. But they didn't think to talk to Dumbledore about me until I started doing magic by accident, without a wand- this year. So this is the first time I've had a wand, and I haven't used it yet,"
SPECIAL ABILITIES: She's late to school 'cause she did

NOTES: Hogwarts does not have mix-ups regarding the letters.


"Here you are. Ten inches, rigid. Cherry with unicorn hair," he said, passing another wand to Andi. This one she managed to keep in her hand. It was smooth, and pretty. With Ollivander's encouragement, she waved the wand a little, and sparks flew out the end, accompanied by some black smoke. Andi coughed and handed the wand back to Ollivander.

She tried a few more wands. The elderly wandmaker had discovered that the unicorn hair was right for her, and than ten and a quarter inches was correct… but he struggled with the wood. Four more times, Andi was handed a wand and it rejected her. She became slightly disheartened and wished that she didn't have to bother with magic at all. She had been raised a muggle, and was quite happy as one.

Sure, the sudden outbursts of magic were alarming to her peers, and the fact that she had accidentally flooded the bathroom when her cat died, weren't the best times she'd had… but it was better than having to change schools and leave her friends and beloved sister behind. Andi was brought out of her reverie as Ollivander handed her another wand. He seemed sure about it, and as Andi took it from him, she knew it was the right one.

"Cedar and unicorn hair, ten and a quarter inches, slightly springy. It's the right one, yes young madam?" he asked. Andi nodded. The wand had lit something in her. A sort of curiosity bloomed, not unlike excitement. The wand felt friendly and warm, and she was sure that it had been made especially for her. She smiled at Mr. Ollivander.

"Thank you," she said. The old man's eyes twinkled and he smiled back at her from the other side of the counter.

"Don't mention it. It's my particular passion. It's not often that I try people for cedar. My father spoke highly of those chosen by cedar wands. You must be a very special girl," he replied. Andi looked gratefully at him and turned to her little sister as their mother paid for the wand.

"Can I see it Aenegael?" Laurel asked. Andi nodded and reached it out for her to see. After her experiences with the "wrong" wands, she didn't want to let her sister hold it for fear of allowing her to hurt herself.

"It's warm," whispered Laurel as she touched it. Aenegael nodded her agreement.

As she looked at the wand more carefully, she saw that it was a beautiful golden hue. The colour became deeper as it came towards the grip and at the end that she clasped her hand around, Aenegael could see that it was almost black. There were smooth rings around the grip, and it helped the wand to fit around her fingers. She was amazed at how perfect it seemed.

After they left Ollivander's, Andi's mother told her to buy her schoolbooks. She was sent to Flourish & Blott's equipped with a leather bag full of strange "wizard money." She had seen some of it in her parents' pockets when she was a child, but they had told her that it was from a casino they'd been to with friends. Coins for slot machines, they'd said.

rating - awful, je - student (new to school)

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