3642: Albus Potter and the Deadly Exchange - Samantha Witherspoon

Jun 30, 2016 23:24

No link of the day or Flashback Sue today.

TITLE: Albus Potter and the Deadly Exchange
PERPETRATOR: Sealinkchan
COVER/BANNER ART: I think it's something related to Zelda, their avatar.
SUMMARY:”It's 19 years later and new generation is attending Hogwarts, including a few exchange students. This story follows Albus, Scorpius, and Samantha as they face the challenges of wizarding school, adolescence, and each other.”
FULL NAME: Samantha Witherspoon
SPECIES: American Sue
HAIR: n/a … I'm not digging back through this.
EYES: … see above...
POSSESSIONS: For some reason the Potters have a Jaguar. Harry's also got a mobile phone. The story starts off with pretty much a shopping trip. That's around a forth of the story. The story then switches to Scorpius. That's another quarter of the plot, and nothing really happens. Chapter three switches back to Albus, and we get more plot-what-plot going on. The OC doesn't even show up until two-thirds of the way through. She's got a guardian wandering around the school with her.
CONNECTION TO CANON: So, twenty-thousand words and the sorting hat does something funny, supposidly because the Sue is here, and something bad's happened because Scorpius is both a Malfoy and Greengrass, and there is some kind of plan.
ORIGIN: What year are they in? First, so how can she be an exchange student.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: The writer wants us to think something amazing is happening. She's practiced in occlumency, despite it only being her first year.

NOTES: The first and only chapter so far is over twenty-thousand words. There other story is almost as bad, averaging over seven-thousand per chapter. (In reality though, we've got multiple chapters because the writer couldn't post their chapters correctly, but they're still quite large.


"Al, wake up! We're almost there." Lily was excited, as if her voice wasn't high-pitched enough already. Kneeling on her brother for a better view didn't help either.

Albus, on the other hand, was not so much excited as tired, "London, yes ... it's not like we live here." The sarcasm earned Al a light jab in the arm as his sister fell back to the middle. After all, Al thought, going to Diagon Alley wasn't that special. The only thing different this time was that Dad wasn't too busy to go with them.

Their older brother James reached over from the far seat and grabbed Al's arm, "Nah, Lily, you gotta put your weight behind it." James cocked back his fist, prepared to give a full demonstration.

"James, settle!" Their parents' interruption was swift and in time. Mum twisted about and pointed at her eldest, "What did I say about hitting anyone?"

James turned away from the warning, "I know, Mum ..."

His mother hooked a finger under his chin and brought his face back to her. She'd gone from annoyed to threatening, "What did I say?"

"Ginny," their father snapped anxiously.

It was as if she had been the one scolded instead of James, "Harry, hitting isn't allowed at school, and it certainly isn't allowed with family."

Mr Potter managed a hurried explanation, "Ginny, the wall, the switch."

She flinched at the realisation, took her hand off the dashboard where she had supported herself, and pressed the knob she'd just uncovered, "Sorry, I just ..."

In his much more familiar and friendly tone Harry announced, "It's all right. Setting down, everyone buckled and braced!"

Al reached over and pulled Lily's belt across her waist. He kept his voice low, "Mum's gonna pop she sees you out your belt again." She sighed and fastened in. Even she couldn't avoid the reality of the car's jarring landings. Normally, Dad would have taken the road, but they had run late (more accurately, Lily had dawdled). Instead, he flew the car, something that would be fascinating to any normal family. However, in the Potter house, with each of them using magic to some degree, and their father having special privileges as law enforcement, this was only a little less than usual. Of course "muggle" families, those without magic, had no access to flying cars or charmed items of any sort. Plus, even within the secretive magical community, flying enchantments on muggle items (vehicles especially) were strictly regulated. It was all well and good to have a flying broom or carpet (anyone could have those), but flying automobiles were a whole other thing.

The parking garage was easy to notice (for those in the know). It was the only one Albus had ever seen with stone gargoyles. They were flying several stories up. An avoidance spell (just like the charms on most brooms and carpets) kept the muggles from noticing any more than a glint in the sky. When Mrs Potter triggered the "lighter", the bricks of the garage's uppermost wall folded back and into themselves as a shimmer of light spread out like a curtain in the open space above. Al grasped the door handle beside him and stretched his other arm to hold Lily in place. The vehicle suddenly banked left, everyone inside tilted right. The car rocked and shook as it touched down. Mr Potter eased back on the brake handle (actually the altitude control).

pw - woobie/cry for me, rating - awful, je - student (new to school), e - american, ac - legilmency and/or oculumency

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