3641: The Marauding Ravenclaw - Elanye Powers

Jun 29, 2016 22:14

- The link of the day is The Hate For Reader-Inserts. Actually, as discovered on Pottersues, the ninety-percent refereed to In Surgeon's Law is an estimate, and not exact. Does anyone else think that ten percent is a bit high for reader-inserts?
- Flashback Sue

TITLE: The Marauding Ravenclaw
COVER/BANNER ART: Their avatar is Gandalf in the style of Angry Birds.
SUMMARY:”Marauders Era. Elayne Powers. Although not many know it, she is definitely not your typical Ravenclaw girl. Smart, witty, brave, strong and not least, beautiful. The times are getting darker and she will not allow herself or her friends to be pushed around and she will definitely not get completely entranced by anyone. Not even one Sirius Black”
FULL NAME: Elayne Powers
SPECIES: She's a marauder Sue.
HAIR: See markings...
EYES: See markings...
MARKINGS: We get this long paragraph in the first chapter. “Elayne Powers. Definitely one of the hottest girls in school if not the one with her long wavy dark brown hair and hazel eyes and her cute plump little nose and... Sirius shook his head. He had already tried that lane before and got turned down. Hard. Powers had been nothing but pureblood proper, prim and cold towards him. Whenever she talked to him, it felt like she talked to the scion of House Black and not Sirius Black the person. Worst of all, it felt like she did it on purpose just to spite him. It wasn't like he hadn't noticed how she acted around Nightingale, or even with James occasionally. She didn't speak to them as if they were only representatives of their families, or anyone else for that matter either. Only Sirius. And if there was one thing that Sirius hated to be assumed as, it was being a member and, even worse, a representative of his family. He could handle most of the crap sent his way, even if it was insults targeting him and his family, especially those even because he would usually agree with them, the exception being his own involvement in it all. But Powers didn't send him any crap, she simply acted as if he really was representative of House Black, their bad and the not so bad parts. He grimaced as he even considered calling any part of his family good, except for himself and his uncle Alphard of course, but those were not the parts that Powers would be implying.”
POSSESSIONS: The marauder map...
CONNECTION TO CANON: She's not really a marauder. Instead she's some random girl wno comes across the map and find themselves able to use said map. It's about Elayne and her friends using the map and finding out the Marauders secrets in regards to being Animangus. Even Aberforth gets involved.
ORIGIN: “Hello! This first chapter at least came from practically nothing. I just got an idea and wrote it, about w hours. I have no idea how often this will be updated. I guess it kind of depends on how well it is received by you guys. I do not plan on this taking time from my other two fanfics, but we'll see how it all turns out. Hopefully, you'll enjoy!” That describes the story well. It really does come from nowhere.

NOTES: Do you know what two thinks all of the Marauders have in common? They're boys, and in Gryffindor. What does the Sue not have in common with them?


"Aaaaattention!" Elayne barked to the snogging couple in the broom cupboard. The girl, Florence Nightingale, quickly pushed away from the boy, faster than he could ever have done, and stood up straight while bringing her right hand to her forehead in a silent salute.

"Well done, Lieutenant Nightingale!" Elayne commended seriously while giving the confused and slightly dazed boy, Edward Cannon, a one over. Edward Cannon, unfortunate son of the owner and creator of the Chudley Cannons but fortunately good-looking, had been Florence secret crush for years and it looks like her she finally got what she wanted.

"Thank you, Captain Powers!" Florence responded obediently, a smile hinting at the corners of her mouth.

"At ease." Elayne said and Florence gave a wicked grin before pushing Edward back into the cupboard with her.

Elayne gave a quick cough to hide her snort of laughter before proceeding with her prefect rounds.

"What the hell was that?" James Potter called hurriedly after her. Aah, Potter, a true piece of eye candy if she ever saw one. She had more than once entertained the thought of pushing him into a broom cupboard herself but had decided against it. Too much trouble.

"What do you do whenever you catch Black?" She asked pointedly. No answer. She could almost feel James gaze penetrating the side of her face. Way to fulfil your prefect duties! She ignored it and looked straight ahead, checking the occasional cupboard for any indecency.

"You know, you are quite an interesting girl." James finally said.

"What an interesting way to phrase a compliment." She mused. "If that is how you are with Evans, no wonder she rejects you." Another weird look sent her way.

"Right." He said. Elayne glanced at her watch, their rounds were finally over.

"See you tomorrow!" She called and darted away towards the Ravenclaw tower before he could answer.

rating - awful, ph - ravenclaw house, p - sue what plot? swp, o - canon character's object, pf - marauder addition (fifth marauder)

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